Killers: stop hijacking matches with slugs

Now you guys are doing it in 2v8 as well, and you wonder why your queue times are so long. No one wants to play with you just so we can sit around until you get a mori.
For anyone not having fun: Stop playing 2v8 like I did. I played two games and then quit DBD until the event ends. It is what it isβ¦
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This is what I did, I am doing it as Survivor only for the tome and then ditching that cruddy game mode until it's over by just not playing. I badly needed a break from the game anyway.
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Well you over buff survivor in the game mode, this is the result. When gens can be done in 2 seconds with the right class selection by survivors. Blame BHVR.
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Question: Why do you think Killers slug? Hint - it's not because they're all jerks who want to ruin your fun time, it's because slugging is a form of pressure. Learn the difference between bleeding you out for four minutes on purpose, and leaving you down for max like one minute for pressure.
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First it was hostage taking now it's hijacking.
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Yay someone gets it. It's a means of taking back control and taking a survivor out of the equation for a bit so they can't progress gens. It's part of the game and a useful tool.
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Slugging has nothing to do with Queue times first of all. Second of all, gens are moving WAY to fast. Survivors were overbuffed in that regard, so no, killers will likely not stop slugging because they are punished severely for caging.
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So BHVR made it so gens are done faster the more hooks a killer gets in 2v8. So spreading hooks is not viable as you'll just lose gens. So your only options are to hyper tunnel survivors out of the game to limit how much free progress survivors get or to slug to avoid it completely.
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Nobody's hijacking matches via slugging for no reason. They're just doing it to win, as it's more effective than hooking.
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And yet Survivors lose 2v8 more when there is hook spreading.
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survivors in 2v8 have basekit infinite Unbreakable, how on earth are yβall getting slugged so much
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Itβs simply the path of least resistance. Itβs in every event and in the regular 1v4 as well. The pattern is like: Why should I leave the hook if people are going to come back? Iβll just camp it. Why chase multiple survivors? Iβll just tunnel one out at a time. Why hook? Iβll just slug everyone. Whatever is the easiest is what will be done. Itβs up to the devs to make the easiest decision not be the most optimal decision.
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Please, can some people be realistic? Massive slugging happens in 1v4 already, it was just logical that it will happen in 2v8, because it is a) easy to do and b) very effective.
You should be able to win most games as Killer in 2v8 without much slugging. If I can do that, actual Killer Mains will be able to do that as well.
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Only after being caged twice.
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Itβs up to the devs to make the easiest decision not be the most optimal decision.
I think we can see it with tunneling.
It was not as terrible in the past because there was more you could do against it. The maps didn't have as much deadzones as they do today and after patch 2.6.0 there was Decisive Strike, which was a direct counter to tunneling. As long as you were unhooked by someone who had BT, you had a chance.
However, with the way things currently are, there is far less you can do if the killer decides they want you out of the game as soon as possible.
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Absolutely. I am very much against these kind of tactics being used the way they are as I think they can be necessary, but the effort you put in vs. the value you get and the minimal risk just doesn't balance out. If these were perks they would be gutted quickly because they're like old MFT, way too much for way too little. Still though, even though I don't agree I understand why people use use them. And while there is personal accountability to be had when using those tactics, it's ultimately on the devs for making these tactics as powerful as they are. Killers shouldn't have to resort to these kind of things to play optimally, they need to be rewarded for hooks and deserve adequate compensation for putting in that extra time/effort for multiple chases and hooks.
I have seen your posts many times and I know your feelings about that patch, and I am very much in agreement with you.
It's nice to meet you, by the way. <3 You're always such a kind person on these forums even when you disagree with others and for that I just want to thank you. Everytime I see Freddy I think of you and your passion for him is infectious and has me rooting so deeply for his upcoming changes. I truly hope they do right by him.
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Cant survivors recover from a slug? I've seen two do it so far
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Only if you have your class skill charged up and those are 90-120 seconds per being better used for what it does instead of unbreakable.
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I agree completely. And I'd go as far as to say that if patch 6.1.0 had never happened tunneling would have never spiraled out of control. It wasn't good to nerf both the incentive to spread hooks (BBQ) and the punishment for not doing so (DS).
Also, thank you for your words, my friend, you're very kind! I appreciate it, truly <3
As for Freddy, he is indeed a very special character to me. The first killer I played, all the way back in 2018, and my eternal main. As heartbreaking as it was to receive the news that we are not getting his old power back, I still have some hope they'll come up with something good in January. I'll try my best to offer as much feedback as I possibly can.
