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Bugs, bugs, bugs

This is not about a specific bug, but the horrible state the game's in since last patch.
I've never been one of those sarcastic "pretty good job so far" people. A certain amount of bugs is tolerable. But since this last patch, while many earlier bugs did not get fixed, there's a number of new ones, some of them being pretty serious.
Here's a short list of what I've experienced lately:

  • DC bug: often, when a survivor DC-s, the normal player icon is still displayed on the HUD. So a 3v1 looks like an actual 4v1, until the third survivor escapes/dies.
  • Léry's: can't unhook from some hooks in basement under library.
  • Also Léry's (as far a I know): basement teleport, I believe it's a known issue, you get teleported back to basement when going up the stairs.
  • Pallet teleport: sometimes when I hit a survivor while he's vaulting a pallet, he gets teleported back to the side from where he vaulted.
  • This has been reported on console, but I had it on PC too: LF chainsaw goes completely silent when fully charged. The other report said it's only with Carburetor Tuning Guide, I'm not sure, since I always use it.

This is so far, may be some more. And all this while some older bugs still have not been fixed either: survivors sliding after dropping a pallet, a number of generators that can't be interacted with from a certain side, and I believe (correct me if I'm wrong), that the Trapper grab bug is still there too.

Please, devs, I'm aware that it's not easy to keep the game completely bug-free, but when there are just too many of these, it has a severe impact on the game experience. Fixing these issues should be a higher priority than any event, upcoming chapters or cosmetics.
I guess that's a call for players too: please record & report. The devs are few and proud, they're probably not aware of some of the problems.


  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Every single patch released introduces a slew of new bugs. Its clear they either:
    A: Don't have enough staff testing the patch prior to release.
    B: Have inadequate staff (I doubt the staff is inadequate and believe its more a time/resource constraint).
    C: Do not test everything and only focus on bug testing from the last patch list.
    D: Enjoy our suffering and secretly feed the toxic sludge that is DBD.

    Like EA has created a mistrust of their business model and Bethesda has created a mistrust in their capability to deliver good games (recently), BHVR has created a mistrust in their patch releases.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Every single patch released introduces a slew of new bugs. Its clear they either:
    A: Don't have enough staff testing the patch prior to release.
    B: Have inadequate staff (I doubt the staff is inadequate and believe its more a time/resource constraint).
    C: Do not test everything and only focus on bug testing from the last patch list.
    D: Enjoy our suffering and secretly feed the toxic sludge that is DBD.

    Like EA has created a mistrust of their business model and Bethesda has created a mistrust in their capability to deliver good games (recently), BHVR has created a mistrust in their patch releases.

    Well, I tend to be understanding towards them: the game's still great, and I'm sure it's not easy keeping everyting under control with new content coming out so frequently. It's just now there are more bugs than before, and not just silly/funny bugs, but ones that can actually ruin a match.
    I'd be guessing they concentrate more on content than maintenance

    Btw. They don't need such plots. They can have my toxic sludge for free, any time.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Every single patch released introduces a slew of new bugs. Its clear they either:
    A: Don't have enough staff testing the patch prior to release.
    B: Have inadequate staff (I doubt the staff is inadequate and believe its more a time/resource constraint).
    C: Do not test everything and only focus on bug testing from the last patch list.
    D: Enjoy our suffering and secretly feed the toxic sludge that is DBD.

    Like EA has created a mistrust of their business model and Bethesda has created a mistrust in their capability to deliver good games (recently), BHVR has created a mistrust in their patch releases.

    Multiple of the bugs that have been published to live alreadey have been reported in PTB.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I know. They took a long time to fix the "grab animation" bug that really hurt stealth killers like Spirit and Myers and its still not completely fixed as I have had the situation arise in a few of my games. Admittedly the frequency has dropped from near 100% to something far less common but it still frustrates me when I'm stuck standing there with my hand out while the survivors run away.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @MegaWaffle said:
    I know. They took a long time to fix the "grab animation" bug that really hurt stealth killers like Spirit and Myers and its still not completely fixed as I have had the situation arise in a few of my games. Admittedly the frequency has dropped from near 100% to something far less common but it still frustrates me when I'm stuck standing there with my hand out while the survivors run away.

    Ah yes, there's that. Happened to me too.
    This stuff seems so much more important than the usual "remove DS and NOED - nerf Freddy - buff Nurse - fix my missus so we can have sex again" whining. I wish the devs worked ONLY on these issues, even at the cost of delaying whatever new content there's gonna be.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Every single patch released introduces a slew of new bugs. Its clear they either:
    A: Don't have enough staff testing the patch prior to release.
    B: Have inadequate staff (I doubt the staff is inadequate and believe its more a time/resource constraint).
    C: Do not test everything and only focus on bug testing from the last patch list.
    D: Enjoy our suffering and secretly feed the toxic sludge that is DBD.

    Like EA has created a mistrust of their business model and Bethesda has created a mistrust in their capability to deliver good games (recently), BHVR has created a mistrust in their patch releases.

    D, final answer.