Submit some new killer ideas here

Jake5926 Member Posts: 17
edited December 2020 in Creations
If there were to ever be a pirate killer, he could obtain his hooks from hooks in game... just a thought, plz give me ideas down below
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Maybe he could be like the Identity V killer where he drags survivors towards him. But with some counterplay, obviously.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    I'm actually working on a couple myself. I don't know why I'm putting so much effort into them, I guess I just find character design fun.

    The first is the Mariner, a cloaked sailor with a harpoon for a weapon which he can throw. I considered either having it go through objects and hit you, or be able to pin you to things. Still working on it.

    The other one is the Dove, a killer who wears a white bird mask and injects survivors with a variety of poisons which cause varying affects.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,002

    @Poweas said:
    Maybe he could be like the Identity V killer where he drags survivors towards him. But with some counterplay, obviously.

    the strangler says hi

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @ToxicFengM1n said:

    @Poweas said:
    Maybe he could be like the Identity V killer where he drags survivors towards him. But with some counterplay, obviously.

    the strangler says hi

    That's his name?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,002

    @Poweas said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:

    @Poweas said:
    Maybe he could be like the Identity V killer where he drags survivors towards him. But with some counterplay, obviously.

    the strangler says hi

    That's his name?

    thats the name for the one who does that in last year:the nightmare

  • iTacoman
    iTacoman Member Posts: 42

    I think a power like that has been highly requested. People like gap closers but as long as it's difficult enough to land it can be balanced

  • babbles
    babbles Member Posts: 2

    Hi I have an idea for a killer I know you've probably won't take any notice of this because you'll get loads of ideas like this anyway and this killer design I have have was meant for another thing called undertale well another universe a friend made for undertale but we both agreed that you would be great for or dead by daylight to anyway I'll send the wiki you probably won't respond but yeah best to try my luck I guess

    And the proof to show it is my artwork

    Do keep in mind I do have dyslexia and have to use a mic to type properly so if anything gets corrected by autocorrect or doesn't have punctuation you know why

    Killer name: the Alpha

    Real name: Ruby Gaster

    Gender: female

    Age: it is unknown exactly she stopped aging at the age of 25

    Weapon: along bone staff with a long foldaway blade at the end

    Family: all members of a family are dead and now she has a pack of wolves

    Species: a human monster hybrid

    Map: a winter Forest of the area she lived in complete with cave home

    Outfit: she got the fur from a wolf that tried to kill her and become the leader of the Pack that wolf wasn't part of the Pack

    The way she kills and weapon:

    She hunts with her wolf pack she is the alpha female she has earned that title through the Generations of wolves her bone staff has a blade that Folds into it it's almost as long as the bone itself she has it folded in most the time so she can give commands to the wolves it has special carving that creates sudden sounds to allow her to do that each sound and movements means a different thing (like hiccups mother's staff in How to Train Your Dragon 2) she will kill using the blade part as well as sending her packed members after her target

    About her family:

    All her related family are dead the human side died in an incident when she was young her monster family were killed when they came to the surface she does not know about her monster families death though and will probably not find out she lives with a pack of wolves and she has had them for generations so they are lots more smarter than normal walls since they pick up on things that she's done through Generations growing smarter even having their own traditions and that ( her original design was based off the theory that wing ding Gaster was sans and papyrus father so she is their older half-sister)

    Her map:

    It is set in a forest with a few caves dotted about the area that looks like it was apart from mountain at one point forward to have a deep cave the whole place is a Winter Storm there would be a few animals dotted about ones that have a specifically evolved to survive in the conditions from her world but the vision in her world is very bad the storm is very bad you can barely see anything from about 5 feet in front of you you'd only be able to see the trees around you until you go into the caves then you'll be able to see fine but go outside you can't see a damn thing the map also has a natural slowness because of the weather as well in it it the temperature is easily down to -170 C° in her world it can easily drop below that (which would cause them to get winter clothing which you can put on your character stop the slowing down I'll be character in that map)

    If she was in game:

    Her wolves are the size of horses so she rides on one her height would be that the same height as the spirit and when it comes to the trials if you go through a window or over a lat the window the wolf world jump through like a horse and and when it comes to the lat the Wolves would stand on its Hind legs causing her to fall off it and slam the pose down on the lat the break it and she would come back on to the wolf and if you slam one down on top of them it would hit the Wolf's head causing it to shake its head and yelp as she checked it's head and when you're down by her the wolf will pick you up and toss it onto its back and she keep a hold of you if you manage to wiggle and get out of a scrip you would cause the wolf to rear up toss her off and you off for you to be able to get away and she would have to climb back onto the wolf when it comes to the torches that can be quite tricky because you don't know which head to go for if you go for her head you're blind her and the steering goes but you won't cause the other survivor to get away you need to go for the wolf head to make it blind and rear up and tossed them both off and when it comes to the ability when it's triggered it will cause her wolf to Howell and bring in four pack members which will target the survivors once they've been injured the survivor by it getting it once they will leave the only way to avoid them is to get in a locker in which case the wolf will Mark the locker showing her where the survivor is and then leave when you hear the whole you know the packs coming and when it comes to the special kill the wolf is riding on a grab one of the survivors legs 3 other of the Pack will come grab the other limbs in their mouth and pull ripping the body parts off she will then get off the wolf since the survivor is still alive and would be on their back and then raises her weapon up like a spear and slamming it down on the neck chopping off the head and then remounting the wolf which while that was going on eating the leg it had and then spitting out the half eaten leg and moving on and when it comes to to breaking the generators she would use her weapon like a club and whack it a few times and when it comes to hearing her coming you would only hear crunching of snow you wouldn't hear a heartbeat like the huntress only hearing that lullaby not to mention the other survivors would make crunching under the feet with this now so you wouldn't be able to tell if it's a survivor or the Alpha but you should be able to hear the difference between 4 feet crunching snow from 2 feet


    (Those who know the undertale background story goes because it's based around that but I won't be talking about that much just mainly her part to do with it and then the changes that judgement tale brings)

    So basically where she's from there were two races monsters and humans they had a war and monsters got trapped in the ground but just after the barrier was put up she was born when her family didn't believe what the other humans believed about Monsters so they kept her a secret and two days after her 7th birthday day since she would go back and forth to see her monster family since she could pass through the barrier anyway 2 days after her 7th birthday the humans in the village she lived in found out about her and forced her to watch her entire human family be burnt to death for having her and keeping her a secret then they tried to to do the same to her but her magical abilities kicked in and he ended up killing that whole Village there's only a crater left where that village one's stud and in fear of that happening to her monster family she kept herself hidden looking after herself the whole time by the time she reached an age where she realise that wouldn't happen it was too late and they had already forgotten about her fast forward to when the monsters actually got back to the surface they were not welcome it started another war that destroyed the Earth it caused everything to become frozen would like a new Ice Age a constant snow storm all around most moved to cities underwater only a rare few could survive on the surface and she was one of them all the animals started to evolve to adapt to the new world and with magic being released from the underground that affected them as well changing them in ways you would not think possible as the years went on and the Wolves sizes actually increased she stumbled across a pregnant female wolf that was injured and was being attacked by another animal she managed to save it and from then on Generations after that at the Wolves highly respected her as the Elder and strongest naming her the Alpha and they became smarter the more Generations went down the line and still even till this day humans and monsters aren't on good terms and she will kill anyone or anything that trespasses into her territory and her brother's did die but no one knows what happened to her father exactly what happened to her brother's for that matter there is believed that some humans killed them either during the war or just after which she doesn't know anything about and the ability she had back in her world no longer work in the entities realm when she arrived there she brought the weather with her is it spread to the entirety of the entities realm and even brought some of the creatures with it and is affects all the maps hers is the only one where it's as so bad it causes the survivors to slow down if they don't have warm clothing on it's even effects they're campfire

    Ok I actually created the original version of this character a long time ago around when undertale first came out out and his story does not change much the only thing exchanges are little things that are mainly to do with the universes themselves I have created loads of different versions even have a sketchbook filled with different versions of this character well the original version of the character I'm actually on amino and that's why I posted most of my art

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    I was thinking an emperor of some sort.

  • babbles
    babbles Member Posts: 2

    I just found that my post is missing one of the pictures for some reason

    That is the missing picture supposed to go with the animals that I mentioned to be in the map for the character

  • CLB198
    CLB198 Member Posts: 315

    The Showman

    Stats 115% move speed

    32 meter terror radius


    Power Stage Directions

    When looking down and using the power button draw an arrow in the currently faced direction to draw a Stage Direction. When looking at a stage direction and pressing the secondary power button, summon a specter with only a terror radius to walk in the direction of the arrow. If it comes within the lunging range of a survivor it will try to hit the survivor. If hit the survivor will scream. If it collides, misses an attack, or lives longer than 50 seconds the specter will dissipate.

