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Pig Buffs That Are Needed

Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

Reverse Bear Traps
Buff 1

  • Survivors now have a 0% chance of removing the RBT on their first Jigsaw Box search.
    (It sucks wasting RBts on Survivors that get their's off on their first search. This will allow RBTs to be more deadlier and will be able to stall more time.)

Buff 2

  • Survivors cannot search Jigsaw Boxes until their RBT is activated.
    (I never understood why they could since it doesn't make sense lore wise and gameplay wise. Again, this will reduce the amount of wasted RBTs and will counter SWF.

Buff 3 (Not needed but would help)

  • Survivors will get an instant Game Over if they try to escape via the hatch with a RBT on.

Buff 1

  • Increase the speed while crouched to 95% (3.8m)

Buff 2

  • Raise the camera so that Amanda can actually see over grass.


  • Workshop Grease and Razor Wires need to be reworked. Instead of increasing the chance of skillchecks, they should reduce the size of them.

Note: I don't want Amanda to get all of these buffs, they are just ideas that would help her a lot.

Post edited by Salty_Pearl on


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2019

    RBT Buff 1: Sure, I'm on board with that
    RBT Buff 2: I wouldn't do this if Buff 1 is also being implemented. Either or, but not both.
    RBT Buff 3: I like the idea of traps snapping on the hatch, but I think it needs to be easier to get the trap off while there's only one Survivor left to compensate.

    Ambush Buff 1: Sure?
    Ambush Buff 2: I don't think that's necessary.

    Add-Ons: I think more of her add-ons need buffs/re-works than just those two. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about having them shrink skill checks since Unnerving Presence can further shrink the Success Zones (I think? Hard to tell since Huntress Lullaby apparently does not work with Jigsaw Boxes).

  • Xycronian
    Xycronian Member Posts: 5

    Jesus Christ. These are the worst buff suggestions iv'e ever seen for a killer.
    Buff 1 - The point is that it's random. I mainly get my RBT off on the last box i search
    Buff 2 - That's just OP
    Buff 3 - Its hard enough to just find the hatch, especially with a ticking time bomb on your ######### head.
    Ambush -
    Buff 1 - You might as well not be crouched. You are going the same speed as the nurse.
    Buff 2 - Ig that might be alright
    Addons - Ok, those are actually reasonable

    I play pig every now and then. and I still get easy 4k's (Im rank 6) I personally don't think she needs to be buffed.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    She can already fast teabag shes good where she is
  • MegChicken
    MegChicken Member Posts: 163
    Xycronian said:

    Jesus Christ. These are the worst buff suggestions iv'e ever seen for a killer.
    Buff 1 - The point is that it's random. I mainly get my RBT off on the last box i search
    Buff 2 - That's just OP
    Buff 3 - Its hard enough to just find the hatch, especially with a ticking time bomb on your [BAD WORD] head.
    Ambush -
    Buff 1 - You might as well not be crouched. You are going the same speed as the nurse.
    Buff 2 - Ig that might be alright
    Addons - Ok, those are actually reasonable

    I play pig every now and then. and I still get easy 4k's (Im rank 6) I personally don't think she needs to be buffed.

    Are you mad? 
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2019

    Buff 1 - The point is that it's random. I mainly get my RBT off on the last box i search

    Math doesn't support that. You only have a 25% chance of having to search all four boxes each time you have a trap placed on your head.

    @Xycronian said:
    Buff 1 - You might as well not be crouched. You are going the same speed as the nurse.

    I don't think going the same speed as a non-blinking Nurse is anywhere near "may as well not be crouched."

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    1 - ye
    2 - no thanks
    3 -nope unless you can magically search jigsaw boxes faster
    4 - don't think it's that necessery
    5 - no thanks

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    The only change I would like to see for Pig at this point is making it so Ruleset #2 is baseline. Survivors shouldn't see the auras of traps until the RBT is active. Replace Ruleset #2 with Bag of Holding (or whatever name they like) - ultra rare- gives killer unlimited reverse bear traps. That is all Pig needs now. Most of your suggestions are pretty wild.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2019

    @Milo said:
    3 -nope unless you can magically search jigsaw boxes faster

    How would you feel about the following additional changes if they made it so people with RBTs die if they tried to jump into the hatch:

    1) The time it takes to search a Jigsaw Box is reduced by 50% when there is only one Survivor remaining in the Trial.

    2) When there is only one Survivor remaining in the Trial, Good Skill Checks are considered Great Skill Checks while searching a Jigsaw Box.

    3) "Bag of Gears" and "Crate of Gears" add-ons receive the following nerf to the time increase in searching Jigsaw Boxes: "Slightly/Considerably increases the time it takes Survivors to search a Jigsaw Box. Does not apply if there is only one Survivor remaining in the Trial."

