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Question about survivors vs killers

After a bit of time playing, it SEEMS (from a noob's perspective) that survivors actually have the upper hand. Is this actually true, or will I see this differently as I progress? I've been playing both killer and survivor. I find it more FUN to be the killer, but it seems the survivors have the advantage.

If this is the case, I have a problem with this. If it is a 4 v 1, shouldn't the killer actually BE threatening? Shouldn't the killer have the advantage, and the survivors HAVE to utilize their numbers in order to win?

Take Friday the 13th. In that game, it is a group of several survivors vs Jason. And Jason is STRONG. For one, there is no hook--he can outright kill you. For 2, different Jason variants have different abilities. The thing is, if the campers band together and snag a couple items, they can actually KILL Jason. OR, they can just get some items to repair the couple cars and escape--or wait until a certain time and walk out. BUT, until they can manage these, Jason is a HUGE threat, because by and large, the survivors don't stand a chance, ESPECIALLY if it is a 1v1.

I feel killers should be this way. It SHOULD be that, 1v1, a survivor has little hope of living. That is the cost of standing against a nasty killer. If they work together properly, THAT should be when they actually manage to win.

Anyway, just my thoughts so far playing. But what do you veterans feel? Are killers too weak compared to the survivors? How is high level compared to the noob levels? I want to hear from you, DBD vets!!


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    The balance of the game has always been a bit shrewd. The game is not supposed to work on a 1v1 basis but the survivor "power-level" is high enough that a single survivor can screw the entire game up for the killer, despite whatever advantages the killer's supposed to have.

  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    Good killers won't throw the game to chase one person for 5 gens...
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    JanTheMan said:
    Good killers won't throw the game to chase one person for 5 gens...
    Yeah good killerß don't chase at all any only apply map pressure, who needs kills anyway 
  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    Survivors have the advantage if they play their cards correctly but killers usually depend on survivors making mistakes to have the advantage on chases.
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Survivors usually have the upper hand, killers mostly rely on their mistakes and mind games

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Survivors if coordinated have the upper hand. That is why most have an issue with SWF. However that balance is shifted based on the killers addons and if they are playing moris etc... Killers need to make less mistakes in a game as time is always against them.

  • IceKholdStare
    IceKholdStare Member Posts: 24

    In a situation where a survivor and killer are equally skilled, (regardless of rank,) then the survivor is more likely to win the encounter. A survivor is perfectly capable of harassing a killer all match and with the correct setup, not be punished for it at all. If more than one is running a similar setup and skilled enough to pull it off, then the killer is boinked. They can employ tactics that aren't in the spirit of the game and really aren't fun for the killer, "because." And that's not even counting the people using discord to relay info to one another.

    The devs cater to the survivors, as there are four times as many in the playerbase. So, yeah... Killer can feel powerless in many scenarios.