My Thoughts On The Houndmaster
Overall, she is a pretty fun character, I like her whole gimmick, but she is very difficult to play well (which is fine) while being quite weak (which is not fine).
So first things first, the power:
• The Chase mechanic could get a slightly bigger hitbox and an ability to adjust the dog' position while Redirecting Chase. Right now, all you need to avoid it is a solid bush.
• The Search is buggy, with the marker having all sorts of issues. Plus, the range of the Houndsense is really small unless you send Snug across the entire map.
• Houndsense itself is underwhelming. It denies Dead Hard and that's pretty much it. I'd like it to also make the survivor more likely to get caught by the dog if affected by Houndsense (the dog homes in on Houndsensed survivors)
• Also, Snug's animations are overall buggy and silly.
Next, her add-ons:
• Torn Novel is not really useful. You usually know where the survivor is even without it. I'd live to see it reworked to give you an option to Redirect Chase twice.
• Ship Figurehead is good for terror radius builds, but the second effect (smaller terror radius while Snug is away) is worthless and outshined by the Iri Wheel Handle.
• I don't see the purpose of several add-ons which adjust the Chase (Waterskin, Barley Meal, Creature's Bone, Training Bell)
• Spiked Collar should have a longer duration (60-70 seconds).
• Smoked Snapper has such a tiny effect it might as well not exist. A small buff would be nice.
• Knotted Rope is too much. The end.
Now, onto her perks:
• Scourge Hook: Jagged Compass is a perfect perk, do not touch it.
• All-Shaking Thunder should get a longer duration, but could only work for the first lunge.
• No Quarter is fine, but nothing really game-changing.