Here why Invocation: Treacherous Crows so weak.

It's the worst perk for survivors and completely fails at its purpose.

I will ignore the 60 second start time for Invocation because Invocation speed can be increased, so it is not considered a bad thing.

-1 The benefit is minimal, I've never seen the developers be so careful with any aura perk except with this perk, for some reason having a 2 second aura reveal the killer to all survivors was too powerful at least that's what they thought , 2 seconds revealing the killer aura is not very useful, you only know the killer's location and that's it.

2 seconds revealing the killer's aura to all survivors is no excuse for throwing this perk into the oblivion pit, there are literally 2 perks that reveal the killer's aura to all survivors and they weren't even that strong.

Unfun fact: This perk doesn't even have an audio cue when the killer aura is reveals , so you're likely miss it.

-2 Broken and injured for the rest of the match , this was a very bad choice, when you are injured it means you leave behind blood stains and also your character makes sounds of pain, and we're not done yet, if the killer uses any perks that work on injured survivors you will be slapped.

3- This perk can be easily countered.

You think that after finishing a long Invocation you will get a powerful effect? ​​No unfortunately it can be countered if you are affected by blindness effect you will not see the killer aura, if the killer is affected by undetectable you will not see the killer aura either, I mean what is the purpose of all this perk then?

4- Better alternatives, literally use any perk that reveals the killer aura, none of these perks have any downsides or arbitrary penalties.

Unfun fact: This perk is the real hard mode, not No mother.

If I forgot any other negative aspects, please write it here.