What is our end-of-year verdict about the game, BHVR, and general criticisms? (2024)

Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750
edited December 2024 in General Discussions

hi gang :] i'm back with yet another thread because i enjoy reading people's responses and picking brains, as well as writing college thesis-length posts

as we all know, dead by daylight has seen some significant changes this year. between new chapter additions, to adjustments to reworks, to more community engagement from the developers, to changes made around the core of the game's game-play.

i wanted to ask you all about what you think about the current state of things in comparison to last year's developments. if you want, you're free to respond to these questions to construct your response:

  • what do you think was done right or wrong? why do you believe so?
  • has your playtime increased or decreased throughout the year?
  • how do you perceive the developers' areas of focus on the game? are you satisfied with BHVR's performance (in the context of the game, or the company itself)? how could they improve their relationship with you as a player?
  • what is your current experience at your current skill level?

it will be interesting to see what everyone thinks and i'll be happy to discuss things too!

you may propose a strong opinion, but please do not resort to "Us vs. Them" arguments or insults. i intend on this being a constructive conversation. this thread could potentially be useful to give a summarized oversight to the performance of all the changes collectively. if this goes well, i may create another thread at the end of 2025.


Post edited by Skittlesthehusky on


  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    hello general! i figured you were gonna show up eventually ;] how's freddy's #1 fan doing?

    The balance is where things begin to get a little bit worse, with one decision in particular: Skull Merchant's nerfs.

    Quite possibly one of the worst, most unnecessary changes I've seen since I first started playing DBD, all the way back in 2018. Her previous iteration was fine the way she was, this execution was not needed and it reward players who refused to learn how to play against a character who wasn't problematic in the first place. It is very similar to what happened to Freddy one week after his release in 2017, and something that I strongly believe shouldn't have happened.

    i heavily agree with you. i seriously hope they reconsider giving back skull merchant some of her strength and instead balance things out by providing more information to survivors for them to work with. i was upset that she received the freddy treatment and i'm glad someone else saw it too.

    this is actually part of the reason why i mentioned the lack of direction and instructions for players. i believe that while it's good to allow a player to experience and learn for themselves, constantly forcing them to go in blind can give too strong of a sense of hopelessness or weakness, especially if they only run into that character every once in a while and have no time to adapt.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,164

    They buffed my boy Mikey. I can forgive any sins they made this year.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    a valid response. michael deserved love for the longest time <3

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I'm doing great, my friend! Thank for asking!

    How about you?

    i heavily agree with you. i seriously hope they reconsider giving back skull merchant some of her strength and instead balance things out by providing more information to survivors for them to work with. i was upset that she received the freddy treatment and i'm glad someone else saw it too.

    Oh absolutely.

    I know she is a set for a rework next year, but we all know how reworks usually go. I would prefer if they just reverted her to a previous iteration and scrap the rework. Freddy's history is a perfect example of what to avoid, and it shouldn't be repeating itself.

    this is actually part of the reason why i mentioned the lack of direction and instructions for players. i believe that while it's good to allow a player to experience and learn for themselves, constantly forcing them to go in blind can give too strong of a sense of hopelessness or weakness, especially if they only run into that character every once in a while and have no time to adapt.

    I agree. In the past it was reasonable because there was less to learn, but that isn't the case anymore. Even a little tutorial for each killer would help a lot.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,228

    Background - I really started playing the game in mid 2022. I played it once when it released, then a few years later, and both times the game had zero appeal to me.

    what do you think was done right or wrong? why do you believe so?

    Modifiers will either break the game or greatly extend its lifetime. It's going to be interesting if things like 2v8 become more common and whether that creates a permanent divide in the player base, or if the modifiers remain brief diversions from 1v4 that keep people invested.

    has your playtime increased or decreased throughout the year?

    The amount of DbD I consume has increased as I've gotten into watching more streamers and comp. Playtime is probably down though, but I'll go in spurts where I play the game a ton.

    how do you perceive the developers' areas of focus on the game? are you satisfied with BHVR's performance (in the context of the game, or the company itself)? how could they improve their relationship with you as a player?

    I come into questions like this with the mindset that video game development is extremely difficult. BHVR is trying to please a wide array of players and there is only so much they can do to adjust the game at this point.

    I think BHVR's design goal is correct. Balance is not the be all end all, variety and fun are more important than ensuring every trial is a 50/50 perfect test of skill. If something is a little too strong that's not as important as if something is unfun (I've read other people's comments before mine, but see: Skull Merchant).

    Generally, I think they do a good job with this, with the occasional 'how did this get through, do they even play the game' type moment.

    what is your current experience at your current skill level?

    I'll answer this the way I normally answer their surveys 'DbD is both the best, and worst, game I've ever played'.

    At its best, DbD feels amazingly tense and every little decision feels like it can be the make or break moment. There's never a moment of comfort and a "win" feels amazing.

    At its worst, DbD is a stomp after stomp where I wonder why I'm even playing the game.

