The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

I need opinions (rank)

Many people can agree that rank is pretty easy to rank up (or down.)

Do you feel as if ranking should take a lot longer to rank up? Why or why not? Just wanted to hear some opinions from both sides (survivors and killers)


  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited January 2019
    Rank system needs to be reworked. Someone can be close to useless and still rank up.
    Also it would be nice if there were seasons, like in Rocket League.
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    ranking/match making on both sides are a mess .as a killer i get high and low ranks and it the same with survivor. aren't we meant to be match with people are rank or at least same color rank.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    Vietfox said:
    Rank system needs to be reworked. Someome can be close to useless and still rank up.
    Also it would be nice if there were seasons, like in Rocket League.
    That would be a nice system honestly.
  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    ranking/match making on both sides are a mess .as a killer i get high and low ranks and it the same with survivor. aren't we meant to be match with people are rank or at least same color rank.

    Yeah I’ve played against very low ranked killers as a higher ranked survivor. The same thing had happened to me while I was playing killer the ranking system is very odd. Of course it’s somewhat rare but it still happens.

    Ranking at the moment doesn’t even have a proper skillcap you can play SWF, be the worst survivor and still rank up pretty easily.
  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Ranking in-general is a flawed system. Any schmuck with leatherface that camps someone on a hook till death or pretty much ANY NOED USER gets to rank 1 pretty easily even if they're trash.

    I see it all the time, someone gets demolished in a match, but all of a sudden because NOED comes to save the day they down someone and down two more people before everyone else either dies or escapes. And even if you go and save the hooked survivors you're gonna get hooked yourself and or they also will get downed again.

    Either that or you can just be wraith and camp someone on a hook and you're basically invisible when you stand still so nothing can be done. Any potatoe can get to rank 1 on survivor or killer and it shines through in their matches that they got there from cheap tactics. Some rank 1's can be pretty good killers, but some can also be garbage and use NOED every game and or use leatherface because its too hard to use any other killer apparently.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited January 2019

    @Gamzello said:
    Many people can agree that rank is pretty easy to rank up (or down.)

    Do you feel as if ranking should take a lot longer to rank up? Why or why not? Just wanted to hear some opinions from both sides (survivors and killers)

    DBD does not have a ranking system. DBD is not a football match where either team A or Team B wins.

    DBD is a football match where any team can win as long as they score 2 goals. I'll let you figure out everything wrong about that.

    Instead we should: Link: Chapter 2

    So it doesn't matter how short/how long the grind is. We're not dealing with a ranking system.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Gamzello said:
    Many people can agree that rank is pretty easy to rank up (or down.)

    Do you feel as if ranking should take a lot longer to rank up? Why or why not? Just wanted to hear some opinions from both sides (survivors and killers)

    It should take longer and it should be harder to rank up.

    Why even have a rank system if everybody can reach rank 1 anyway? Might aswell remove it completely then if you ask me....

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    @Master said:

    @Gamzello said:
    Many people can agree that rank is pretty easy to rank up (or down.)

    Do you feel as if ranking should take a lot longer to rank up? Why or why not? Just wanted to hear some opinions from both sides (survivors and killers)

    It should take longer and it should be harder to rank up.

    Why even have a rank system if everybody can reach rank 1 anyway? Might aswell remove it completely then if you ask me....

    ranking is a joke which does i wish they remove it too make a mode for just fun get bp and exp for are dev that it.people care about the rank to much in this,in end doesn't even matter.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2019
    It's about time played not much else for survivor, knowledge of the game helps but no skill is needed with the emblem system, the only thing that can stop you pipping is a camping killer or rushing gens.

    Killer is a bit harder but only slightly and only if they do the gens quickly, even then a lot of the time they screw around for extra BP afterwards so you get one or two.

    The problem they have in making it more difficult is it needs to be done on both sides, the last time they made survivor more difficult to pip the killer queues at high rank were the longest they had been without it being a bug, so they changed it, this will be the main issue with changing anything, keeping enough if each side being able to rank up.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    As Legion you can do no kills but just hit survivors to waste time and you will still rank up :silenced:

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    The fact you can die and Rank up is stupid.

    Do you Rank up in Overwatch when you lose the game?