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Killers power/ Solo Survivor struggle

feffrey Member Posts: 886
edited January 2019 in General Discussions
The power balance between killer and survivor is heavily shifted towards killers, to the point where it is near impossible for a solo survivor to escape.
A Killer can easily destroy a solo survivor because they lack teamwork and communication. It is up to the solo to encounter the killer to figure out their perks and cleanse totems by themselves .
 They have no clue is a killer is campung or not or what the others survivors intention are.
It is forcing Solo survivors into a wall where they have no choice but to play SWF for a chance at escaping and that is just creating more problems for killers being destroyed by a full SWF group 

They know they'll lose against a SWF and a Solo know they'll lose if the go in alone 

Making the only solution to playing is DC or lobby dodge 

If in playing Solo I know the SWF will not come get me so I might as well Die on hook right away or DC.

IF a killer see a SWF come in 9/10 they'll dodge

We need to balance the killer role to make it where survivors want to play Solo and be able to survive 

This recent update also did it in for survivors to only play SWF 
Some survivor want to see the killers build after they die bur they can't and the only way to see it is to play SWF and wait it out

Killers have multiple strong perks and depending on the map they've strong map pressure 
I could list all all the perks killers have that completely destroys Solo players but id be here all day explaining the combinations they could use to easily 4k.