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Little exercise regarding Moris and Keys

TAG Member Posts: 12,871
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

Here's the following scenario:

You are tasked with adjusting the balance of all the Memento Mori offerings and all the Key items, with the following stipulations:

1) You must make at least one mechanical balance adjustment to ALL of them (Cypress/Ivory/Ebony Mori and Broken/Dull/Skeleton Key), though there is no limit to the number of adjustments you can make to each one.

2) You can make adjustments to any of the Key add-ons if you like (though it is not mandatory), but they would not count towards the above "minimum one adjustment" stipulation (you still have to adjust all of the base Key items at least once).

3) You cannot add a new Key, Memento Mori offering, or Key add-on, nor can you remove any of the existing ones.

4) You cannot make any adjustments to the mechanics of the Hatch itself unless it directly involves the Key (so no, say, "Killer can now close the Hatch.").

5) You are not allowed to adjust any of the other items/offerings/add-ons/perks/Killers/etc., nor are you permitted to add new ones or remove any of the existing ones.

What's your game plan, hypothetical Dev-For-the-Day?

Post edited by TAG on


  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    edited January 2019
    Green keys now have twice as much use time (30 seconds) and if found in a chest, will always spawn with the one random aura reading add-on. Is now uncommom rarity.

    Dull Key - Now only opens the hatch for the survivor who uses it on the hatch. After the animation plays, the hatch will immediately slam shut. Now rare rarity. 

    Skeleton Key - +15 seconda of use time, now very rare rarity. Opens the hatch for one minute, but prevents any progress on generators and gates while the hatch is open articifically.

    Cypress Mori - Changed to allow you to kill any survivor regardless of hook states, only when the exit gates are powered. Now rare rarity.

    Ivory Mori - Now allows you to kill two survivors, the first after one hook, the second after two.

    Ebony Mori - Functions similarly, however the one hook requirement is removed once the gates are powered, essentially making it a combination of the two add-ons. So it allows you to kill two survivors before the gates are powered, one with one hook, the other with two, and allows you to kill anyone still in the trial when the gates are powered.
    Post edited by Cetren on
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Can i something regarding yours Dull Key? Cause rest of the things you did change look cool:

    Dull Key - use time 15 seconds. Very Rare Rarity. If the key was used to open a hatch, the hatch will stay open for 5 seconds until it closes. If any other survivor jumps into the hatch during the period the timer resets.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    Milo said:

    Can i something regarding yours Dull Key? Cause rest of the things you did change look cool:

    Dull Key - use time 15 seconds. Very Rare Rarity. If the key was used to open a hatch, the hatch will stay open for 5 seconds until it closes. If any other survivor jumps into the hatch during the period the timer resets.

    Sure thing. I like that idea. Makes it a little bit better for the team, not just the individual survivor.
  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    Cetren said:
    Green keys now have twice as much use time (30 seconds) and if found in a chest, will always spawn with the one random aura reading add-on. Is now uncommom rarity.

    Dull Key - Now only opens the hatch for the survivor who uses it on the hatch. After the animation plays, the hatch will immediately slam shut. Now rare rarity. 

    Skeleton Key - +15 seconda of use time, now very rare rarity. Opens the hatch for one minute, but prevents any progress on generators and gates while the hatch is open articifically.

    Cypress Mori - Changed to allow you to kill any survivor regardless of hook states, only when the exit gates are powered. Now rare rarity.

    Ivory Mori - Now allows you to kill two survivors, the first after one hook, the second after two.

    Ebony Mori - Functions similarly, however the one hook requirement is removed once the gates are powered, essentially making it a combination of the two add-ons. So it allows you to kill two survivors before the gates are powered, one with one hook, the other with two, and allows you to kill anyone still in the trial when the gates are powered.
    green key- sure why not

    dull key- I'll assume it stays open if 2 people are left and one uses it because of how hatch works.

    skeleton key- sounds like a very selfish team-hurting item in solo play. its a straight buff to swf and nerf to solos.

    cypress- sounds awful. combined with noed its as much of a free kill as rancor (possible more than just 1 kill too).

    not gonna go any further because I already hate moris as they are and these changes wouldnt help
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Bumparoonie, Unca Scrooge!