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All I heard was "stop beating me!"
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I have been saying for years that they need to do something about the 'slugging for the 4k' thing, or in this case I guess it is slugging for the 8k.
Too often in normal matches I have been left slugged for 4 minutes at the end of a match because a killer slugs for the 4k and my random team mate will rat it out rather than pick me up (in fairness I am being used as bait some of the time).
I have been asking for a concede option where you can give the win to the killer and go onto the next match. Being forced to endure 4 minutes of not being able to do anything on a regular basis is not a great experience
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From what I gathered from his post, he often experiences slugging in the main game (who doesn't?). Now, he has to deal with it in the limited 2v8 mode that's meant to be enjoyable. Can you blame him for feeling frustrated? Who enjoys being slugged, especially when it often occurs unnecessarily? I can tell you that I've played games where my teammates and I were getting slugged, but we still escaped. However, it still wasn't an enjoyable experience even though we won.
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Escapist players eating good
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Is that really such a big surprise? It was obvious that this would happen. Slugging doesn't have the inherent risk of a flashlight / pallet save and it saves time. Even if it's just a few seconds, it's still more efficient.
Not to mention that killers are punished for hooking too fast because survivors get extra gen speed. I feel like it was never a question if this would happen but only to what degree.
The devs really didn't think this through. It's a shame really. This will be a learning opportunity though, so maybe 2v8 3.0 will be better in that regard.
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Exactly. It's not any different than flashlight saves, setting up pallet saves, or genrushing - it's all just part of the game. You can't really be angry at something that is a tactical tool and part of the game. You CAN be mad when they slug you all at five gens and then hump you on the floor, that's BM, but not when they leave you on the floor for a minimal amount of time. I'm getting pretty sick of entitled players refusing to understand that tactical tools aren't BM, on both sides.
If you (universal you, not YOU seph64) hate this so much, run an antislug perk. There's options. Stop whining and please use them.
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Iβve seen multiple survivors get up by themselves with 0 hook stages and done it myself.
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Its only if they have the class skill charged and it uses said charge.
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true, but it has nothing to do with being caged twice, which is what I was responding to
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I don't get it. I was purposesly slugged one game and I have been playing this every day. It was endgame and was a team. There were 3 players left and we kept getting up but we stayed away from each other. Every player that gets slugged in my games pop back up. It isn't long either.
I also feel that BHVR should take note on how many get to from being slugged because that tells you who uses slugging as a primary way to play.
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Enjoy your 30 minute queues then π
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Yep, maps and loops have been nerfed but survivors are told "git good" like πππ
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That's how it feels to play M1 killers, exhausting and unenjoyable even if you win.
Also, whether it's on a hook or on the ground, you're sitting out either way. Are you not?
What's truly confusing is that you get angry about having freedom of movement and more than 3 chances to play if you're "slugged."
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Pallets are greater in number and rebuildable in this mode, and loops are more chainable than ever because there's more in this mode.
Your argument here does not compute.
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If this is your experience with M1s, maybe it's not M1s that suck, but the fact you just⦠don't enjoy M1s? I feel this way, unironically, about M2s - I hate that now I have TWO miss cooldowns, and I have people who just Hold W more instead of actually try to engage me around loops. How do you M2 Mains LIVE like this?
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I don't know where all these complaints about slugging in 2v8 are coming from because I haven't seen it at all. If someone does get slugged, they usually get picked up pretty quickly and healed and then that's just wasted time for the killers who made no progress towards their objective. I've been having a blast playing survivor in 2v8 mode. Most of my matches have been very easy survivor wins - definitely way easier than normal 1v4 mode.
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Sorry, I was referring to normal matches in 1v4 :)
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I watched two killers hump bleed out a bot. some people just play the game differently than others.
Not that I understand these people, but you have to live with it as long as BHVR allows it.
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OH ok, my bad. Misread. :)
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I think people should get used to being slugged because I think it's going to sky rocket when the new perk to share hook states is released
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I highly doubt that perk will get enough usage to affect killer strategy. Slugging to avoid DS back in the day was common because DS was common so people just assumed there was at least one in every lobby. On lobby without an obsession (and therefore without DS) it was common to see killershave a completely different playstyle. I dont think THIS perk is going to be used enough to be something killers actively try to avoid.
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I hope so, as a killer I don't want to see this perk get used in mass but also as survivor I don't want to give killers another reason to slug. But I think many will want to try it at first at least so I think killers will be slugging until the novelty of using the perk wears off