Can we please talk about nurse’s heavy panting addon?

I get there’s been some posts talking about nurse and in everyone’s heart we know they won’t severely nerf her but can we talk about her green heavy panting addon? The fact she gets 30% extra LUNGE after her second blink is just stupid. Every nurse runs it and it gets hits that should just flat out not hit. I don’t think they should rework it or anything, maybe just nerf the numbers to 15% or even 10 because nurse is so oppressive in chase and this addon is the last kick in the face after just outrunning her swing but the hit connects because of this addon. I’d like to hear what everyone else thinks about this addon in particular.
most nurses run add-on because it is only add-on for base-kit nurse that has any meaningful improvement. all of nurses other add-on are terribly bad and offer almost no value. the iri add-on have potent effects but they radically change the play-style of default nurse and for many players, they're change it for the worse.
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All her addons suck. It's because every decent addon gets crucified by an unrelenting mob whose true goal is to make Nurse not playable. Another reason why I don't run addons on any killer. Anything decent is immediatly deleted because, I lost must because of this addon or this perk or this killer.
I swear you all put forward any excuse as to why you lose besides yourselves.
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Given that reducing her lunge range is what I have long considered to be a good way of balancing her, the creation of this add-on felt like an insult. Her lunge already acts like a sort of "third blink" and enables a player to make up for a fair bit of imprecision in their blinks or nullify survivor dodges, it should be decreased and not increased.
Nurse has a few really decent add-ons, such as Mangled, Undetectable, Nurse's Calling and insta-blink, and then there's back-blink and 3-blink that are pretty busted. The lunge add-on could just become Hemorrhage. I also think blink recharge add-ons could come back, albeit only in a reality where Nurse only starts recharging blink tokens after fatigue has ended and can be pallet-stunned more reliably (then also only recharging after the stun animation ends). They could give her basekit Blindness while charging and holding blinks and during them, but have an add-on that gets rid of this Blindness. Reduced lunge range but the add-on increases it again, if not quite back to normal. Lots of possible basekit nerfs they could moderate with add-ons.
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I use the lunge range + mangled addons because I have many of them and they're the strongest, but I would have zero issue with both of them being nerfed. Even when playing as her, I'm surprised by how generous the hits become when using that lunge range addon, it feels cheap, like a crutch. It's nowhere near as insane as the bonus range addons that also made her blink faster due to a bug, that was insane, but still.
Nurses chase is already so oppressive when you use her power right, reducing the survivors wiggle room even more just feels unfair to me. Sure she doesn't have very many good addons, but is that a problem? She has the strongest killer power in the game in many scenarios, I think it would be fine if her addons were toned down too.