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Solving Rank Problems (Queues & etc)

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited January 2019 in General Discussions


Below! :)

Dead by Daylight Rank

It's known that most of the community doesn't see your rank as a achievement but more as a representation of time played. While I do agree to that statement to an extent, rank does have some representation of skill but it's not the players fault... The whole system needs to be changed for the better good.

Introducing Sections

Rank: 20 to 16 Newcomer
Rank: 15 to 11 Beginner
Rank: 10 to 6 Expert
Rank: 5 to 1 Professional

Whenever you reach a new section, you cannot depip back to the previous section that you was at (with the exception of rank rest). Example: You was in the beginner section and got promoted to the expert section. Therefore, you cannot depip back to the beginner section.

Making Rank an Achievement

Removing the safety pip will assure both the killer and survivor to work more harder for that rank 1 achievement. Additionally, the requirements to gain a pip will increase as you reach higher sections. However, double pip zone will remain the same since it's extremely difficult to achieve.

Newcomer: 4 Emblem Points
Iridescent+None(3x) =
1 pip

Beginner: 6 Emblem Points
Iridescent+Sliver+None(2x) =
1 pip

Expert: 8 Emblem Points
Iridescent(2x)+None(2x) =
1 pip

Professional: 10 Emblem Points
Iridescent(2x)+Sliver+None =
1 pip


Killers will be more likely to be matched up against SWF when you are at the higher sections which will make rank 1 a harder achievement. However, SWF survivor requirement to pip will be increased by 2 emblem points since you're expected to do better than normal.

Compensation For Harder Pips

Rewards will be given depending on what section you remained at during rank rest.

Newcomer: 50,000 BP
Beginner: 100,000 BP + 150 Shards
Expert: 250,000 BP + 300 Shards
Professional: 500,000 BP + 600 Shards

Problem: High Rank Queues

High ranks often suffer from high rank queues so we need to fuse queues together overtime. The longer you been waiting for a lobby, lower or higher ranked players will be able to join your lobby.

Two Minutes: The previous section and the next section can now join your lobby.

Five Minutes: All sections can join your lobby.


Basically changing the rank system to make it more harder to rank up which will make rank 1 an actual achievement. Additionally, players from lower or higher ranks can join your lobbies if you have been waiting for a certain amount of time. Finally, rewards to compensate for the harder pip requirements and separate queues for SWF!


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The emblem system itself isn't a good way of representing the player's skill, especially the survivor's.

    If the ranking system got a rework, the new system shouldn't be based on the emblems anymore. Ranking according to bloodpoints would make more sense. (Yes, I know that it used to be this way. Some adjustments would need to be made to earning bloodpoints, but in the end it would work better than the emblems.)

    I'd explain more in detail, if necessary.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The emblem system itself isn't a good way of representing the player's skill, especially the survivor's.

    If the ranking system got a rework, the new system shouldn't be based on the emblems anymore. Ranking according to bloodpoints would make more sense. (Yes, I know that it used to be this way. Some adjustments would need to be made to earning bloodpoints, but in the end it would work better than the emblems.)

    I'd explain more in detail, if necessary.

    Go ahead, I wanna hear what you think about the ranking system! :)
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570


    Ok. :) I'll keep it short for now. We could still go more into detail.

    In general, I agree that the ranking system needs a rework. There are good players in high rank who deserve to be there, but there also are those who don't.

    First, let's see why the emblem system isn't working. Concerning survivors:
    A survivor has to adept to the circumstances. They can't say "I'm not going to help teammates/repair gens anymore, since my emblem is full". Circumstances may force them to do one thing and abandon one or two categories completely. The skilled surv who keeps the killer busy the entire game gets no points in Lightbringer and Benevolence, for example.

    It's not that bad for killers, though there are some issues.

    I'd prefer pips being related to earned bloodpoints. Remove the category cap of 8k points (and keep the overall cap of 32k).

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2019


    Ok. :) I'll keep it short for now. We could still go more into detail.

    In general, I agree that the ranking system needs a rework. There are good players in high rank who deserve to be there, but there also are those who don't.

    First, let's see why the emblem system isn't working. Concerning survivors:
    A survivor has to adept to the circumstances. They can't say "I'm not going to help teammates/repair gens anymore, since my emblem is full". Circumstances may force them to do one thing and abandon one or two categories completely. The skilled surv who keeps the killer busy the entire game gets no points in Lightbringer and Benevolence, for example.

    It's not that bad for killers, though there are some issues.

    I'd prefer pips being related to earned bloodpoints. Remove the category cap of 8k points (and keep the overall cap of 32k).

     Ah, makes sense from your perspective. You just gave me an idea for the emblem system since not every survivor will fulfill all 4 emblem qualities.

    Couldn't the system pick your two highest emblem qualities and then use that as a way to see if you're worthy of a pip?

    Example: You did a 5 generator run and escaped, you was only downed once. You likely got nothing for gatekeeper and benevolence but you got gold on unbroken and iridescent on evader. Since your average is above a gold emblem quality between your two highest emblems, you deserve to pip!

    Would this work?