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @TAG said:

    @Milo said:
    3 -nope unless you can magically search jigsaw boxes faster

    How would you feel about the following additional changes if they made it so people with RBTs die if they tried to jump into the hatch:

    1) The time it takes to search a Jigsaw Box is reduced by 50% when there is only one Survivor remaining in the Trial.

    2) When there is only one Survivor remaining in the Trial, Good Skill Checks are considered Great Skill Checks while searching a Jigsaw Box.

    3) "Bag of Gears" and "Crate of Gears" add-ons receive the following nerf to the time increase in searching Jigsaw Boxes: "Slightly/Considerably increases the time it takes Survivors to search a Jigsaw Box. Does not apply if there is only one Survivor remaining in the Trial."

    That wouldn't be that bad i guess

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    No to all this. The only one I could agree with is the add-ons for skill checks, that's a good one.

    RBT is based on RNG. Keep in mind for every survivor that gets the trap on the first box you have another survivor that gets it off on the last box. But as killer you never notice this, you only notice when they do it super fast. Play survivor against a Pig (a GOOD Pig) and you will see why all your ideas for RBT buffs are bad.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited February 2019

    Reverse Bear Traps
    Buff 1

    • Survivors now have a 0% chance of removing the RBT on their first Jigsaw Box search.
      (It sucks wasting RBts on Survivors that get their's off on their first search. This will allow RBTs to be more deadlier and will be able to stall more time.)

    Buff 2

    • Survivors cannot search Jigsaw Boxes until their RBT is activated.
      (I never understood why they could since it doesn't make sense lore wise and gameplay wise. Again, this will reduce the amount of wasted RBTs and will counter SWF.

    Buff 3 (Not needed but would help)

    • Survivors will get an instant Game Over if they try to escape via the hatch with a RBT on.

    Buff 1

    • Increase the speed while crouched to 95% (3.8m)

    Buff 2

    • Increase the duration of Ambush to 3 seconds.

    * Workshop Grease and Razor Wires need to be reworked. Instead of increasing the chance of skillchecks, they should reduce the size of them.

    Reverse Bear Trap
    Buff 1: Sure, a single box won't make a RBT deadly, it'll just waste more time.
    Buff 2: I don't agree with this but I wouldn't be opposed to Rules Set NO.2 being baseline.
    Buff 1: Sure, I wouldn't mind a faster movement speed while crouching.
    Buff 2: Not a increased dash duration but a slight dash movement increase to catch those SB survivors easier.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Honestly speaking, Amanda isn't far off, just a slight nudge could make the difference in her viability! :)

    Who else agrees?
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    Nickenzie said:
    Honestly speaking, Amanda isn't far off, just a slight nudge could make the difference in her viability! :)

    Who else agrees?
    I think most of what she needs are changes to her add-ons.  As far as Amanda herself, I don't think she needs a whole lot to be made better.
  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    @TAG said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Honestly speaking, Amanda isn't far off, just a slight nudge could make the difference in her viability! :)

    Who else agrees?

    I think most of what she needs are changes to her add-ons.  As far as Amanda herself, I don't think she needs a whole lot to be made better.

    I agree.
    And i had an idea for rework her addons.

    I use Last Will and Video Tape many times.
    Because the other addons are useless or RNG destroy it.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    And what about Amanda's letter, one of the worst pink addons of the game if not the worst.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    @IamFran said:
    And what about Amanda's letter, one of the worst pink addons of the game if not the worst.

    Oh my god I hate Amanda's Letter. It hurts her more than it helps her which is a major problem.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    @IamFran said:
    And what about Amanda's letter, one of the worst pink addons of the game if not the worst.

    Oh my god I hate Amanda's Letter. It hurts her more than it helps her which is a major problem.

    Of course, that addon almost nullifies the RBTs. 
  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    1 - I think rather then the first box never having a key needing 2 keys would be more fitting. Could reduce search times if needed.

    2,3 nope

    4 - dunno - maybe an add on to slightly increase speed?

    5 - I like it makes me feel like a sneaky shark

    Yeah her add ons need a rework

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2019

    1 - I think rather then the first box never having a key needing 2 keys would be more fitting. Could reduce search times if needed.

    I initially thought that at first.  Then I realized that with needing two keys, if the Survivor guesses wrong on the first two boxes, the Pig can force the trap to go off because she can camp either of the remaining two boxes knowing that the Survivor will never be able to properly search them both.  Granted, you only have a 1/6 chance of that happening, but consider that the Pig would still be able to theoretically camp the last box like she already has the means of doing.  I don't think that is a good thing.
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I agree with all except 2 and 3. Instead of 2 what I think is that we need Rule Set #2 to be baseline. 3 we don't need because the issue is the broken hatch end game system, not a problem with the traps.