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Some QoL buffs for Freddy

PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

He's not as bad as some people say. As a Freddy main, I'd put him in Mid-tier in his current state. While his power is not very accurate to the films, I still like his potential and character. I think this is my 3rd or 4th Freddy post but I'm just trying to get my point across. He doesn't need a huge rework like some say but he definitely needs some nice buffs. (He's probably going to be reworked anyway but it's worth a try)
This is Freddy's current power (text from the Dead by Daylight Wiki)

Power: Dream Demon
Death won't accept him and thus he remains, a calamity, indisputable master of his victims' nightmares. Dream Demon allows The Nightmare to pull Survivors into the Dream World.

Survivors who are awake do not see or hear The Nightmare.
Once targeted by The Nightmare power, Survivors enter the Dream Transition after some time.
During the Dream Transition (default: 7 seconds), they can see The Nightmare intermittently.
When the Dream Transition lapsed, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.
Once in the Dream World:

Survivors' Auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his Terror Radius.
Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 50 %
To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find other non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action
Some failed actions can wake up the Survivor.
Failing a sabotage skill check will not wake you up
Getting hooked wakes up the Survivor

Now that we know what his power is (although I'd expect everyone here to already know what it is) we can make some QoL adjustments to better suit him and his playstyle and to give him a better defense (Which is what he is lacking in the most), so here is my tweaked version of his power (changes are in bold):

Power: Dream Demon
Death won't accept him and thus he remains, a calamity, indisputable master of his victims' nightmares. Dream Demon allows The Nightmare to pull Survivors into the Dream World.

Survivors who are awake do not see or hear The Nightmare.
Once targeted by The Nightmare power, Survivors enter the Dream Transition after some time.
Survivors cannot interact with anything except pallets or Windows. **
During the Dream Transition
(default: 5 seconds)**, they can see The Nightmare intermittently.
Dream Transition phasing is shown to The Nightmare
When the Dream Transition lapsed, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.
Once in the Dream World:

Survivors' Auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his Terror Radius.
Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 50 %
To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find other non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action
Some failed actions can wake up the Survivor.
Failing a sabotage skill check will not wake you up
Failing a self-care skill check will not wake you up (Failing a Med-Kit skill check can wake you up)
Getting hooked wakes up the Survivor

So my first tweak, the phasing
This is mainly for the Freddy players who have not yet mastered the phasing time and to give the Freddy player more knowledge on how to use it to it's max potential. The phasing is quite a strong tool for Freddy as it is right now but this would just help out more. However I am not sure what the animation could be for it. I was thinking of making it so Freddy's claw appears and disappears or make the screen slightly brighter and then slightly darker. I also changed the time for the dream transition from 7 to 5 to just so Freddy doesn't have to wait as long in case other survivors are around.

Next tweak is the dream transition interactions
Survivors just keep getting stuff done in Freddy's face and that makes Freddy sad. So now survivors can no longer interact with anything but pallets and windows for those 5 seconds (Yup, now they have to either be asleep or awake to unhook)

Finally self care does not wake you up
This should encourage more teamwork with the survivors since now they cannot rely on self care to get them out. I have considered the idea of showing the sleeping survivor the aura of one random awake survivor to make it more possible for them to wake up since now Freddy has more potential to find you and kill you.

Now for the reworked add-ons, this will be a long one so be prepared (Some won't be changed since they're fine as is)

Wool Shirt
A small boy's orange and yellow striped shirt. Identified with a sewn name tag to "Jesse".
Slightly decreases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.

Sheep Block
A white and blue wooden block depicting two woolly Lambs grazing and the letter "S".
Slightly reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by 0.5 seconds.
Does not stack.

Kid's Drawing
An unattributed drawing clearly crafted by a young child.
Slightly increases the Power range.

Garden Rake
A small claw rake, a must have tool for any accomplished gardener.
Grants a .5 second burst of speed after successfully putting a survivor in the dream world.

Prototype Claws
A home-made tool to facilitate bush trimming.
Grants a 1 second burst of speed after successfully putting a Survivor into the Dream World.

Outdoor Rope
Sturdy outdoor rope, handy to tie up anything.
Moderately decreases the Survivors' Action Speed when in the Dream World.

Nancy's Sketch
A crude and bold sketch made with Fusain, signed by Nancy H.
Moderately increases the Power range.

Green Dress
A little girl's green dress with a silky white ribbon.
Considerably decreases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.
Slightly increases the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep increased by 0.5 seconds.

Cat Block
A white and purple wooden block depicting a sleeping Cat and the letter "C".
Considerably reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by 1.5 seconds.
Slightly increases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.
Does not Stack.

Unicorn Block
A white and red wooden block depicting a prancing Unicorn and the letter "U".
Considerably reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by 1.5 seconds.
Does not stack

Swing Chains
Rusty, but sturdy chains used to securely attach a swing seat.
Survivors suffer an additional 25 % Action Speed penalty when pulled into the Dream World for the second time.