    Dressing Room

    Using the secondary power button enter a locker and enter Teleport Mode. teleport mode will increase movement speed to 200%. Teleport Mode removes collision, sounds, and visuals on everything but lockers and auras. Use the secondary power button behind a locker to exit from that locker. If this hits a survivor they will be given the hindered status effect (-3%) for 3 seconds. This has a cooldown of 45 seconds.

  • highlord2k
    highlord2k Member Posts: 2

    I have a few killers I would like to submit as well….

    First killer I would like to talk about is a cryptid how about the Wendigo… we can call it the Hunger or something.

    So I was thinking this killer could start out as a large character and as it uses it ability it gets smaller and faster. Starting off it is one of the largest characters in the game as well as slow. That will change with its ability. When it puts survivors into the dying state it can use its ability to take a bit from them and sate its hunger. We would have levels to this at base level no bonuses, after taking a bite out of a survivor it goes to level 2 and shrinks in size to a more medium character and it's speed is increased. This also starts a timer that slowly counts down and it the Hunger does not take a bit from another survivor within that time it grows back to its original size and speed. So, let's say it can maintain level 2 for four mins within eating someone. While in level 2 state if it does take another bite from a survivor it moves up to level 3 and becomes a med/small hunter and it speed it increased even further, but the clock is also sped up so it can only maintain this form for two mins. As a secondary power we can give it a longer lung attack but that also uses up a certain percentage of the hunger bar and can force you to change earlier. Now as it fails to feed on time it will cause it to grow back through each level growing and slowing down. This killer would start out as the slowest hunter but if they can make it feed it would become the fastest killer. I think that would even out. As for Perks I have not really come up with Perks for this killer yet.

  • highlord2k
    highlord2k Member Posts: 2

    As for a second character I would like to submit how about…

    The Leprechaun (and would be awesome to get Warwick Davis to voice him)

    This hunter would be small like the Good Guy hunter. Another third person hunter, and weapon of course shillelagh.

    This hunter causes a pot of gold to spawn somewhere on the map, this will play a part in his powers.


    Fools gold - The Leprechaun while chase you can throw bags of gold at the survivors, and upon a hit stuns them for one to two seconds, but the gold has an effect on the survivor. The gold weights the survivor down and slows them by 1%. This can stack to let's say 5 - 10%… To get rid of this effect the survivors must find the pot of gold and empty their gold into it. This should cause sounds as metal filling the pot. Now to stop him from throwing bags of gold all the time he should have like 10 charges, and they will recharge slowly but if he goes to the pot of gold, he can refill them instantly.

    As the survivor's escape they can pick up the pot and escape with it, this causes the survivor carrying it have haste, like 3% (I would run like hell with a pot of gold). But this also causes the survivor to be exposed since he would be angry with the thief. If they escape with the pot, then they should get like double xp or something.


    Howl of the Banshee - if a survivor fails a skill check then for the next 30 seconds the survivor screams every 3-5 seconds. we can make this a percentage to succeed so like 20/40/60%

    Tricky lock - if a survivor enters a locker within your terror radius there is a 25/50/75% chance for the locker to lock them inside. They will have to break the lock making noise or another survivor /killer can let them out of the locker.

    Hex - Terror on the winds - Have a totem active that if survivors are with a certain radius They constantly hear the killer's heartbeat. They will not be able to tell where the killer is when they are near this totem.

  • Livion
    Livion Member Posts: 160

    My idea is technically not a new killer but now that we have new game modes I thought one where everyone is blighted and gets new abilities would be cool.

    For example:

    Blight (blighted...)

    102% speed


    Now you start the trial with 0 syringes and every 30 seconds get fatigue for 2s, to prevent this find a chest and open it, it will provide you with 2 syringes, while you have syringes you "blight" rush instead of walking (20s each syringe), you have full control over your movent.

    If you bump into a survivor lose 25% of the syringe your currently using and the survivor enters the injured and deep wound status effects.

    Every 2 syringes get a permanent +2% speed for vaulting.