Get good?

So a killer that had fun during the match and won is told "get good" how does that make any sense? Why does the killer need to "get good" when they are already winning games and having fun? If the killer was losing or not having fun then I understand the get good advice but losing teams telling the winner to get good is mind baffling lol.
The losing side should "get good" in order to win as the winner is good enough to win already.
Whoever said this in the chat was probably trying to rile you up (and it clearly worked because you are posting about it).
Don't feed the troll, ignore and move on, you won so there's nothing to consider about their message.
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I get it all the time but rather than rile me up it just confuses me lol is there a logic I'm not seeing or is simply flawed trash talk?
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It's just trolling. I've seen the same thing from killers to survivors, post in end game chat like a totally different game happened or as a comment on the builds that are getting run.
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Could be trolls. Based on our previous interactions, I believe you regularly tunnel too, so it could be that they thought you did something that expressed to them that you were using a low skill tactic. I'm not trying to judge tunneling or anything in this response, just mentioning that it might be why they said that.
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Salty survivors (and lets be honest, killers too) who want to downplay their loss will make up a bunch of arbitrary standards of "skill" so they can accuse you of not adhering to these false standards and therefore prove you are "bad at the game" even though you just beat them.
Other games have a word for this kind of player: "scrub".
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You admit alot that you camp and tunnel and use noed to boot. So am thinking maybe that is why they use the get good. Everyone has their right including you to play and enjoy the game as you see fit. Do not be surprised if they say that if you did those things.
However looking at the other side of things, if you did not camp or tunnel and beat them normally, then they have no excuse for their lack of skills.
Killers too bash survivors who played well like running them all game or get a lucky kobe or deli out when they thought they would be getting at least 1 free kill. Thus the life of pvp no one honestly likes losing xd.
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I think the main reason why people say stuff like this is because a lot of Killer strategies require less physical skill when it comes to playing the game.
Take something like tunneling, for example, can force the game into a 3v1, which requires a significant amount of skill for Survivors to play around while making it so you, as the Killer, can put less effort into playing and still (probably) come out on top. In a similar sense, you go through less Survivor health states and you spend less time chasing as a result. You are working far less and you need far less skill BUT it is the smarter way of playing the game.
Similar strategies such as camping/proxy camping can also fall in this category. Since it is literally just sitting close to the hook, and it requires significantly more effort from the Survivor's end to counter it (bringing perks, multiple Survivors coming in for the rescue, etc.) meanwhile the Killer can just sit still and gain pressure just from existing on the map.
TLDR; a lot of Killer strategies take less skill and effort… but like… work smarter, not harder.
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I use to say it as a joke. Alot of times when someone DCed on the loading screen which canceled the map, I would joke that I ran a 5 gen chase that obviously never happened.
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As others have mentioned when people comment “get good” in this way, it’s about how the game was played rather than the outcome. It’s usually said when the opposing side feels the win was undeserved, often due to the use of certain tactics or perks. This isn’t exclusive to one side—both killers and survivors have faced perks or tactics they perceive as low skill but high reward, like old MFT, old NOED, old Sabo strats (when hooks didn’t respawn), or Tunneling. All of which listed above are generally regarded to be/have been very low effort for the value you get, at least by the majority of the player base. And the fact that all of these things have received some kind of nerf or change also attests to that belief.
I know you like to tunnel and camp so likely, that’s what they’re referring to.
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I get they are saying it because I tunneled but like I said, I don't see any reason for me to get good. Usually get good is said to people that complain about something like if they can't kill survivors or if survivors can't loop, then the response is simply get good... But to say get good to a winner that has no complaints just doesn't make sense to me. If anything it should be me saying get good. I understand why they say it but don't understand the logic.
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Yeah, I think communication in the community could be better. Whatever disagreements you and I have about tunneling, I think people would hear each other more if communication were a little less confrontational.
e.g. dropping a 'get good' isn't as useful as someone saying 'that was no fun, why did I even bother playing?' since the latter is less of an accusation and more an expression of the person's experience. Not that it would solve anything or change opinions, but people might at least understand each other better.
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DBD is one of the few PvP games where you don't really have to be good to win.
There are a number of killer tactics that a trained monkey could use to win consistently against most teams (like running LP and flying to the first surv you see and tunneling them out, for one). Likewise, there are a number of ways an absolute potato surv can escape while their much better teammates die.
Now all that said, telling them they're bad after they win just reeks of saltiness and insecurity, even if their play was pretty bad. Just go next.
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Playing the game, regardless of strategy does not matter. If someone wins, they win, the players who lost need to get over it.
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Because some players have very fragile egos and need to kick you down a peg. Ignore them.
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This isn't just a Killer only issue though, I've seen Killers tell Survivors to "git gud" for using perks like WoO. It really does go both ways, let's not pretend it doesn't.
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Im a complete yeah. I've played matches where the killers wrecked us and I luckily got the hatch and posted "gg ez" just to be that guy. Ha
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I've said GGEZ Outplayed on occasion when I've gotten a particularly lucky hatch. Sometimes people get it's a joke, sometimes they don't.
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I've seen survivors say a match was "ez" when they were the first one to die. I've seen killers say the survivors were "pathetic" when they couldn't get a single kill.
Toxic players don't make any sense.
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I have said EZ ir GG or whatever if we all got disconnected or something weird happened as a joke. Most people get the joke. But because tone is hard online though, I usually just don't say anything at all.