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This Event is for Killers a JOKE

We get way less points and the damn lanterns are very hard to find.
On top the time you can get one is way to short.

Fix this damn event for Killers!!!!


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Lanterns aren't that hard to find on open maps.
    But yeah point gains FOR BOTH SIDES are a bit too low

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532

    I don't mind that its low, as it is FREE premium cosmetics, but there should be some chance for more killer points!

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Supernaut said:
    I don't mind that its low, as it is FREE premium cosmetics, but there should be some chance for more killer points!

    What? It's not free. It costs half of my sanity

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @bendermac said:
    We get way less points and the damn lanterns are very hard to find.
    On top the time you can get one is way to short.

    Fix this damn event for Killers!!!!

    Try playing solo survivor in this thing. I play killer mostly, but am trying to do some dailies and get some points. Every survivor is a hiding, chicken crap and every killer is a camper/tunneler. I average less than 10 points a match. As Trapper I was averaging 20+ a match. Since this event began, I've run 14 survivor matches with only 1 having more than one get out. I ran 22 killer matches with only 2 matches where more than 1 escaped.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @Milo said:
    Lanterns aren't that hard to find on open maps.
    But yeah point gains FOR BOTH SIDES are a bit too low

    I think the survivors collect them at quite a fair and intended rate. They used a similar grindy methods phone games typically use. It really helps players that do not play recently to get a decent amount, while still not letting all players get all of the event.

    The killer does get too few points as evident by the matchmaking queues. I'm not sure as to why, but I'd guess they overestimated how many vessels there'd be per match, considering you only get 1 envelope per bloodweb.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    Try playing solo survivor.

    Gens just do NOT get done. Almost every game I'm doing 2 solo before someone else gets one done.

    Its literally pointless playing. What the hell are the other survivors doing? Are they so not used to playing against Ruin?

    Maybe its new Ruin hiding spots? Ive never seen it stay up so long.

    Then again when I play killer its in the same ######### open spots as always.

    I hate this event. Its really not fun for a solo player. I do so much of the work and get nothing for it.

    50k roughly to get a single red ticket and they've all been wasted because either the gens don't get done or I get hooked at the end and the rest run out and leave me to die. What a stupid, stupid event. Hallowed Blight was so much more fun.

    Thats not to mention the fact that you have to queue for 2-3 minutes just to be met with red ping or a lobby dodge.

    I feel like I can't play survivor for the next 2 weeks and I don't want to play killer after the devs ruined it with their abysmal new hook system.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Try playing solo survivor.

    Gens just do NOT get done. Almost every game I'm doing 2 solo before someone else gets one done.

    Its literally pointless playing. What the hell are the other survivors doing? Are they so not used to playing against Ruin?

    Maybe its new Ruin hiding spots? Ive never seen it stay up so long.

    Then again when I play killer its in the same ######### open spots as always.

    I hate this event. Its really not fun for a solo player. I do so much of the work and get nothing for it.

    50k roughly to get a single red ticket and they've all been wasted because either the gens don't get done or I get hooked at the end and the rest run out and leave me to die. What a stupid, stupid event. Hallowed Blight was so much more fun.
    They are grabbing lanterns and then hiding hoping you do enough gens for the hatch and then they play the wait till you’re all dead game.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Paddy4583 said:
    Try playing solo survivor.

    Gens just do NOT get done. Almost every game I'm doing 2 solo before someone else gets one done.

    Its literally pointless playing. What the hell are the other survivors doing? Are they so not used to playing against Ruin?

    Maybe its new Ruin hiding spots? Ive never seen it stay up so long.

    Then again when I play killer its in the same ######### open spots as always.

    I hate this event. Its really not fun for a solo player. I do so much of the work and get nothing for it.

    50k roughly to get a single red ticket and they've all been wasted because either the gens don't get done or I get hooked at the end and the rest run out and leave me to die. What a stupid, stupid event. Hallowed Blight was so much more fun.
    They are grabbing lanterns and then hiding hoping you do enough gens for the hatch and then they play the wait till you’re all dead game.

    But it sits on 5 gens for ages. 5 gens!!!

    I've never seen a single gen not done for so lon. How can I get almost 2 before the other 3 survivors can even get 1?

    And then when I play killer its a different story. They burn through gens like Ruin wasn't even there.

    As always the devs shaft solo players because they're all playing against each other for the hatch, whereas swf work together to gen rush and escape. What awful game design. Bring back hallowed blight
  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328
    Try playing solo survivor.

    Gens just do NOT get done. Almost every game I'm doing 2 solo before someone else gets one done.

    Its literally pointless playing. What the hell are the other survivors doing? Are they so not used to playing against Ruin?

    Maybe its new Ruin hiding spots? Ive never seen it stay up so long.

    Then again when I play killer its in the same ######### open spots as always.

    I hate this event. Its really not fun for a solo player. I do so much of the work and get nothing for it.

