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This event is seriously pathetic

The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

Game starts, I pick up a lantern, this Nea and Feng take offense to it, then try bodyblocking me and purposefully blowing up gens/slamming pallets near me so the killer will come for me.

Can we just end it already? I refuse to play games like this. How petty are other survivors. Worst part is 2 offerings were burnt, so there should have been 4 lanterns, enough for everybody!

Oh and even better, I burnt one of those offerings, one of the people trying to get me killed couldn't have....yet they get mad at me for having the nerve to take a lantern.

Post edited by The_Crusader on


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    You know how petty and stupid people are in this game. Quite sad really, I'll just have fun playing... I dunno, Apex Legends. Much less stressful and promotes good teamwork for survival.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Is this where the PR people come in and tell me it's ok to play competitive? even though this was in the first 5 seconds of the game. Not a gen done, trying to get people killed because they took 1 lantern out of 4, would have been an enjoyable game I'm sure :|

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    Is this where the PR people come in and tell me it's ok to play competitive? even though this was in the first 5 seconds of the game. Not a gen done, trying to get people killed because they took 1 lantern out of 4, would have been an enjoyable game I'm sure :|

    That's the thing about playing survivor, sometimes you don't even have to do anything wrong to get killed your team can make that happen for you 
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I wouldn't recommend listening. I for one don't really participate a lot in the event, I already got Ace's shirt and the Huntress Axe. Don't need anything else really. I don't think saying 'just have fun' is a good idea since the situation you described is ruining fun.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Is this where the PR people come in and tell me it's ok to play competitive? even though this was in the first 5 seconds of the game. Not a gen done, trying to get people killed because they took 1 lantern out of 4, would have been an enjoyable game I'm sure :|

    That's the thing about playing survivor, sometimes you don't even have to do anything wrong to get killed your team can make that happen for you 
    Thats the problem.

    A single survivor is weak, but together they are strong.

    However right now I have the killer to worry about AND other survivors.
  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    So you have an isolated incident... yet it is every game?

    And you complain about it and want the event ended early?


    Millennials these days....

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119
    edited February 2019

    @Shad03 said:
    You know how petty and stupid people are in this game. Quite sad really, I'll just have fun playing... I dunno, Apex Legends. Much less stressful and promotes good teamwork for survival.

    I tried that this morning, game's pretty good! Neat character system, but your team can't pick duplicates. It's squad-based in threes, so even if you solo queue, you're put with two others. Respawn Entertainment so it's the same guns/Marvins from Titanfall. Also free to play, check it out guys!
    *I mean, _of course_ it's not better than Dead by Daylight, but just y'know...

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    I'm not a fan of survivors who don't burn offerings racing survivors who did for lanterns. The guy who used the offering will get points you won't. You will find another one. Obviously the other guys were dicks too though.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Coriander said:

    @Shad03 said:
    You know how petty and stupid people are in this game. Quite sad really, I'll just have fun playing... I dunno, Apex Legends. Much less stressful and promotes good teamwork for survival.

    I tried that this morning, game's pretty good! Neat character system, but your team can't pick duplicates. It's squad-based in threes, so even if you solo queue, you're put with two others. Respawn Entertainment so it's the same guns/Marvins from Titanfall. Also free to play, check it out guys!

    I just love anything to do with Respawn in general. I just hope that one day they add in the specialists (or skins with new voices from) Titanfall 2. I main Bloodhound, hoping to get Mirage later. I need to understand Wraith.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    I'm not a fan of survivors who don't burn offerings racing survivors who did for lanterns. The guy who used the offering will get points you won't. You will find another one. Obviously the other guys were dicks too though.

    Yeah just added this detail in. I burnt an offering. One of them couldnt have so not sure why they were mad at me. They seemed co-ordinated though so im assuming 2 man swf.
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    edited February 2019
     You are one of the most fussy posters I have ever seen...dare I beg the question, why are you still playing if what most of your time here is complaining about every little happening in your games.  Move on to something else...or do you just enjoy doing this? Masochist mayhaps?  The world may never know....
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Nikkiwhat said:
     You are one of the most fussy posters I have ever seen...dare I beg the question, why are you still playing if what most of your time here is complaining about every little happening in your games.  Move on to something else...or do you just enjoy doing this? Masochist mayhaps?  The world may never know....
    Well excuse me for voicing my opinion. Guess next time I'll not bother.
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited February 2019

    @The_Crusader I see you play also as solo survivor as me, I feel your pain though!

