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can somebody answer why infinite tier 3 exists?

Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

this is a broken af add-on that allows exposed status effect for the entire match that can be easily used with add-ons increasing stalk speed, exactly why does it exist and where is the balance with that?


  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Yee.. if you see Mikie taking along time to stalk up and changing targets just to stalk.. might be the tip you need to all split up and hide from him. Get gens and get out.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @Vietfox said:
    Ultra rares are meant to be powerful. Also reaching EW3 takes way more time when using Fragant tuft of hair. If you got a decent group almost all gens should be done before Myers gets his EW3.

    I mean there is add-ons for increasing the stalk speed for it making it easier to use

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    Maybe don't teabag behind pallets while Mikey stares at you. You should be going out of your way to starve stalking anyway.

    I did not, he ran around the three of us stalking, so he hit it with the mix of infinite and increased stalk speed

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    michaels ultra rares are all pretty well balanced.

    in order to get said tier 3 effect he needs to stalk the ######### out of you first, which is extremely hard against survivors with some awareness. also, while he stalks, you can easily do gens, as he cant apply pressure on the team.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    with ruin in play makes it easier too.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    this is a broken af add-on that allows exposed status effect for the entire match that can be easily used with add-ons increasing stalk speed, exactly why does it exist and where is the balance with that?

    Why is it broken?
    By the time you actually reach tier 3, there should be pretty much all gens done already.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    I don't understand why people complain about different ultra-rare add-ons that should be difficult to play against. The balance is they are ultra-rare.
    It's not like you see that same, in your words broken, build in every single game you play. It breaks up the monotony of the same 3 killers running pretty much the same build and add-ons. Easy games from both sides get boring and too repetitious for me.

  • Juya
    Juya Member Posts: 63

    @Master said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    this is a broken af add-on that allows exposed status effect for the entire match that can be easily used with add-ons increasing stalk speed, exactly why does it exist and where is the balance with that?

    Why is it broken?
    By the time you actually reach tier 3, there should be pretty much all gens done already.

    That's only if they're good and don't mess up, which more than half of my games are full surv. who just tea bag and let him charge up.....

    Plus why does everyone has fun saying reaching tier 3 is hard? #########.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @Juya said:

    @Master said:

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    this is a broken af add-on that allows exposed status effect for the entire match that can be easily used with add-ons increasing stalk speed, exactly why does it exist and where is the balance with that?

    Why is it broken?
    By the time you actually reach tier 3, there should be pretty much all gens done already.

    That's only if they're good and don't mess up, which more than half of my games are full surv. who just tea bag and let him charge up.....

    Plus why does everyone has fun saying reaching tier 3 is hard? #########.

    I agree, we slightly messed up but the myers we faced stalked mid chase while we vaulted things to get away, the add-on for unlimited is still pretty annoying

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    Jesya said:

    I don't understand why people complain about different ultra-rare add-ons that should be difficult to play against. The balance is they are ultra-rare.
    It's not like you see that same, in your words broken, build in every single game you play. It breaks up the monotony of the same 3 killers running pretty much the same build and add-ons. Easy games from both sides get boring and too repetitious for me.

    This may be a bad comparison... But i do want to point out this. 
    Syringes are ultra rare and killers are supposed to be okay with that being used since its "hard to get".
    Bnp which can get a gen done in a little time are as well, but when a killer talks about it they get called a Baby killer, or a cry baby.
    Just putting in my two cents
  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478
    Probably the same reason ds, noed, BNP,  instaheal exist 
  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    well. for him to manage to gain so much evil. like i had in one game. my team mates. was ######### idiots. fed him evil. i barely escaped by the hatch after doing a gen or trying. its only op if your team are incompetent or well powerful even with the addon to gain it permanently plus he spent forever trying to find us. some survivor rushed the hook got downed. so blame it on survivor mistakes for feeding him so much or well trying not to hide

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Vietfox said:
    Ultra rares are meant to be powerful. Also reaching EW3 takes way more time when using Fragant tuft of hair. If you got a decent group almost all gens should be done before Myers gets his EW3.
    And thats the problem there is no good survivors they just stand there like idiots
  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    @Dokta_Carter said:
    Jesya said:

    I don't understand why people complain about different ultra-rare add-ons that should be difficult to play against. The balance is they are ultra-rare.

