QOL changes that could happen for(and some for disabled people)

i think we should have the ability to tweak aura colors from perks in the menus (though the defaults will stay the same)
and the volume of music. i also think a deaf/colorblind mode should be added. though i don't suffer from these afflictions myself, i think they could be very useful to those people to allow greater accessibility to the game.
Ie colorblind mode would put filters over the game for better visibility, and deaf could mute all sound, and instead have a directional audio indicator similar to those that fps games have for damage. and for terror radiuses instead of having it be directional, have the entire screen maybe wobble/shake (and for whispers too i guess)
or even better for terror radiuses on ps4/xbox for deaf mode, you could add vibration
idk im just trying to think of accessibility solutions