    I'm willing to discuss this further if you want. :)
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570


    The version with the two highest emblems wouldn't work, either, sorry:

    Imagine that a surv works on gens, runs from the killer and helps their teammates: They will probably get silver in almost every category and get around 17k bloodpoints. But they played well and deserved a pip.

    Or a surv runs the killer for 9 gens' worth of time and dies on the hook. That's only Iridescent and Silver. If it weren't for the bloodpoint cap, they would easily get over 20k bloodpoints.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited January 2019


    Introducing Sections

    Rank: 20 to 16 Newcomer
    Rank: 15 to 11 Beginner
    Rank: 10 to 6 Expert
    Rank: 5 to 1 Professional

    I think Heartstone has a very similar ranking system and I think they prove to work.

    Although I disagree with the emblem section;


    Emblem 1: Lightbringer/Gatekeeper

    A killer can get 4 gate-keeper points through the regression of generators and the survivors could infinitely gain lightbringer points by working on the regressed generators.

    (+4 points survivors, +4 points killer)

    Emblem 2: Unbroken/Devout

    If a game lasts long enough (about 9+ minutes) a survivor can get 2 PIPs in this category and the Killer can get 4 by the hands of teamwork.

    (+2 points survivor + 4 points killer)

    Emblem 3: Benevolent/Malicious

    2 hooking and hitting every survivor 3 times in total (without it being healed back up. 2 times in the beginning and 1 time after . a hook) gives a killer a minimum of 2 points and 4 points if the killer 4k's, which is beneficial net, for both sides.

    Survivors can infinitely farm Benevolence points by getting points for healing, meaning they can always guarantee to have 4 points.

    (+4 points survivor, +4 killer)

    Emblem 4: Evader/Chaser

    Both can be farmed to 4 points for both factions through triggering the chase mechanic and deliberately letting the points stack up.

    (+4 points survivor, +4 killer)

    As you can see, the killer and survivors aren't really enemies. In fact: Cooperating is often the preferable play-style if you consider gaining as many emblems as possible winning.

    This is the problem; DBD is a football match where both teams can win as long as they score 2 goals.
    What we should do instead of using the current emblem system is; making the killer and survivors TRUE OPPONENTS.

    It's actually quite comical that players can be banned from teaming with the killer, since this is actually not gamethrowing; it's playing to your win-condition, but since this win-condition is embarrassing, it's punished unnaturally instead.

    So what should we do instead of using the current emblem system? The answer is pretty easy;
    In an assymetrical competitive game, we should create a system that TRULY matches 2 teams against each other. When 1 team is gaining, the other is losing.
    This then of course gives people some sort of score. Because asymmetrical games can be very unbalanced, we want to create a ranking system that functions EVEN IF THE GAME IS UNBALANCED. So how do we do that?
    Step 2 is by ONLY ranking killers against killers when it comes to their score and only ranking survivors against survivors when it comes to their scores.
    In this world, the killer plays against the survivor and both have every incentive to obliterate the opponent. Teamwork is impossible, but even if survivors score, say 80% on average and killers 20% on average, killers would only have to score higher than 20% on average to climb, where as survivors would have to score above 80% on average to climb.

    That is the formula. Killers versus survivors, while using the scores obtained to only measure killers vs killers and survivors vs survivors.

    Additionally; we can use such a relative ranking system to "Solve the Solo VS SWF GAP" on a ranking based level! Do I mean partially? No; I mean absolutely;
    Arpad Elo, Hungarian-American physics professor has the answers;
    The idea of ELO, is that a certain faction/person is expected to win more, which we factor in.
    Similar in our 80-20 example above, we here factored in that survivors would score significantly higher points most of the time, which simultaneously forces them to exceed that expected amount in order to climb.

    If we take rank 2 and expect SWF's to score 50% more points ON AVERAGE, then we make their wins only 66.67% of that of a solo, nullifying their rank-wise advantage. Scoring lower points is also 50% more damaging.

    I can cover how 3 of the 4 emblems can be used to create a truly opponent structure but to make this reply not too long I'll leave it out.

    In short: We basically do what weightlifters do: If you weight more, we expect to carry more! Climbing is not that easy (:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I would like to point out something that most players misunderstand.

    High rank queues SHOULD take their time. Its the same in every competitive game, there are not a lot people at the competitive level so.....

    But thats something nobody of us would worry about, or would you even think about queue times on grandmaster/challenger or whatever

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Master said:
    I would like to point out something that most players misunderstand.

    High rank queues SHOULD take their time. Its the same in every competitive game, there are not a lot people at the competitive level so.....

    I wouldn't look at it this strictly. You could still let different ranks play against each other. DbD is not esports like, for example, LoL.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @Master said:
    I would like to point out something that most players misunderstand.

    High rank queues SHOULD take their time. Its the same in every competitive game, there are not a lot people at the competitive level so.....

    I wouldn't look at it this strictly. You could still let different ranks play against each other. DbD is not esports like, for example, LoL.

    Well as I said, in a COMPETITIVE game, thats how it should be. Of course if DBD wants to stay a casual mess, then its sth they dont have to worry about