Nancy's Masterpiece
A painting of a Character, made by Nancy Holbrook at Badham and kept as a treasure memory.
Tremendously increases the Power range.

Jump Rope
A long Double Dutch jump rope, stained with many years of use.
Tremendously decreases Survivors' Action Speed when in the Dream World.

Blue Dress
A little girl's pale blue dress with white lace which's front is ruined by large cuts.
Moderately decreases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.

Pill Bottle
Very Rare
An empty pill bottle which once contained a medicine called "Zoneral".
Survivors do not see glimpses of you during the Dream Transition.

Paint Thinner
Very Rare
A tin of a highly volatile and inflammable material.
Grants a 2 second burst of speed after successfully putting a Survivor into the Dream World.

Class Photo
Very Rare
A large photograph taken at Badham Preschool showing the cheerful class of 94-95.
When a Survivors is pulled into the Dream Transition, all other Survivors' Auras are revealed to you for the duration of the Dream Transition.
Tremendously increases the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep increased by 4 seconds.

"Z" Block
Very Rare
A deeply scratched and burnt wooden block which's only recognisable feature is the letter "Z".
Tremendously reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by 2 seconds.
Does not stack

Red Paint Brush
Ultra Rare
A large paint brush, wet with crimson paint.
Tremendously reduces the Terror Radius.
Tremendously reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by 2 seconds.
Does not stack.

Black Box
Ultra Rare
A black cardboard box filled with photographs.
Obsession starts the Trial in the Dream World.
Obsession does not wake up upon being hooked.
You become obsessed with one Survivor.
Only one Obsession per Trial.

Now that the add-ons are out of the way let's move onto his perks...but tbh, his perks are fine, It's just Fire Up that needs changing because there's really no reason to run it unless you're doing a specific build with it. Currently Fire Up is...

The increased pressure of losing your preys fills you with anger and gives you unsuspected motivation.

Each time the Survivors complete repairs on a Generator , Fire Up grows in power and grants a speed bonus to pick up, drop, Pallet break, Generator damage and vaults.

2 Tokens: receive 6/8/10 % action speed bonus.
3 Tokens: receive 8/10/12 % action speed bonus.
4 Tokens: receive 10/12/14 % action speed bonus.

Not really good huh? So I decided to just buff the numbers, make it give more tokens and give it something for end game.

The increased pressure of losing your preys fills you with anger and gives you unsuspected motivation.

Each time the Survivors complete repairs on a Generator, Fire Up grows in power and grants a speed bonus to pick up, drop, Pallet break, Generator damage and vaults. Once all generators are completed gain a speed increase of 5%

1 Tokens: receive 4/6/8 % action speed bonus.
2 Tokens: receive 10/12/14 % action speed bonus.
3 Tokens: receive 16/18/20 % action speed bonus.
4 Tokens: receive 22/24/26 % action speed bonus.
5 Tokens: receive 28/30/32 % action speed bonus and a speed increase of 5 %

I think I covered everything with Freddy here. He's not as bad as some say but I think these buffs would tremendously help him out. Been maining Freddy since he released and I've loved playing him for all this time. Thanks for reading if you made it this far btw. D A R N

TL;DR Shorter dream transition time, reworked a few addons, Freddy is shown when he's phasing in the dream transition, survivors can't interact with anything during the dream transition, Self care no longer wakes you up, Reduced dream transition time no longer stacks so we don't have to deal with an insta-sleep Freddy build (I'm looking at you Monto...) and Fire Up isn't OP anymore

Post edited by PhantomMask20763 on


  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    This is a well thought out qol for Freddy.

    I always liked his play style but waking up.was too easy and there just wasn't enough penalty for being in Freddys (where he should be in absolute control).

    These slight buffs make dream world frightening and something survivors should want to avoid.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @Attackfrog said:
    This is a well thought out qol for Freddy.

    I always liked his play style but waking up.was too easy and there just wasn't enough penalty for being in Freddys (where he should be in absolute control).

    These slight buffs make dream world frightening and something survivors should want to avoid.

    Thanks :) I spent a while working on it and thinking of ways to change him up without completely reworking his power

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @PhantomMask20763 said:

    @Attackfrog said:
    This is a well thought out qol for Freddy.

    I always liked his play style but waking up.was too easy and there just wasn't enough penalty for being in Freddys (where he should be in absolute control).

    These slight buffs make dream world frightening and something survivors should want to avoid.

    Thanks :) I spent a while working on it and thinking of ways to change him up without completely reworking his power

    I have always liked his power and have done fairly well with him...EXCEPT when survivors know how to manipulate his power and wake themselves up. It just seemed like more of an exploit than actually defeating Freddy.

    Your buffs don't seem over the top and yet still counterable with good stealth play, timing and perks.

    I feel like these changes would put him closer to MM, maybe just slightly above, which is where all killers should be.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    This is pefect, no one knows what the rework is but this is perfect, personally I love the Claw addons.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @HatCreature said:
    This is pefect, no one knows what the rework is but this is perfect, personally I love the Claw addons.

