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Main menu look and how it could maybe look better

After the unreal engine update, saturation and color were greatly improved with it, and with that the main menu looked completely different as well, but with that as well, its kinda looks off, don't get me wrong its looking great at first, but then after awhile, its kinda dull its looks to what the game is. 

When you hear that piano play in the main menu, it gives you a hopeless feel of how everything is in the realm of the entity world (except if you're a really toxic Survivor or killer lol) and it really gives that message, and when you switch to play as survivor, the guitar that plays the theme gives you that little bit of an uplifting feeling, as if there is hope but it is greatly consumed by fear, and then when you switch to play as the killer, it gives you that aggressive, powerful feeling in you, as if no one can control you and you have the high ground and are above all.

But with the way the main menu looks like right now, its just, doesn't give that feel. So here's what I'm thinking.

Almost every trial and every location the survivors and killers are sent to, it is almost always dark, so I was thinking, instead of having that orange hue in the main menu, around the campfire and such, maybe it could actually be dark, night time dark, like, dark dark lol, with the moon in the background high in the sky liting some dark areas with its moonlight and have the fire from the campfire just slightly light up its own area ( survivors, some grass, bushes and trees etc) just a small area, and when selecting to play as a Survivor, have half of the Survivors body be lit up by the campfire light and the rest of it by the moonlight, and for the killer, when in the main menu, have only the slightest bit of the light from the campfire reflect off the Killers weapon and mix that with moonlight and mostly the rest of the Killer's body be lit up by the moonlight, and then when you actually switch to play as the killer, have most of the Moonlight reflect off The Killers body, and have some light from the campfire reflect off the killers weapon mix with the moonlight (when in the main menu, the survivors are not supposed to know that the Killer is near and lurking near them and that the killer before them is who they're going to face once they go into a trial, but seeing as the Killer is clearly litten up by light, it just looks like the Survivor can easily see the Killer, somebody doing this, the survivors would be able to still see each other clearly, but the killer would be hidden within the Shadows, being able to clearly see the survivors but not have the survivors clearly see it)

And maybe like add one or two more trees? One near survivor and the other one for killer (to make it look so as if the killer is more hidden away from the survivor)

This is just my thought on it, I just want the main menu and themes to actually give the feel its supposed to give, and maybe by doing this it can maximize that feel.


  • Wolff_Bringer
    Wolff_Bringer Member Posts: 90

    Yeah. I actually dont like the menu at all.
    I have so amazing ideas with the menu, but maybe it would be too performance eating and maybe even to much for the developers to do, since the developers are pretty slow in programming things...