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Left behind

Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

currently this perk is harder to use because that requires you to either have a killer kill everyone but you or you let your teammates die (sorry for any grammatical errors) this perk needs to be reworked due to it being too weak to actually be viable, and most of the time the perk will not work anyways so meh, I do not have any idea on how to rework this perk, so do you guys have any ideas on how to rework it?


  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    I have two ideas for this perk but I’m not really good at balancing things so I’ll try with these. (Hope these aren’t too useless?)

    Idea one:
    If you are the last remaining survivor; increases healing, cleansing, opening gates, and chest search by 11/22/33%. Gain an 50/75/100% more BPs in the objective category.

    Idea two:
    If you are the last remaining survivor; for each generator that needs to be complete gain a 15/25/30% to repair speed. At a dire time like this, you also gain the ability to stay completely quiet (injuried or not) for 5/10/15 seconds.
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    I actually found the original design of Left Behind very inspiring. It's a perk that is supposed to give you hope when you need it most.

    There was a problem with it though; the more gens are not completed the faster it is, which would have you desire that barely any gens are completed so that you can 99% all of them.
    But since regression is a thing and the game typically replaces itself with the hatch there's rarely a point.

    So could it be more useful when it would partly activate when there are 2 players alive? Or even 3? After all it's a perk based on survivor-death. Since the same suggests a no, we shouldn't. But that would actually be what made it actually have a purpose.

    Typically when only 2 survivors are alive, your team's efficiency drops to 0, sometimes even at 3 alive.

    That is how this perk originally brought me on the idea to use this train of thoughts to solve Death-Efficiency, and have the original thought behind Left Behind built into the survivor's base kit, while increasing base generator times.

    If the Devs would agree on such a solution and want to fix the mid- to late-game then it's too soon to rework Left Behind, as most of it's concept would become non-unique.

    That's why I think it's to soon to rework this perk, or for the time being, they could at least make it so that you always get a 125% generator repair speed so that perhaps you could actually attempts to complete the game without the hatch.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    For me it’s not enough to just get a buff to gen repair. After all you are alone, you have to do healing or needed to be open the gate by yourself and killer only has you to focus on. Maybe other actions get a speed bonus it might worth to run it. 
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Left Behind: If you are the last remaining survivor you gain these abilities:

    • an ability to heal yourself at 33% of normal healing speed (if you have self care this becomes "the lead self-heal)
    • you repair gens 100% faster (40 seconds to complete a gen) or 50% (60 seconds)
    • Your grunts of pain are reduced by 0/0/25% (if Iron Will is present this will be ignored)
    • Your scratch marks dissapear 1 second faster (if you have lightweight it will add up to this amount)

    BALANCED? No idea!