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @Nikkiwhat said:
     You are one of the most fussy posters I have ever seen...dare I beg the question, why are you still playing if what most of your time here is complaining about every little happening in your games.  Move on to something else...or do you just enjoy doing this? Masochist mayhaps?  The world may never know....

    How he/she could enjoy the game when his team mates is trying to kill him/her? Did you even play as solo survivor in this event? Everyone is just like a killer to each other.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Ihatelife said:

    @Nikkiwhat said:
     You are one of the most fussy posters I have ever seen...dare I beg the question, why are you still playing if what most of your time here is complaining about every little happening in your games.  Move on to something else...or do you just enjoy doing this? Masochist mayhaps?  The world may never know....

    How he/she could enjoy the game when his team mates is trying to kill him/her? Did you even play as solo survivor in this event? Everyone is just like a killer to each other.

    Casually played solo and up to 5 Coins splitting half my,matches as Killer and Survivor.  Not once did I ever get sandbagged because of getting a  Lantern, nor did I always get one.  None,ofnus are entitled to escape, let alone escape with a Lantern.  It isn't even remotely happening every match to warrant "This event is pathetic".  Move on to the next game, make friends to not go solo...or stop playing.  Literally every online game has terrible and ######### players....

    Besides the fact that this poster is well known to post complaints adnauesem.

    Have fun :)
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    I don't expect nor care too much about the lantern. I don't always get one and that's fine there is still 20 points in the generators.

    I just don't like having my fellow survivors be as big a threat to me as the killer. It's meant to be an asymetrical game, 4 vs 1.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I have never played an event more frustrating as survivor. As killer, this was a breeze. I got the coins I wanted fast. Trying to help my wife as survivor, we've had 10 matches today. Only one was a killer who did not camp or tunnel (hard camp/tunnel), and only 1 went without at least 1 DC due to said camping/tunneling. This has been horrendous. I can't wait till she gets the outfit she wants. The amount of toxic players in this thing are unbelieveable.

    I'll need a break from this game, or at least from survivor, for a long time. In the future, don't lock the points bonus to only the player who escapes with the item, and don't cheat killers on points (thought it was not quite as bad as some made it out to be.) This game can be frustrating enough on its own without feeding the horrid behavior of your most toxic players.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    edited February 2019
    am I just lucky? because this is a common complaint and I have yet to be sandbagged or left on a hook to die because my team wants to keep their lanterns
  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    Game starts, I pick up a lantern, this Nea and Feng take offense to it, then try bodyblocking me and purposefully blowing up gens/slamming pallets near me so the killer will come for me.

    Can we just end it already? I refuse to play games like this. How petty are other survivors. Worst part is 2 offerings were burnt, so there should have been 4 lanterns, enough for everybody!

    Oh and even better, I burnt one of those offerings, one of the people trying to get me killed couldn't have....yet they get mad at me for having the nerve to take a lantern.

    Don’t blame the event for the players. 
  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    I dont understand all the fuss about the lanterns. The cosmetics aren't even that great David's donkey jacket is 1 million times better (I'm biased tho david main).
  • GODQueenEvy
    GODQueenEvy Member Posts: 63
    The event is amazing and well done by the dev team. Big props to them. It’s the player base that makes the experience and the grind for it unfun. I know its really frustrating, but that’s how it is now.. sadly. :(  
  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889
    I had a game as huntress where 3 offerings were burned. The first 2 survivors DC when I down them. I got d striked by the obsession eventually hook them was going to give the 2nd player hatch before they d strike me and end up hooking them too, not to mention the obsession had a rapid blind flashlight so I was seeing red for a good while during the break animation of safe pallets. It was a annoying ordeal that killed my desire to play. 
    I see why people say toxicity grows as you climb everyone was around 12 so I hate to see what 1s have to deal with 
  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    I liked the cosmetics but the event was poorly designed, the objective system is by far the wrose of any event done in dead by daylight so far.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    RotBb said:

    Game starts, I pick up a lantern, this Nea and Feng take offense to it, then try bodyblocking me and purposefully blowing up gens/slamming pallets near me so the killer will come for me.

    Can we just end it already? I refuse to play games like this. How petty are other survivors. Worst part is 2 offerings were burnt, so there should have been 4 lanterns, enough for everybody!

    Oh and even better, I burnt one of those offerings, one of the people trying to get me killed couldn't have....yet they get mad at me for having the nerve to take a lantern.

    Don’t blame the event for the players. 
    Well when I say event I meant the experience during the event brought about by the players.

    DBD makes a perfect psychological experiment. They make a few tweaks to the rules and carnage ensues. Governments and researchers could make use of this stuff. It highlights the depths of human greed......all this from a relatively simplistic videogame :|