    The gen kick limit and anti-face camp mechanic (which I think was the end of 2023) are both substantial game improvements.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 373

    While the game did improve in balancing and shaking up the meta (kind of).
    The content provided was pretty lame this year and in the first time since playing I went without buying any of the content of this year. I didn't think it was enjoyable or brought a new variety to the game.

    The community kind of went into a downwards spiral (I did several posts about that). Now it feels like there are more "comp" players then casual players and that makes the game even more boring to play.

    You can literally feel the waiting queue time increase because more and more players are dropping the game.
    BHVR finally needs to deceide wether they want to have a comp game or a casual game. It's like two islands drifting apart from each other and the tape won't hold it together much longer.

    Servers became worse then last year, we switched to UE5 but got no significant graphics buff.

    Overall I'd say I play way less then the years before 2024 and it will keep going down. At this rate I expect half the player base to move on from dbd as main game by June of 2025.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,211

    Your Quality section perfectly explains how I feel. 💐

    It was a wonderful write-up and I’m glad I’m not the only one who understands that Dbd is one of the greatest game/horror experiences of a lifetime.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    thank you! i greatly appreciate it. i'm super passionate about this game so i had to say something about its progress this year. :D
    i hope it sparks more discussion moving forward.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    Matches last too short
    "The game has become a race against time on both sides, which makes people play in very unpleasant ways. This removes even more fun from the game."

    it's interesting you say this, because that's exactly how i interpret dead by daylight as a whole. if you think about it, every action and interaction that is performed is all time-based. typically, with the focus of the future of the match. it's a tug-of-war match for precious minutes and seconds. a game of investments!

    i believe that this is not communicated enough to where people understand that this is the type of game that's played, which is why it becomes difficult for many and loses its fun once people start to deviate from that. there's too much emphasis on completing the objective and not enough emphasis on what actually makes the game.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504
  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    this is a very valid argument and i vaguely addressed this in my write-up. while BHVR has made improvements to the gameplay, some platforms continue to suffer due to the lack of priority or resource allocation. i hypothesize it may have to do with the fact that they do not see as heavy of a presence in console players in comparison to PC platforms, as well as the jumps that have to be taken to push updates to console versions. this may not be correct though.

    i hope they do address the issues that console players have been plagued with next year. most changes this year have surrounded the PC platform in particular and i feel like these optimizations and updates they make need to be more generalized.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 994

    I still play the game regularly, so it hasn't been bad enough for me to quit yet :)

    There haven't been any significant changes to help game balance. Matchmaking remains hopelessly broken and is by far the #1 reason that solo queue is often a miserable experience. Still nothing is being done to get solo queue and SWF on a more even playing field. Killers remain punching bags for good survivors teams on comms.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    Yeah, the more efficiently the game is played, the less fun it is. It's very unfortunate DbD is designed as such.

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 383

    The direction of Dead by Daylight is horrendous, and I wish I hadn't ever touched this trainwreck of a game. The game feels heavily one-sided and exhausting to play while in solo queue. I win almost every match as a killer because the devs continue to spoonfeed victories and make every mechanic in my favor. No game I've ever played has felt as poorly balanced as this game.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    may i ask you two to go into further detail about why you have these positions? if any of the representatives read this thread, they can take these more into account.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 786

    What you said about Skull Merchant was spot on. Its why I've heavily moved away from DBD and really hate playing now a days. I dont even have a killer I enjoy anymore lol

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    Like in most of BHVR's yearly outings, I see it is as two steps forward, one step back. There have been major changes for the better like a larger focus on events and the devs have done a lot to try out new aesthetics and tones for chapters that I like, but a few of the balances changes and releases where the devs don't stick the landing makes the game feel just as buggy and unplayable as ever.

    Although general match experience is better, I feel as if the attitude of the general playerbase has only gotten more and more pessimistic with time. I wish people would relax and take matches less seriously, and that the devs would consider investing in more infrastructure and maybe altering their release schedule to give more dev time to each of the projects they work on.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I know how it feels, my friend. It is the same thing Freddy mains had to go through. Thrice, actually.

    Skull Merchant was treated so unfairly that it stings. In a way it stings more than Freddy and Hillbilly because this situation is something that experience and DBD's history should have taught to avoid.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,758

    Back then when I started playing, it was not that bad. When circle of healing still was a common thing, survivors would run over the whole map to heal themself in the boon, which made matches last a lot longer, killers tunneled less and survivors did more random stuff. Behavior is actively pushing a more competitive mindset, which reduces the fun elements of the game by a lot.

    So overall if the devs would add more things to do on maps, matches would last longer naturally, but behavior refuses to introduce new gameplay elements outside of events, killers and perks.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 374

    Alright, I will keep is as simple and short as I can.

    I hate it, but I am gonna point out most of the things i don't like.


