Stop Putting Me in Non-Full Matches

Twice in the past week (both as survivor - I play both survivor and killer, but have more experience in survivor) I have been put into a match as the only survivor. Not as if players disconnected after the match started, or were constantly in and out of the lobby beforehand. It is pretty near impossible for a single survivor to complete two generators against a killer, given how many generators there are (and the fact that if a generator has been worked on, there's little point in patrolling others without scouring the area). At this point I just give myself to the killer in hopes they allow me to farm enough points for us to not depip.

Even allowing three people into a match instead of four offers extreme challenge without a group of SWF. Never have I "won" one of these matches in my 120+ hours of playing, nor have I ever seen anyone "win" these while I play killer (I have mercy on these games, and generally allow the last survivor to escape). Simply having less generators to do is not nearly enough considering how long it takes sitting at one to power it up.

A better solution would be to keep the number of generators the same, but reduce the time required to power the generator - such as reducing the power multiplicatively by 15%. This would require a generator to be worked on for 68 seconds by a single survivor in a 1v3 (down from 80), 57.8 seconds in a 1v2, and 49.13 seconds in a 1v1. Even this is hardly generous for a 1v2 or 1v1, but it's still much better than hoping they allow you to farm past a depip.

The best solution, however, would be to remove everyone from the match should a match not have four people ready and in good standing (connection) at the start of the game.


  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    I think everyone should be sent back to the lobby if someone DC's or Crashes during the loading screen. It's been happening so frequently.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    @Bongbingbing said:
    I think everyone should be sent back to the lobby if someone DC's or Crashes during the loading screen. It's been happening so frequently.

    On paper, I would agree with you. But this would also make it possible for anyone to waste your time by disconnecting while loading and boot you back to the main menu. Once people catch on you can do that, it would spread like wildfire.

  • Bravescorpio
    Bravescorpio Member Posts: 152

    I agree that I hate matches that start without a full amount of players.

    There was a really good post that went around awhile ago that had statistics on just how devastating it is to lose even a single person during a match. (Think they were ranting about potatoes, but I could be wrong , though the result is the exact same).

    Your odds of winning drops a huge amount by losing a single survivor. It talked about the misconception that people had that losing a survivor would mean efficiency to do the gens was reduced by 25% per survivor, but really its much much higher than that.

    Every survivor lost means there is one less person running to the hook to save, one less body block to prevent a hook (which makes all the difference most of the time) one less flashlight save, one less person to potentially be at the right place at the right time to drop a saving pallet, and the list goes on.

    Starting with 3 people makes it almost impossible from the start because the built-in "solution", which is to reduce the number of gens, isn't a workable solution, because that 1 gen doesn't matter when, once the killer catches someone, there are only 2 people to pick up the slack, and really as we all know, once it gets down to the final 2 people, you had better be on that final gen to have any odds of success.

    The problem is, what is the solution? Drop back to lobby? I personally think the show goes on but no offers or addons are lost for that match. This of course can only apply to matches that lose people BEFORE the match starts, to avoid people loading into a map they hate and quitting to keep items.

    But with dedicated servers coming I can't imagine that this will get looked at as they probably think that'll fix the disconnects anyway.