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Event unplayable if you are a solo survivor

Meme Member Posts: 275

Title say it all.I swear it takes ages to find myself in a lobby,and when I do I mostly get dodged cause the killer assumes that we are swf.And now strangely every time I'm starting a game people dc at the start of the match.What has happened to this game?I knew the events sucked but this is just insane.


  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Survivor gets significantly more points than killer(assuming they actually escape) so no one wants to play killer right now. Besides, half the people playing right now aren't getting points cause the event is bugged.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    That rings true for most of the threads on this topic. Event survivor sided you don't have enough killers. Event killer sided you don't have enough survivors. .

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    @ClogWench said:
    Survivor gets significantly more points than killer(assuming they actually escape) so no one wants to play killer right now. Besides, half the people playing right now aren't getting points cause the event is bugged.

    I'm pretty sure its fixed.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @ClogWench said:
    Survivor gets significantly more points than killer(assuming they actually escape) so no one wants to play killer right now. Besides, half the people playing right now aren't getting points cause the event is bugged.

    This was not my experience at all. I get around 27 points a game on killer, was averaging maybe 12 as survivor. Too many DC's by both killers and survivors. All the killers are camping and tunneling. Heck, I even had a hard camper running an eboni mori! WTH is that?!

    Staying with killer. Trapper is doing just fine. Just need a few more points for the one outfit I want. Then can let survivors collect all they want in my matches.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    @ClogWench said:
    Survivor gets significantly more points than killer(assuming they actually escape) so no one wants to play killer right now. Besides, half the people playing right now aren't getting points cause the event is bugged.

    This was not my experience at all. I get around 27 points a game on killer, was averaging maybe 12 as survivor. Too many DC's by both killers and survivors. All the killers are camping and tunneling. Heck, I even had a hard camper running an eboni mori! WTH is that?!

    Staying with killer. Trapper is doing just fine. Just need a few more points for the one outfit I want. Then can let survivors collect all they want in my matches.

    gave you an Awesome for the last part i will do that too but i'm grinding now on steam and ps4 wait time on ps4 is nuts may switch to killer.

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    @ClogWench said:
    Survivor gets significantly more points than killer(assuming they actually escape) so no one wants to play killer right now. Besides, half the people playing right now aren't getting points cause the event is bugged.

    This was not my experience at all. I get around 27 points a game on killer, was averaging maybe 12 as survivor. Too many DC's by both killers and survivors. All the killers are camping and tunneling. Heck, I even had a hard camper running an eboni mori! WTH is that?!

    Staying with killer. Trapper is doing just fine. Just need a few more points for the one outfit I want. Then can let survivors collect all they want in my matches.