The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

I am the owner! A S&K Perk Buff

Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

Howdy there, Shad03 here with a idea on how to make survivors more unique, at a slight cost. Just a little.

My idea is to give survivors (and killers) a buff to their own teachables when THEY use it. Killers are already unique on their own, but have no reason to use their own perks most of the time. Exceptions being The Nurse, Hillbilly, and such with good Perks. My idea is to Empower perks when the owner of said perks is to use them. Of course you can use any combination and aren't restricted to using said perks only to gain the buff, but yeah.

I'll give a few examples, and then you can give me feedback. Please tell me why my idea is good or bad, I'll accept 'Nos', but they'll be as pointless as me saying DS needs a nerf or NoEd needs a nerf. Or whatever you want to say that is pointless.

So here we go:

The Trapper:

Brutal Strength- You are stronger than the others. You break pallets and generators an increased 25% faster.

Agitation- The hunt has increased your need for blood, you move slightly faster when a chase ends (win or lose) for x seconds. Your terror radius is increased by x% when out of a chase and x% when in a chase.

Unnerving Presence- Your prey trembles when they known you draw near. Chance of triggering skill checks are increased by a additional x%. Your terror radius is increased by 12%

Nervous Leader:

Leader- You have developed a second personality that reeks of charisma. Allies within 8 meters of you perform actions a additional 15%. This effect persists for 15s outside of 8 meters. Does not work on generators.

Prove Thyself- Knowing that the others prove their worth make es you want to as well. You work on generators 10% faster when at least one other person is 4 meters of you. Effects do not stack.

Bond- You keep tabs on your friends, you can see other survivor auras for a additional 12 meters.

I will give two more examples and then let you guys give me some feedback (Negative or Positive, let me know!). If you wish to see more ideas of empowered perks, let me know and I will write it down.

The Nightmare:

Fire Up- Your fear of losing prey creeps on you even before a generator is complete. You gain a token when generators are down at least halfway. The tokens become permanent when a generator is complete. (In other words, Freddy gains his tokens faster, but if he kicks a generator he will lose the token. Effects are only active after two generators are complete (as is the case normally).)

Remember me- You wish to be feared, remembered. The obsession suffers 50% of the opening penalty for every token earned.

Blood Warden- No one escapes you. The gates start blocked for 15 seconds after a gate is opened.

Resolute Dreamwalker:

Pharmacy- You know how to search for useful meds. When facing against The Nightmare, the first chest you open will contain a very rare medkit and a rare add on. When facing any other killer the chest will contain a rare medkit with two add ons You open chests 25% faster.

Vigil- You look out for your own. When you or your allies suffer from disabilities, recovery from such effects is an additional 15% faster.

Wake Up- Escape is close enough that you can feel it. You open exit gates 20% faster. If you are asleep then you wake up.


If you are Claudette you can still run other perks, but only Claudette can run her perk to have it be improved. If you are the Nurse then she could run Nurse's Calling and every other perk while only her perk would be empowered. Hope this will help.


  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Sounds cool, but i don't know how Empathy could be improved on her, its range is unlimited on tier 3.
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Vietfox said:
    Sounds cool, but i don't know how Empathy could be improved on her, its range is unlimited on tier 3.

    :rage: Fudge. Uhh... She can... Uh... Yeah I got no clue.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889
    How would Doctors Monitor and Abuse work? It's literally detrimental to him since you want a large terror raduis?
    Overcharge can get bonus regressing on him
     overwhelming presence bonus item degredation.
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @starkiller1286 said:
    How would Doctors Monitor and Abuse work? It's literally detrimental to him since you want a large terror raduis?
    Overcharge can get bonus regressing on him
     overwhelming presence bonus item degredation.

    Which is why I'm glad for feedback. It makes my head wheels turn.

    However it is only a detriment to base Doctor and certain builds. M&A actually can work well with Ninja Doctor or Terror Radius Doctor. Empowered effects don't always have to have the same effect either, as I changed the effects slightly for some of the Perks I went with on the Trapper and Leader.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889
    I have never heard of ninja doctor before. I know of the sniping doctor and the weird circle doctor I only use to kill the useless add-ons. What benefit is a ninja doctor?
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @starkiller1286 said:
    I have never heard of ninja doctor before. I know of the sniping doctor and the weird circle doctor I only use to kill the useless add-ons. What benefit is a ninja doctor?

    Next to no terror radius. Good for ambushes and he moves at 115, so in a small closed map he is pretty much king.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @Shad03 said:

    @starkiller1286 said:
    I have never heard of ninja doctor before. I know of the sniping doctor and the weird circle doctor I only use to kill the useless add-ons. What benefit is a ninja doctor?

    Next to no terror radius. Good for ambushes and he moves at 115, so in a small closed map he is pretty much king.

    Or maybe M&A could have the values inverted on the doctor, increased terror radius + more FoV.
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Vietfox said:
    @Shad03 said:

    @starkiller1286 said:

    I have never heard of ninja doctor before. I know of the sniping doctor and the weird circle doctor I only use to kill the useless add-ons. What benefit is a ninja doctor?

    Next to no terror radius. Good for ambushes and he moves at 115, so in a small closed map he is pretty much king.

    Or maybe M&A could have the values inverted on the doctor, increased terror radius + more FoV.

    It all depends on what people might think is best. A shame one cannot change options of the effects.