    The current claw addons or the reworked ones?

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    I would like for Freddy to have more status affecting addons. Like hindered effect (survivors in dream world movement speed are reduced by x%), exhaustion effect (survivors after entering the DW are exhausted for either 30-60-90 secs or similar to doctor addon are just permanently exhausted until exiting the DW), the same thing for blindness (45-60-90 secs or permanently until exiting DW). Could do mangled/hemorrhage but you already have the -50% penalty and hemorrhage is worthless with Freddy.

    New add-ons that could make the DW harder to see for survivors (not annoying or a headache-inducing but harder, similar to the clown bottle affect making it dizzy; like more mist or shorter view distance maybe even blurrier).

    A new addon that entity blocks random windows across the map for survivors in the DW (would be the same for all survivors and wouldn't change for that round/match; would be rng for every game and not the same every time), maybe thrown down pallets too(perhaps rng as well).
    Or fake pallets but that's what the doctor does already and would be a lazy way to go cause of it.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I would like for Freddy to have more status affecting addons. Like hindered effect (survivors in dream world movement speed are reduced by x%), exhaustion effect (survivors after entering the DW are exhausted for either 30-60-90 secs or similar to doctor addon are just permanently exhausted until exiting the DW), the same thing for blindness (45-60-90 secs or permanently until exiting DW). Could do mangled/hemorrhage but you already have the -50% penalty and hemorrhage is worthless with Freddy.

    New add-ons that could make the DW harder to see for survivors (not annoying or a headache-inducing but harder, similar to the clown bottle affect making it dizzy; like more mist or shorter view distance maybe even blurrier).

    A new addon that entity blocks random windows across the map for survivors in the DW (would be the same for all survivors and wouldn't change for that round/match; would be rng for every game and not the same every time), maybe thrown down pallets too(perhaps rng as well).
    Or fake pallets but that's what the doctor does already and would be a lazy way to go cause of it.

    While that would be nice, it would require reworking all of his addons drastically...which I'm not against with
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    They're reworking him so there is no point giving him buffs right now.

    Plus letd be honest people hate playing against him. This would make it 100 times worse. Nobody likes the fact that he can always see your aura from afar. Plus having to run around like a headless chicken trying to find a teammate to work you up or a gen you can self-destruct just isn't fun.

    These buffs would be good for Freddy players but awful for survivors.
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    They're reworking him so there is no point giving him buffs right now.

    Plus letd be honest people hate playing against him. This would make it 100 times worse. Nobody likes the fact that he can always see your aura from afar. Plus having to run around like a headless chicken trying to find a teammate to work you up or a gen you can self-destruct just isn't fun.

    These buffs would be good for Freddy players but awful for survivors.
    I thought so too. Which is why I considered showing a random awake persons aura when asleep to just make it a bit more bearable. Like you said though he's getting reworked so it won't matter in the end
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @PhantomMask20763 said:

    @HatCreature said:
    This is pefect, no one knows what the rework is but this is perfect, personally I love the Claw addons.

    The current claw addons or the reworked ones?

    Oh whoops lol your reworked version, right now Freddy is slowed during the transition and the current claw reduces that I think? But your claws is basically Windstorm from Wraith which would be SUPER poerful on Freddy, your version would basically be a better Wraith :)

    Gosh I'm worried about the actual rework now.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    I personally love how Freddy sees auras and his power doesn’t require precision, it’s very accessible for someone like me who is disabled. 

    I like your ideas, especially requiring a med kit as opposed to self care. 

    I only hope the rework doesn’t end up like Symmetra 3.0 in Overwatch...where they basically went “oh you play this character? Screw you. You liked their unique, original, and accessible style? Double screw you, enjoy this imposter that’s a knock off weaker hybrid of existing characters.” 
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    pemberley said:
    I personally love how Freddy sees auras and his power doesn’t require precision, it’s very accessible for someone like me who is disabled. 

    I like your ideas, especially requiring a med kit as opposed to self care. 

    I only hope the rework doesn’t end up like Symmetra 3.0 in Overwatch...where they basically went “oh you play this character? Screw you. You liked their unique, original, and accessible style? Double screw you, enjoy this imposter that’s a knock off weaker hybrid of existing characters.” 
    Well, I wouldnt worry too much about freddy getting a sym rework. None of the killers require much precision aside from being able to hit people and you know, Huntress, Nurse and to a certain extent Billy. So just expect a rework that would change up his ability not the actual auto aim 
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    I like the black box buff, but would that make him tunnel even more?

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I like the black box buff, but would that make him tunnel even more?

    Perhaps, I thought about it and maybe make it a one time thing so the other hooks wont work, just the first hook will not wake the survivor up, if he gets downed and hooked again he will wake up
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Hell yeah. I also love the dedication you've put into writing this. It shows.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Poweas said:

    Hell yeah. I also love the dedication you've put into writing this. It shows.

    Thanks :) though I fear it would just make him more unfun for survivors since I know they hate facing fredward :(