The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Moonrise Event from a killer's perspective.

Greetings, The Moonrise event is probably the best event so far because it doesn't affect gameplay or add objectives to the game and completely throw off the flow of how the game mechanics and style works.

I believe this event has got it right this time, however, there are a few quality of life changes and possibly bugs (Unsure if it's intended to work this way) but anyways.

Any of the information given isn't a solution to fix the current event but is here to make future events feel a little more pleasant.

  • In the BBQ Summer event when you picked up a survivor it would show you the BBQ hooks, in the event, it's sometimes quite difficult to find the correct Vessel lamp that is needed to be destroyed, I think having a system where you can see the Vessels in general or whilst carrying a survivor would be nice, Perhaps showing in blue like the BBQ event did.

  • I do also think with the vessel's becoming corrupted they could have been improved upon, now I'm unsure if this is a bug but when you hook a survivor all of the vessels become corrupted, as intended however if the survivor kills them-self or it's their last hook the vessel turns red then immediately turns normal again before any animation of destroying said vessel is possible.

(When you last hook a survivor and there's a vessel next to them there's not enough time after death animation to hit the corrupted vessel)

  • Since it's difficult to find the vessels that are active to destroy in the first place it often happens that by the time I've found active vessels the survivors are on their last hook, therefore rendering me being able to destroy them not possible from lack of time when they turn red and immediately go yellow on last hooks/suicides

  • I think everything else with this event is perfect, it doesn't obstruct the original idea of the game and make it more difficult, the only other thing I could ask is to make it easier and less grind-related to get tokens or points, there's nothing more frustrating to get the easy first 2 or 3 and then having to do 4x more effort to get the same amount of reward as you did when you got the first one, It takes away from the feeling of progression and rather than fun it becomes a chore.

I'm really glad to see that the events are becoming better and feel a lot smoother in terms of gameplay and keep the original idea of objectives.

Thanks :)


  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    Honestly I just want slightly more points for playing killers since you need to destroy 7 vessels and hook everyone 3 times just to get the same amount of points as a survivor escaping with a vessel.
  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    If Killer points were Higher and Vessels had Auras when they could be destroyed with longer times to destroy on death hook, the Event would be fine.
    As it is now, Killers have an added objective of finding the vessels to destroy them adding in more to do in the time crunch and giving free safe unhooks and gen time for something you might not even be able to find or get to on time.

  • Waggles
    Waggles Member Posts: 8

    This thread didn't show up yesterday and double posted after a while, please go to my other thread and comment on it instead as I cannot remove this one