I got 6 hour penalty for server issues

I never dc, but my game does crash, a lot. Only DBD, not any other game. For some time my game keeps crashing on me, mostly in the middle or right at the end of matches. My screen freezes up and then I'm met with the DBD logo, then the matchmaking is locked for 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, then 45 minutes. And today, I got a 6 hour penalty cause my game crashed in my second match.

I've tried to contacting DBD support and praying for someone to answer me, but no one does, which only upsets me more. I'm actually worried about getting a permanent ban because of this, or weeks penalty for reasons I can't even control. I put time and money into this, and I love DBD. And it's not even me doing the dc'ing.
