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A interesting way to slow down gens.

thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
edited January 2019 in General Discussions
With the hallowed blight event and this event, I have a theory that BHVR is testing secondary objectives. Hallowed blight was too long, but this event has a similar way to my idea to slow gen speed down without directly increasing gen time.

The quick answer: PARTS
Parts scattered around the map that survivors need to find to complete a generator. 

The long answer: Parts are scattered around the map randomly. (7 parts will be on the map, so all gens can be done.) Generators can be completed to 50% before a part is required to keep repairing it. This let's 1 survivor look for parts while others get the gen to 50%. Survivors can carry both a part and an item. (In this case, the part would be wrapped around their waist.) Installing parts requires a quick skill check.

Brand new part Buff. (I know you survivors want BNPs to be great again. I'll try to make them more useful.)
1. You bring a part into the match. No need to look for one at the start.
2. Boost stays the same. Click install, hit the skill checks, +25%. Nothing new here.

Killer interaction with parts. Like the event, hooking a survivor causes them to drop parts, which return to another location. (NOT original location of that specific part, you need to look for it again.) Killers DON'T see part auras.

Franklin's Demise interaction. First hit will drop the item a survivor is carrying. Second hit (or first if the survivor does not have a item as well) will cause the part to be dropped on the spot and will stay until someone gets it. (BTW this is a optional thing. Would be an interesting buff for Franklin's Demise imo.)

Survivors who only work on generators while others get chased will have to risk being found as they look for parts. Gives killers with lacking pressure to apply it more consistently. 
Slows the game down in a different and possibly fun way.

Thoughts? This can be done in so many ways. So I would love some good suggestions.


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    With the hallowed blight event and this event, I have a theory that BHVR is testing secondary objectives. Hallowed blight was too long, but this event has a similar way to my idea to slow gen speed down without directly increasing gen time.

    The quick answer: PARTS
    Parts scattered around the map that survivors need to find to complete a generator. 

    The long answer: Parts are scattered around the map randomly. (7 parts will be on the map, so all gens can be done.) Generators can be completed to 50% before a part is required to keep repairing it. This let's 1 survivor look for parts while others get the gen to 50%. Survivors can carry both a part and an item. (In this case, the part would be wrapped around their waist.) Installing parts requires a quick skill check.

    Brand new part Buff. (I know you survivors want BNPs to be great again. I'll try to make them more useful.)
    1. You bring a part into the match. No need to look for one at the start.
    2. Boost stays the same. Click install, hit the skill checks, +25%. Nothing new here.

    Killer interaction with parts. Like the event, hooking a survivor causes them to drop parts, which return to another location. (NOT original location of that specific part, you need to look for it again.) Killers DON'T see part auras.

    Franklin's Demise interaction. First hit will drop the item a survivor is carrying. Second hit (or first if the survivor does not have a item as well) will cause the part to be dropped on the spot and will stay until someone gets it. (BTW this is a optional thing. Would be an interesting buff for Franklin's Demise imo.)

    Survivors who only work on generators while others get chased will have to risk being found as they look for parts. Gives killers with lacking pressure to apply it more consistently. 
    Slows the game down in a different and possibly fun way.

    Thoughts? This can be done in so many ways. So I would love some good suggestions.
    Interesting idea but I do have a concern for this idea. Will survivors be able to find the parts easily or will it be a needle in a haystack type of thing?
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    I love the idea of secondary objectives because it would slow games down a bit and give the survivor role more to do. But we should also take into account the killers that don't need this change. The Nurse, Hag, Hillbilly, and Spirit are okay the way things are now, so they would need some changes if this were ever put into the game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Love the idea +1

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    This will change nothing since those parts will probably spawn next to gens...
  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Concept is great, +1 here; my biggest concern with this idea however is that it will be heavily dependant on the models of the parts, so in order to hit the middle ground I would suggest that three differant parts be introduced, each with various models and effects, os the brighter parts give no to little progression where as the darker and maybe even smaller parts will give more progression, perhaps have so the darker parts spawn after a certain amount of gens or even vice versa; depending on how the game flows obv.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I love the idea of secondary objectives because it would slow games down a bit and give the survivor role more to do. But we should also take into account the killers that don't need this change. The Nurse, Hag, Hillbilly, and Spirit are okay the way things are now, so they would need some changes if this were ever put into the game.

    This /\.... therefore the parts shouldnt be too difficult to find otherwise these certain killers would end up being crippled.... in which quite a bit players dont want happening (myself included... mainly for spirit and Billy)... the game doesnt need anything major just a that extra min to get the ball moving on the killer side... 

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I think the canker event showed the game is more balanced than many people think.

    Just giving that one extra thing for survivors to do really tipped the balance in favour of the killers.
    This idea with parts would do the same thing.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited January 2019

    I've expressed this exact idea with the 50% part installation before but with one-added detail:

    The Survivors can repair up to 50% and then must install a part. Once the part is installed, the Killer CANNOT regress that generator below 50% anymore. Also make it so whenever a Survivor goes down they drop the part if they are holding one.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    @weirdkid5 said:
    I've expressed this exact idea with the 50% part installation before but with one-added detail:

    The Survivors can repair up to 50% and then must install a part. Once the part is installed, the Killer CANNOT regress that generator below 50% anymore. Also make it so whenever a Survivor goes down they drop the part if they are holding one.

    This is the version I like best. I feel which version would work better mostly revolves around how visible the parts are though... If they are hard to see (dark color, no aura, inconspicuous) then the regress protection would be more balanced. If they are easier to see in any way, they should not get this property though. An unintended side effect would be survivors getting multiple gens to 50%, putting a part in them, and keeping them there to make it incredibly difficult for the killer to apply pressure (since they will have no idea which gens are being worked on or not.)

    Maybe a fair balance would be instead of having the regression protection be a threshold, it would simply be that the gen does not need another part if it goes under 50%, but it regresses at half speed? That way it doesn't mess up the killer's tracking pressure TOO much, but it could be used to tip contested gens into the survivors favor after they've put in the extra work.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    An alternative would be that generators take a longer time to repair without a part, as to imagine the survivors jury-rigging the generator to make it work.

    Having a visual indicator on a generator with a part installed would also be awesome. Maybe even make a unique sound when it's being worked on?

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    se05239 said:

    An alternative would be that generators take a longer time to repair without a part, as to imagine the survivors jury-rigging the generator to make it work.

    Having a visual indicator on a generator with a part installed would also be awesome. Maybe even make a unique sound when it's being worked on?

    This kind of defeats the main point of getting the "gen jockeys" off the gen for once.
  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    Sounds like Friday The 13th lol. I could dig it.