Perk presentation of my survivor "Ilse LeLangue"

Azymov Member Posts: 3

Hey hello,

A while ago, I shared an idea for creating a custom chapter, but I’ve been working on it since then, and here’s the new version. Just a quick note: I’m a killer main, so I might not be 100% in tune with the survivor gameplay, and some perks might be unbalanced Anyway, here’s a quick overview of the character’s design and their three perks. I’d love to hear your feedback. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Of course, I’m open to criticism and suggestions.

**Ilse LeLangue**



**1. Memorization**

You can mark up to 3 special objects on the map, such as generators, chests, or specific items needed to counter the Killer (e.g., Jigsaw Boxes, Plague’s Fountains, Totems, etc.). To mark an object, hold the secondary action button while near it. Actions performed on marked objects are silent and faster. Marked objects are visible to you through obstacles across an unlimited range, and their auras appear white.

**Tier 1:** +10% interaction speed, 1 object max.

**Tier 2:** +15% interaction speed, 2 objects max.

**Tier 3:** +20% interaction speed, 3 objects max.


- Exit gates and the hatch cannot be marked.

- Objects blocked by the Entity cannot be marked.

- Silent interactions.

- Faster interaction speed.


**2. External Aid**

Your allies have fallen. You feel the determination of your teammates surge through you, making you the last hope. A newfound strength allows you to run faster and vault windows and pallets with unmatched agility. Every obstacle becomes an opportunity, every step a push toward freedom. However, your wounds refuse to heal, leaving you in a vulnerable state. This power comes at a cost, as the Killer can sense your presence more than ever.

**Tier 1:** +10% movement speed (4.40 m/s), +15% vaulting speed, Killer sees your aura every 10 seconds for 3 seconds.

**Tier 2:** +15% movement speed (4.60 m/s), +20% vaulting speed, Killer sees your aura every 11 seconds for 3 seconds.

**Tier 3:** +20% movement speed (4.80 m/s), +25% vaulting speed, Killer sees your aura every 12 seconds for 3 seconds.


- Louder action noises make you easier to locate.

- Broken status effect: You cannot be healed, leaving you vulnerable.

- The Killer sees your aura at regular intervals, giving them key information about your location.


**3. Inner Malice**

Your connection to your dark reflection allows you to manipulate fear itself to deceive the Killer. While within 15 meters of the Killer, you can activate Inner Malice by standing still for 3 seconds. Once activated, an illusion of yourself appears at your initial location and runs in a random direction. The Killer sees the illusion as a real survivor, including scratch marks and footsteps. If the Killer attacks the illusion, they are stunned for 1 second.

**Tier 1:** Illusion runs for 5 seconds (cooldown 140 seconds).

**Tier 2:** Illusion runs for 7 seconds (cooldown 130 seconds).

**Tier 3:** Illusion runs for 9 seconds (cooldown 110 seconds).


- Inner Malice can only be activated while in the Killer’s terror radius.

- The illusion does not trigger Killer traps or abilities.

- If the Killer attacks the illusion, they are stunned for 1 second.

- Cannot be activated while injured or hooked.