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My thoughts on certain perk, item, and offering changes

NOED is a very annoying perk to play against and i think it definitely needs a huge change. I’ve played plenty of matches where the killer didn’t get any hooks all game because they were bad in chases and didn’t apply enough pressure to suddenly get 2-3 and sometimes even 4 kills because of NOED.

I don’t mind dying in a match but i think NOED is a huge crutch which is why i avoid it when i play killer, which is rare but still.

I have no real ideas on HOW to change NOED that would make it still a decent perk but im tired of feeling like i need to bring Small Game every match just to combat the very frequent (in my own experience) use of NOED.
BBQ and Chili: This is a perk i’d leave alone. It encourages the killer to leave the hook and go after others, i’d take a Hillbilly chainsawing me due to BBQ than a basement Leatherface with insidious anyday. Plus if the Killer doesnt see anyone’s auras that means that, at least usually, everyone is nearby and that the killer should at least look around to find a survivor.
Insidious: This perk is just bad in design and the only use i can think of for it is to camp, which is kinda countered by SWF but still, not everyone plays with friends and plenty of people play solo.

Perhaps a change could make it that it only reduces your terror radius for a certain amount of time. I’m not sure but still, it’s annoying. Not the worst perk but i do think it needs some changes.
Dying Light: God, this perk is just awful, It encourages camping and tunneling one person, which is awful and very unfun for that one person. I can’t think of a rework myself but i do hate it with a passion as it stands now.
Monstrous Shrine: This perk is in dire need of a buff, and i think a good possible rework would be to just straight up take away a set amount of seconds away from hooked survivors, such as 12/16/20 seconds, thus bringing the hook times from 2 minutes to 1 minute 40 at tier three, or possibly 10/20/30.

It’d be delicate to balance but it’d make it better. Or you could have it apply to more than just the basement as it stands now and it would still be a really niche perk that not many would run.
Moris: On the surface, i believe that cypress moris are great, and hell i feel like they could even just be a straight-up feature. Ivory mori’s are kinda unfun to play against and promotes tunneling unhooked survivors so im not a huge fan.

Ebony mori’s, in my opinion, are awful. It’s so unfun to play against someone with an ebony mori, even more unfun than someone with NOED. Its basically a guaranteed loss if the killer is any good and i think it should be changed so that you have to hook someone twice to be able to mori them. This way, you basically have to play normally but if a survivor is going to die on the next hook anyways, it allows you to save some time if you have to carry them a decent amount of time to a hook. Or perhaps remove mori's and make it inherent that you can mori everyone after their second hook and if they're the last survivor, that'd certainly be fun for the killer
Decisive Strike: As a survivor main, i see that this perk is polarizing to killer mains and is way too strong. I think that the ability to get off a killers shoulder after they spend a decent amount of time chasing you is just horrendous. That’s why i personally never run it. Well, that and i can never hit the skill check.

If nothing else, i would suggest that anyone running it that isnt the obsession would at least have the percentage of the wiggle meter go from 45/40/35 up to 90/85/80 or even 95/90/85. My thoughts for this one change is that there are times you’re JUST about to wiggle off and maybe even the bar looks like you did but the killer just barely got you to a hook in time.

This would make it easier for killers to not have to deal with 4 DS’s in a match, at least not that much. And another possible good change is that if youve been hooked already, you cant use DS even if you got juggled or you choose not to use it, its either you use it the first time you can or you dont get it.
Self-Care: Ah, self-care, one of my favorite perks actually. While i’d truly hate a Self-Care nerf, i do think it needs one. Recently the the Devs tried to nerf it by making it so that you heal others and yourself at 75% speed but that proved to be more of a buff and was countered by botany knowledge. Perhaps making it so that you heal yourself and others at 50% speed would be a good change to discourage others from trying to use it so much. Maybe that's too much but it's just an idea.
Insta-Heals: I’ve never personally used an insta-heal in a match but i do understand that these are very annoying to play against. A possible change would be to make it so that insta-heals work like the recently changed Brand New Part.

They increase healing speed and you get two hard skill checks that if you hit, considerably increase the amount of progress the survivor is healed. Like autodidact levels of healing. Though that might indirectly make Autodidact useless but still, it’s my thoughts on a solution to insta-heals.
Flashlights: Personally i think flashlights arent too big of an issue. Sure they are annoying but i think they are useful. If they made it slightly harder to get a flashlight save, with proper timing, maybe that’d be good.

Though a possible change that could be made if they are indeed too strong, and this is just a suggestion, that killers can only be blinded for a flashlight save during the pickup animation but if they have the survivor on their shoulder already, they cant.

Or even make it so flashlight saves arent even possible but you can still blind the killer so they have a slightly harder time finding a hook. All just ideas, of course.
Let me put a disclaimer that I’m not an expert at this game, i started playing back in September, i play on the xbox, and i dont have too many hours in the game compared to others. These are all just ideas i thought of in less than a halfhour and basically on the fly. I don’t want to piss off any survivor or killer mains for my ideas and i dont expect any of these changes to ever come but i think if some of them did, i’d be more fun to play against the perks/items/addons/offerings in question. I want this game to move closer to being fun for both parties, even if you have to die as survivor or you don’t get any kills as killer.