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Make DBD fun again

When i first started this game it seemed pretty fun, the games went smooth and only survivors that knew what they were doing managed to escape. Now that i have over 500 hours in this game and i'm around rank 10 because i'm literally afraid to go any higher i will tell you why this game is not fun anymore. When i play as survivor, most killers tunnel the entire match and facecamp. Sure, by facecamping the killers are wasting time but please tell me how much fun the survivor that is getting facecamped/tunneled has? A possible fix to this would be if the killer is anywere near the survivor, that survivor constantly gets bloodpoints, even when hooked. Now let's talk about playing killer too. Playing killer is like playing russian roullete, if you're lucky you'll get a match with some survivors that know what they are doing and are not destroying the game. I'm talking here about survivors that don't teabag, flick their flashlight and other toxic crap. Most of the time you'll will be playing killer you will get this exact example of survivors that keep getting on your nerves. In the last 3 matches i got genrushed and the matches barely lasted 7 minutes each. And Ruin is a fix for genrushing ONLY AND ONLY if you get a god spot for your totem, otherwise its just a wasted perk slot. Another way to fix this is removing bitter mumur or however its called and adding it as a passive effect in the match, basically its active at all times. I have another idea too, add a effect to a totem that gets activated when that totem is broken. For example: when ruin gets destroyed, the killer gets 50% reduced attack cooldown or when NOED gets destroyed, the killer sees every survivor aura. Let's get back to how unfun and unfair it is to play killer. I will list a few things that survivors abuse to tilt the killer: looping, pallet-looping, flickering, teabagging, bodyblocking, and the worst of all, genrushing even tho i have already talked about it. I just had to rant about this. Please devs, if you're actually reading this, balance your game, make it fun for both survivors and killers because right now, it just isn't fair.


  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    When it comes down to the developers yes they do read quite a bit of this stuff believe me I'm pretty sure they have somebody on their team the siphon through all the trash that we put on here.

    When it comes down to the balance at this game they are constantly trying to balance it. Especially now since they're now taking heed at the fact that survive with friends outnumber solo players.

    Balancing this game is no small feat given the landscape that we have
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    That's a wall of text and then some

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    make it fun with:

    • game modes
    • perks to fight back killer
    • perks to compete with other survs
    • distance-based voice chat and VR