    50k roughly to get a single red ticket and they've all been wasted because either the gens don't get done or I get hooked at the end and the rest run out and leave me to die. What a stupid, stupid event. Hallowed Blight was so much more fun.

    Thats not to mention the fact that you have to queue for 2-3 minutes just to be met with red ping or a lobby dodge.

    I feel like I can't play survivor for the next 2 weeks and I don't want to play killer after the devs ruined it with their abysmal new hook system.
    I gotta agree, I share the same experience. It made me quit for now. This event is VERY unfun and frustrating as solo survivor. 
  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532

    @Milo said:

    @Supernaut said:
    I don't mind that its low, as it is FREE premium cosmetics, but there should be some chance for more killer points!

    What? It's not free. It costs half of my sanity

    yeah, been having DBD event nightmares since before it started!!!

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @EntityDispleased said:
    I feel like people are exaggerating the situation for killers rn. Yes the event is technically survivor sided but I'd say on average a competent killer earns a lot more than a typical solo survivor. If you're talking about survivors earning more by queueing up in 4 man deathsquads then that's a different story. Solos or even two man swfs have to suffer from terrible teammates and the current event objective.

    Do the math yourself, there is no way a killer can earn more than a survivor. Even if he manages to 4k, he still is far away from the max points usually

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    pro tip: Git Gud
    You're welcome  :p
  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    just play survivor like everyone else

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @RushingSnipeBob said:

    @qtSpiritMain said:
    I'd agree with you but think of it this way....
    You're earning coins faster as a killer than a random survivor. Queues are over 20 minutes and killer queues are faster.

    The survivor you just met might have left with more progress than you but you're onto a faster queue than that person.

    20 minutes? I wait around 1 minute as a solo survivor, and yet, I earn minimum 20 points per match as a survivor, while as a killer I earn 16-26 points when I 4k. This event is a joke for killers.

    You think YOU have it tough!? I'm trying to make a simple living selling handmade lanterns and a bunch of kids keep stealing them! And who in damnation is breaking the ones I find laying around!!!

    Kids these respect for your elders.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    Master said:

    @EntityDispleased said:
    I feel like people are exaggerating the situation for killers rn. Yes the event is technically survivor sided but I'd say on average a competent killer earns a lot more than a typical solo survivor. If you're talking about survivors earning more by queueing up in 4 man deathsquads then that's a different story. Solos or even two man swfs have to suffer from terrible teammates and the current event objective.

    Do the math yourself, there is no way a killer can earn more than a survivor. Even if he manages to 4k, he still is far away from the max points usually

    My average solo survivor game nets me 20 or less points. Only 3 matches so far did I get full 45 points and one of them was because one of my teammates escaped with a lantern before they fixed that unintended feature. On average I get 20-35 points as killer.

    I get that the math says survivors should earn more, that's why I said technically they do earn more, but in a 2 hour session for example I would earn much more  playing back to back games as killer than solo survivor. Couple that with the fact that killer lobbies are near instant, the gains would most likely be much bigger as killer.
    Exactly, people aren't taking this into account.

    You can get 2 gens done as survivor then get 1 hooked until death because bobody rescues you. That's 8 points.

    Thats only 4 hooks as killer.
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Yee.. one of the issues on the survivor side is the amount you get for escaping with a vessel. You get 25 which is worth more then then getting 5 gens done. So why not wait it out to the hatch, cause you are also getting 500 BP every 30 seconds or so.

    Then the killers have to go full on try hard to get any good amount of progress. I don't understand even the logic of killers having to get a 100% perfect match of hooking everyone 3 times... AND killers need ALL the survivors to put out a red envelope. A red envelope which only appears once in each web and doesn't earn you enough points to get the next one.

    The Devs really wanted to make people grind this event out and be as toxic as everyone can be in each match. I think they are going out of their way to punish players for whining too much in the last event.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889
    TheBean said:

    Yee.. one of the issues on the survivor side is the amount you get for escaping with a vessel. You get 25 which is worth more then then getting 5 gens done. So why not wait it out to the hatch, cause you are also getting 500 BP every 30 seconds or so.

    Then the killers have to go full on try hard to get any good amount of progress. I don't understand even the logic of killers having to get a 100% perfect match of hooking everyone 3 times... AND killers need ALL the survivors to put out a red envelope. A red envelope which only appears once in each web and doesn't earn you enough points to get the next one.

    The Devs really wanted to make people grind this event out and be as toxic as everyone can be in each match. I think they are going out of their way to punish players for whining too much in the last event.

    I am gathering 5 coins and was a "tryhard" killer until I went up against a 4 man dress Feng then I decided to go out of my way to hook everyone twice instead of however I find leading to me intentionally drawing out games till the doors are poweredeveryone/ almost everyone gets 20 points even burn a envelope or streamers for everyone to enjoy. Though do destroy the "extra" lamps