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Truly disappointed with this event



  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Git gud
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    Playing survivor, teammates keep DCing before any gens are done. I've ended a lot of matches with 0 event points.

    I can't get crap for points as killer. Survivors keep DCing the first time I down them, or if I'm lucky on their first hook. Then I can either wait forever for the ones left to do the gens, or I can do what killers have done to me and kill them quickly so I can move to the next match, leaving them with no event points. Neither option is enjoyable.

    No matter which side I play or how I handle it, I'm getting very few event points and having no fun. That's a terrible combination for an event. It shouldn't be like this.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Playing survivor, teammates keep DCing before any gens are done. I've ended a lot of matches with 0 event points.

    I can't get crap for points as killer. Survivors keep DCing the first time I down them, or if I'm lucky on their first hook. Then I can either wait forever for the ones left to do the gens, or I can do what killers have done to me and kill them quickly so I can move to the next match, leaving them with no event points. Neither option is enjoyable.

    No matter which side I play or how I handle it, I'm getting very few event points and having no fun. That's a terrible combination for an event. It shouldn't be like this.


    As survivor I spend more time trying to get into a game than I do playing that game.

    Once in the game I do most of the work because other survivors just hatch camp and then I get 1 hooked because peiple aren't saving each other.

    As killer they disconnect before you can even hook them.

    This event is awful. Just end it please lol lets go back to normal games. You had a nice try devs but it just isn't working, everyonr is at their most toxic.
  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @Ihatelife said:

    @JoannaVO said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:
    Only way to make it the relaxed game it always has been is equal out the event points for killer and survivor. It's too easy as survivor to get max 45 event points at least 1/3 game and the other 2/3 its easy to get at least 20 event points granted your team knows how to do gens.

    Killers are playing dirty to maximize their event points. And I don't blame them.

    Are you kidding? Have you even played survivor? Looking at your BS conclusion I assume not. It's not easy at all to get those 45 event points when it's literally all against each other, and that just for a piece of clothing.

    That's how people behave to each other in the real world :) You need to have a balls of steel to not surrender.

    It is unfortunate some cannot fathom other players doing well at something that they personally are not. Therefor it must be false.

    "balls of steel not to surrender" and a brainless mindset to disbelief anything you can't do yourself.

    There is so much of that on these forums.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited February 2019

    @Damarus said:
    While the idea of an event in itself is nice, the way it was designed is astonishgly lacking

    They received a lot of backlash from their last event, adding another objective was not they way to go, so they tied it in with the main objective, like it was suggested. That is why it is as simple as it is.

    @Damarus said:
    Killers get many less points than survivors, resulting in almost every killer playing the survivor role, increasing waiting times for a lobby. Points needed to get a coin increase for every single coin you already got, making it an endless grind, rather than something you play because you have fun.

    It's not even a grind. The event goes for 13 days. I've got 6 coins in 2 days playing normally, that is both killer and survivor. Stop pretending it's a grind when you can obtain all skins playing normal.

    @Damarus said:
    Not to mention the absurd amount of sweaty killers this event has brought, effectively increasing tunneling even more (and I didn't think ot was even possible). Am seeing NOEDs, tunneling, camping, Ruin, Nurse's and BBQ in EVERY SINGLE MATCH since the start of this event.

    Why are you even surprised anymore? This happens EVERY event. :/

  • UwU
    UwU Member Posts: 50

    Have to agree, they didn't even bother to add a bloodhunt or anything, just a few cosmetics, probably just another grab for more free money as some people are too lazy to play and just buy the cosmetics straight up, which are definitely not worth the money at all, maybe the feng and huntress outfits, but it really was disappointing compared to the christmas and halloween ones we just had.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    edited February 2019
    Kenshin said:

    @Damarus said:
    Adding injury to insult, I just managed to escape with a lamp and only got the 20 points for generators, no points for the lamp... This event just keeps getting worse. 

    Kenshin said:

    so many snowflakes on this forum damn, really sad to see. after all this is still a survival game and the event was meant to be survivor vs survivor aswell. watch the dev stream. this community is just spoonfeeded from the start of the game with all the double bloodpoints bs. play hello kitty if you cant compete in a PVP game jesus christ.

    Even if it was meant to be survivor vs survivor, which isn't the case, as it would turn the game from an asymmetrical kind into a free for all, you seem to be talking gibberish. You can't claim for a game to be "competitive" when, in 2019, it still relies on peer to peer. It would be fun and catastrophic to watch pro leagues playing with peer to peer.

    next time pls read before you are posting. i never said this game is competitive. no idea where you got that from. i said this is a PVP game and if you think every PVP=competitive than i dont know what to tell you. but thanks for adding nothing to this conversation.

    Oh, that's an interesting way of seeing things. What you are saying is that a PvP game isn't bound to be at least partially competitive, when all you do in a PvP game is COMPETING with other players, in order to achieve victory for yourself or your team. And that is what would make this game partially competitive, since it clearly can't be a game you'd see in e-sports. Now, if we want to keep "adding nothing to the conversation", you are welcome to keep posting your jokes, at least you would give people a laugh, even during this event.

    CronaWins said:

    @Damarus said:
    While the idea of an event in itself is nice, the way it was designed is astonishgly lacking

    They received a lot of backlash from their last event, adding another objective was not they way to go, so they tied it in with the main objective, like it was suggested. That is why it is as simple as it is.

    And yet, it was far better than this event is. There really is no point into having an event, just for the sake of saying you have one. Not if it is so poorly done as the ongoing one.

    CronaWins said:

    It's not even a grind. The event goes for 13 days. I've got 6 coins in 2 days playing normally, that is both killer and survivor. Stop pretending it's a grind when you can obtain all skins playing normal.

    That's not correct. By saying you got 6 coins in two days, you already admitted you were grinding. 6 coins equal 2100 points which, in a perfect world, would mean 46 survivor escapes with a lamp and all 5 gens done, or 80 killer matches, as the average points you could get as killer are about 26 per match, or less. It's not me saying it, it's maths.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    Hallowed Blight was flawed but I think it was a more enjoyable experience. You brought a survivor offering and even if your teammates guzzled down the nectar before you could, you were rewarded with 5k bp for every flower. In this, you’re literally screwed out completely because you neither get bp compensation AND survivors who don’t put in an offering can (and will) steal a lantern and you get squat for your troubles. 

    The Blight was not killer sided. Killers needed survivors to bring flowers for more chances at filling nectar (remember the hooks were only 2 and could only be used once, meaning a killer by himself could only get half a vial with an offering and on the condition he could reach the hooks.) 

    speaking of killers, the Blight was actually better for killers too. It was more obvious when a killer was actually playing the event and not being a total weed, and decent survivors like myself would get hooked to help them out. The killer rewards were also more rewarding even if the minimal ill placed hooks were harder to obtain. Half a vial leading up to 15 max was easier than being forced to play above average just for a measly 12-20 points when you need THOUSANDS to get everything. 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Hallowed Blight was broken af but what matters is that it was fun.

    Survivors were happy as long as they got their nectar, killers were happy because only 2 gens max got done.

    This's just bleh.