    It's not like you see that same, in your words broken, build in every single game you play. It breaks up the monotony of the same 3 killers running pretty much the same build and add-ons. Easy games from both sides get boring and too repetitious for me.

    This may be a bad comparison... But i do want to point out this. 
    Syringes are ultra rare and killers are supposed to be okay with that being used since its "hard to get".
    Bnp which can get a gen done in a little time are as well, but when a killer talks about it they get called a Baby killer, or a cry baby.
    Just putting in my two cents

    You have to take the good with the bad. As I stated I don't want the same type of game every time I play no matter what side I'm playing. It's boring.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    As others said already, Michael needs to stalk a long time until he reaches infinite EW 3. His add-ons are balanced pretty well in general.

    And don't forget: Michael doesn't suddenly becomes a Nurse when he reaches EW 3. You can still loop him. You are just not allowed to make as many mistakes as when he has EW 2.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I’ve played as The Shape quite a lot and to be honest I don’t think this is even his best add on. It takes so long to use I don’t bother with it.

    My all time favorite is the Scratched Mirror. It lets you see auras within a pretty decent range, but limits you to tier 1. This means minimal terror radius and extreme scanning abilities. Let the jump scenes commence!

    Combine this with an offering for Gideon Meat Plant and survivors are screwed. You can see them through the floor or ceiling. It’s exceptionally fun to stalk someone from below. They think they got away but you’re right beneath them. They fall through a hole and literally land on your knife! Ahhhhh good times.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    You have to remember this was added in the pack that gave us Decisive Strike.

    That's all you need to know. The designers clearly had no idea what they were doing back then.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because it relies on the survivors screwing up to be of any use, therefore it's balanced. At least that's what I think the devs' reasoning was.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    Whenever I think an addon or a killer is too powerful. I play as them. Play as Shape and that addons see how that goes. Maybe you change your mind or see something different. 
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited February 2019

    Takes a century to gain T3, especially if you actually try to break LOS instead of looping.

    Can someone explain to me why Billy doesn't have an Ultra Rare? Pretty sure he's then only killer without one yes?

    NVM, Nurse and LF also don't have Ultra rare addons.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @Vietfox said:
    Ultra rares are meant to be powerful. Also reaching EW3 takes way more time when using Fragant tuft of hair. If you got a decent group almost all gens should be done before Myers gets his EW3.

    This ^

    If he even gets to t3 before all the gens are done then ya'll just played very badly.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited February 2019
    It's pretty much a trade-off, he spends most of the early match stalking applying very little pressure and then late game he gains the advantage. Best course of action when you notice him doing that is spread gens out so you don't give him a small cluster to protect when he hits tr3. I don't see it as any worse than facing a billy with a reduced Terror radius.
  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264

    @Vietfox said:
    Ultra rares are meant to be powerful. Also reaching EW3 takes way more time when using Fragant tuft of hair. If you got a decent group almost all gens should be done before Myers gets his EW3.

    Basically this. It takes several minutes of stalking to get, and even when Michael gets it he has a giant Terror Radius. Unless you're all potatos you should have 2 or more gens done by the time he hits Tier 3, and you should be able to avoid his giant [BAD WORD] terror radius after the fact.

    His tr isnt big its just 32m like the trapper. He essentially becomes a trapless trapper that can 1 shot.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Don't feed Myers his EW3. As @Vietfox said, any good team will be able to complete gens before he reaches tier 3. 
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Don't feed Myers his EW3. As @Vietfox said, any good team will be able to complete gens before he reaches tier 3. 

    unless you run a increase stalk rate add-on

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited February 2019

    @ToxicFengM1n said:
    this is a broken af add-on that allows exposed status effect for the entire match that can be easily used with add-ons increasing stalk speed, exactly why does it exist and where is the balance with that?

    You know Billy has an Instadown all game right? Yet your complaining about an infinite teir 3? Myers at least has to do something to get his and unless someone feeds him, you are fine. At the end of the day, he can still be looped like every killer (except Nurse).

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Don't feed Myers his EW3. As @Vietfox said, any good team will be able to complete gens before he reaches tier 3. 

    unless you run a increase stalk rate add-on

    Even then, it takes a considerable amount of time to tier up. If Myers is persistently chasing you and attempting to stalk you,  that leaves your 3 mates to do gens.