    Chapters were mostly fine.
    1. Alan Wake chapter was kinda a disappointment, perks are bad. Boon might only be useful for new players, but there is paywal behind it. Champion of light doesn't affect killer at all - it might only be used for pallete stun and saves, when stun takes 5 seconds itself. 1 sec of 20% hindred is not useful at all. Deadline comes with too much of a downside to be consider useful.
    2. All Things Wicked - that was mid chapter. Came with great characters and new perk: invocation. Idea is kinda cool, but perks aren't good enough to be used. Gives too much of a downside. Strenght in Shadows and Wicked are both great perks, but too dependent of a basement placement. Unbound and Unforeseen are cool perks. Undone is terrible, especially at high level - no one misses skillchecks.
    Map isn't good. Pallets are actually bad there, creating so many 50/50 scenarios. Easy to play around as a killer. Big map tho, that's a fine thing considering pallets.
    3. D&D chapter was good. Came with amazing and fairly balanced killers, considering recent changes. Lich's perks are actually good, linguid touch is good for some killers like spirit. Dark arrogance creates nice synergy with other vaulting perks, good overall if you can avoid stuns. Weave is a little bit problematic and creates too good of synergy with franklin demise, very hard to play against as a solo que player.
    Bard comes with meme perks, nothing special. Boring cosmetics tho, not worth to main. Purple cosmetics come with backpacks, big NO for me.
    Map is terrible tho. Very killer sided. Fillers are bad, loops are bad, mostly dead-zones.
    4. Tomb Rider - Mid chapter, great character but with mid perks.
    5. Castelvania - Amazing characters, Dracula has mid perks, not really useful, mostly not used.
    Trevor came with nice perks. Exultation is great for the collectors, green keys might finally be useful with it. Eyes of belmont is a good perk, creates good synergys. Moment of glory is bad, too much requirements to be useful.
    6. Doomed course. Most recent, killer has really good potential after recent changes. Might become problematic even, with how easy it is to use a dog. Petting the dog is cool tho. Perks are good, no quarter is problematic with some killers and synergys, but not used to often.
    Survivior is mid without interesting skins, clean break is bad, not used at all. Invocation is terrible. Shoulder is fine, but this should not be a perk.

    Is a bit stale. I am going against same killers all the time as a survivior. Nurse, blight, billy, singularity, twins, spirit, nemesis, used to be chucky - not anymore.
    Gameplay in EU servers is extremely sweaty. Includes too much slugging, camping, tunneling. On the other side, surviviors don't make it easy too, making great pressure gen-wise.
    Same perks are used over and over again. Meta is extremely sweaty.
    Solo que feels mostly bad and it takes only one survivior to lose you a game by suicide on hook or DC.
    Playing killer is getting boring most of the time. Too many matches are a slaughter, ending on 4-5 gens.

    I hate that there is so many ways to make experience bad for surviviors. Tunneling, slugging, camping.
    And the only way to fight that is with the perks. We need to use perks for scenarios listed above.
    Too much power given to the killer side.
    I don't appreciate that too many killers now have abilities to hit surviviors through the window or pallete.

    I don't appreciate that small tweaks and changes take so long time.
    I hate that gutting killers or perks is the new way to deal with problems for BHVR.

    Game is not too friendly for new players. Takes too much time to unlock everything, newbies are targetted and there is nothing for them to do, this creates miserable experience for them.

    Still too many useless things in bloodweb, especially for surviviors. Offerings need changes.
    Missing QoL things like solving characters, filtering or making them favorite. Still need to scroll too much throught all characters.
    Bloodweb still needs improvements.

    My playtime definitely dropped this year.
    Right now i have 8900 hours in a game and I can definitely say that I enjoyed previous years more.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225
    edited December 2024

    I enjoyed most things released this year with a few exceptions.

    1- The Chucky nerf was way too much. The rat poison nerf was enough. The slower slice and dice feels really weird paired with a longer CD to his power makes his map presence very bad.

    2- Dracula hellfire nerf makes no sense. He was fine, the only thing needed was the Medusa add on nerf and bat form cd.

    3- Shoulder the Burden is way too strong and widens the gap when used by SWF teams, is basically a win card.

    4- Sadako intermittent invisibility is still busted and the add on still does nothing. She could also use a small buff to her condemn mechanic, turning off tvs and carrying tapes must have a downside.

    5- Ghostface buffs were a bit, underwhelming.

    6- Liked the 2vs8 yet we can all agree survivors were way too strong.

    7- In general, I wish they could take a deeper look into what’s possible to achieve in game when you have a group of competent survivors and actually balance the game considering that. The non community approved killer strategies emerged due current possibilities survivors have, there’s way too many downsides to hook people and spread those hooks. Add a “try to stop bleeding” option for slugged survivors after 1 min, give them 3, 4% chances to get up or die. You could also add an add on that improves those odds. Buff a bit regression perks for killers so spreading hooks feel a bit more rewarding.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    Imagine a syringe or something on a medkit that when in the dying state give ya a one shot in three or sumsuch to get up, otherwise you bleed out and die. Prolly be Broken for a minute or so too, uses up the medkit, etc.