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What can I do different?

KingB Member Posts: 747
Unless you play nurse is it possible to win against good survivors? I've studied that Scott Jund video religiously. I get pallets thrown down in 1-3 loops. Doesn't matter, theres always more. Switch targets? Doesn't make a difference at high ranks when everyone can loop. I played wraith with an end game build because i dont have ruin on him yet (BBQ, NOED, Bloodwarden, and Remember Me all level 3 except NOED). I had all 6 stacks of remember me and still I got 1 kill. I could not have played more efficiently. Do I just need to get better (if so tips please)? 


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2019

    At rank 1 there is nothing you can do. You either play some of the few killers that can "semi" get around it like nurse, billy, spirit or you lose if they're good. Unless you're playing those exception killers, you RELY on survivors making mistakes and capitalizing on those mistakes to win. If they don't mess up, you lose. That's why generally if both sides are played perfectly you will lose every time. You can try and get better at your pallet mind games but there's only so much you can do if they don't fall for it. There's also a tonnn of just plain safe pallets and ones that aren't mind gameable that you just have to eat the loops. This is why people are upset with the games imbalance at rank 1. I'm assuming you are referring to at rank 1 anyway. If this isn't at rank 1 then you can definitely get better at your mind games. At lower ranks they are definitely messing up a lot for you to capitalize.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    @Blueberry yes I'm at rank 1. 
  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    Do you have gameplay? Wraith used to be horrible but he's become somewhat decent with his built in windstorm and crazy addons.
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @KingB said:
    @Blueberry yes I'm at rank 1. 

    Then yeah that's just how it goes my man. We could take a look at your games of course and see how good you are doing at your mind games but what I said is still basically the case. Especially as wraith, you're in for a rough time. This is of course barring exceptions like using really strong addons etc, we're speaking an average game. Do you have recordings?

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    @Yamaoka No, I was using the add-on to reduce re-appearance time and the one to increase the speed of breaking stuff cloaked. I dont usually face swf death squads but I just did and it was awful. 
  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    @Blueberry no I wasn't thinking. I dont rage when I lose this bad i just get lose all will to play for an hour or two. I turned the system off and typed out this rant to make myself feel better 😂
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @KingB said:
    @Yamaoka No, I was using the add-on to reduce re-appearance time and the one to increase the speed of breaking stuff cloaked. I dont usually face swf death squads but I just did and it was awful. 

    It's hard not to get angry at those matches, but just remember the game isn't balanced around swf. They are essentially having access to much more than 4 perks each. It's the equivalent of you using speed hacks. Trust me it tilts me to though, there's just not much you can do.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited February 2019
    Gameplay video is needed for judging that, however the best build for Wraith is what i call the "damage cycle". 

    Pop goes the Weasel and Make Your Choice are needed for this. The other perks are up to you, Surveillance might work with it for example. 

    The strategy is simple, hook one, kick a gen and wait just far enough away, rush back and instadown the savior and hook him again. Repeat till victory.

    Scare off any survivors that might otherwise save before MYC activates.

    This may sound a bit cheesy but works wonders at any Rank.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Gameplay footage would be helpful if you want tips on what you're doing wrong, etc. Sometimes you're just unlucky and everyone/most everyone gets out and some builds are better than others. We can only guess and assume without something to look at, though.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    edited February 2019
    @ChesterTheMolester I dont have gameplay but I'm gonna start recording matches for the purpose of getting help. 
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2019

    @KingB said:
    @Blueberry no I wasn't thinking. I dont rage when I lose this bad i just get lose all will to play for an hour or two. I turned the system off and typed out this rant to make myself feel better 😂

    I don't know your situation but you can also just keep pumping blood points into Wraith if he's your main so you always have a steady supply of good addons as well. This is basically what I do with Spirit. I have a stack of almost 100 prayers beads and close to that with Eboni Mori's and the rest of her very-rares/ultra-rares. I still think Wraith is lower mid tier because they didn't do much for his base kit, but they did make his addons very strong which can bump him up a lot as long as you have them.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    @fluffybunny I'm just wondering if theres like a video on mindgames. I pretty much 50/50'd the pallets. Some I would mindgame some I wouldnt. 
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2019

    @KingB said:
    @fluffybunny I'm just wondering if theres like a video on mindgames. I pretty much 50/50'd the pallets. Some I would mindgame some I wouldnt.

    Watch that video and take a look at many of his others as well. He does the mind games quite well and explains how they work. That particular video is him critiquing another wraiths game but he has many others of himself playing and with tutorials.