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Dev's Incompetency for Killers and the mentality it fosters.

I've been hearing many killer mains speak about how survivors at the highest level control whether the game can be winnable or not, and in my opinion that is true is a degree, but in premise is wrong, it's a mentality that I feel has to do more with confusing difficulty with accountability.

It's no news that generators, totems, and the hatch mechanic are inherently favored to the survivors, the rate at which gens can go off is undoubtably unfair leaving the game at an atrociously unfair state, totems are still spawned and found with relative ease making the universally needed killer perk hex: ruin useless in 30 seconds time, and game breaking hatch standoff's that the survivor 9/10 wins every time... it is definitely a still a survivor oriented experience especially at higher levels.

It begs the question of what the heck are the devs doing to fix this? They seemingly can't even do something as simple as fix totem spawn placements as even a temporary solution! Why are the dev's so slow and unreactive to the glaring problems of their game? It seems simple, give survivors new objectives alongside gens to open the gate's to give killer's a fair chance, fix totem spawns, re-work or overhaul the hatch mechanic... easy said perhaps even easy done but to the dev's this is like trying to find out the meaning of life... what is their issue with making their game BALANCED? Is that so hard? Is that too much to ask for? For a product we payed and support? I don't think it is too much... my synopsis...

1: They're lazy and don't care, money is our goal and whatever attracts new players is the standard.

2: They are incompetent and literally can't even fix something they said they fixed... aka totem spawns

3: Or some combination of the two...

Then look at the mentality it fosters...

The Killer mains and players of dbd see and have specifically identified the problems they face in the current and overall standings of the game, and over a long period it has stayed consistent to where the lack of care in addressing the unfai edge survivors have has made them very powerful and can be even broken in some iterations, either way the mentality of "Survivors over skill" has been prevalent to this day; that when you play killer you are at the mercies of the people you pit yourself against.

This statement is untrue, the game is geared towards them yes... but how you play as killer ultimately determines how the game plays out, it is their jobs to complete objectives, all you have to do is stop them and how you play determines that quite literally, and you don't have to be billy or nurse to do this, as a matter of fact the only two killers in the game that the negative mentality applies to most are trapper and freddy as they are relegated to mouse 1 only most of the time due to one's rng style power and the others more useless power.

In short what this unfair advantage has done is make killers think their efforts to win are at the mercies of another and not the ability of how they can preform under said circumstances, nearly all killers of this game are viable others weaker or stronger but the game has tools to ease the gap via perks and add-ons, how you play as killer influences the survivors ability to do 4 gens in 2 minutes, and if you desire to succeed in dbd as a killer in way's you may have thought previously non-existant then this mentality is one of the factors that keeps you and an entire community split and down over.


  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Hmmn I smell smurf account.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926
    Op's wording is a little confusing but are you saying what killer mains seem to be complain about untrue? Difficulty vs accountability. To summarize killers don't wish to admit that it is their own fault. @BayBounty, is this correct?
  • BayBounty
    BayBounty Member Posts: 29

    @TRGraybles said:

    1) Every Dev only cares about Money, do you think they create games out of charity? (I do admit that the amount of crappy clothing is way to high for the fixes they put out though, but that doesn't change the fact that it's all about money).

    It is a product and they are a developer of said product, I understand the nuances and the drive for why but as customers as a product for which we all payed for we all have a say, as to which this forum exists, if we didnt they wouldn't care for our feedback, either way I do not get why problems that have literally been here since day 1 are STILL here, that is more a mark than laziness then greed, some may argue that it will make the game too difficult for lower ranks, but lower ranks are simply a training ground for improving, a rank 20 wont stay at that same skill level forever, and the more difficulty there is will push them to improve to succeed.

  • BayBounty
    BayBounty Member Posts: 29

    @Kabu said:
    Op's wording is a little confusing but are you saying what killer mains seem to be complain about untrue? Difficulty vs accountability. To summarize killers don't wish to admit that it is their own fault. @BayBounty, is this correct?

    I summarize that killer's that have said mindset, is a symptom of the dev's lack of competency and/or greed, they aren't looking for a scapegoat to justify their losses to unfairness, they are just frustrated on how unfair it can be so they get this mindset to cope with said unfairness, unfortunately it tends to hinder instead of help them, killers are victims in this, not the instigators and no one should think that's what this post means.

  • BayBounty
    BayBounty Member Posts: 29

    @Poweas said:
    Nice b8 m8

    This is a real post, and the point is to tell people to take accountability over the difficulty, basically telling people to get good.