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Is there a way to get the better, almost vital perks besides buying the DLC?!

So I was watching some videos on how to be a better killer. One thing they ALL have in common? A variety of perks all locked behind a paywall; BBQ Chili for instance. Now, is there a way to get these perks without having to BUY the DLC? Because if there is not, this game is literally the definition of P2W--yet all of us ALREADY PAID FOR THE GAME!

I understand having cosmetic microtransactions. Hell, I even understand having some killers available via DLC; none of the killers themselves seem to be OP compared to the default cast.

But the perks, however, are. MOST of the perks considered vital to a good loadout from what I have seen, are locked behind a paywall. This is the kind of market we as consumers need to stop supporting. When you pay full price for a game, you expect content that gives such blatant advantages to be available to everyone, not just those willing to drop 15-20 dollars. P2W in a game you already paid 30 dollars for is BS. It is EA level garbage.

But before I go accusing these devs of this sort of ridiculous practice, I want to make sure, as I am still new, that there is no reasonable way to get these perks without buying the DLC packs. So is there a way to, or is this game truly, when it comes down to it, Battlefront all over again?


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    When it comes to perks from licensed DLC, you have to pray that they end up in the Shrine. That's the only way you can obtain them without spending money.

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    When it comes to perks from licensed DLC, you have to pray that they end up in the Shrine. That's the only way you can obtain them without spending money.

    Did not know about the shrine. Sounds like it is luck based to me.

    That is pretty damn uncool to be honest. I remember when Battlefront tried to be blatantly P2W. The backlash was so bad that EA was forced to rework their entire system.

    Probably too late for something like this to happen here, but Christ, seeing this crap in more and more games is enough to make one reconsider gaming as a hobby!

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    Pray to RNGesus and hope for them to show up in the Shrine of Secrets. Then unlock the perks with 2000 or 2700 shards.

    If you don't want to pray and hope, unlock the character with 9000 Shards (unless it's Licensed like LF/Shape/Sharp hand joe/Pig).

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    When it comes to perks from licensed DLC, you have to pray that they end up in the Shrine. That's the only way you can obtain them without spending money.

    Did not know about the shrine. Sounds like it is luck based to me.

    That is pretty damn uncool to be honest. I remember when Battlefront tried to be blatantly P2W. The backlash was so bad that EA was forced to rework their entire system.

    Probably too late for something like this to happen here, but Christ, seeing this crap in more and more games is enough to make one reconsider gaming as a hobby!

    There's a huge difference between DBD and Battlefront. A HUGE difference.

    I think DBD dlc is really good value. It's around £5 every 3 months. That's really cheap compared to other games. I can understand it being pricey for new players since there are so many packs now (they should really consider a GOTY edition) but going forwards it's not bad at all.

    The cosmetics are really overpriced but I guess that's true of all games.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    BBQ is nice to have to grind bloodpoints faster, but isn't essential. The shrine is a way to get perks for characters you don't own or don't want to grind to unlock. How often the perk pops up in the shrine is based on the RNG. Ask @Vortexas about BBQ he will tell you all about its rarity in the shrine.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    For <10$? Really?
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    None of the perks on licensed characters are essential, some are really nice but not essential, BBQ is possibly the one most will mention but in reality it just lessens the grind nothing more as it has easy counters to its aura reading.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SIlentCetra said:
    So I was watching some videos on how to be a better killer. One thing they ALL have in common? A variety of perks all locked behind a paywall; BBQ Chili for instance. Now, is there a way to get these perks without having to BUY the DLC? Because if there is not, this game is literally the definition of P2W--yet all of us ALREADY PAID FOR THE GAME!

    I understand having cosmetic microtransactions. Hell, I even understand having some killers available via DLC; none of the killers themselves seem to be OP compared to the default cast.

    But the perks, however, are. MOST of the perks considered vital to a good loadout from what I have seen, are locked behind a paywall. This is the kind of market we as consumers need to stop supporting. When you pay full price for a game, you expect content that gives such blatant advantages to be available to everyone, not just those willing to drop 15-20 dollars. P2W in a game you already paid 30 dollars for is BS. It is EA level garbage.

    But before I go accusing these devs of this sort of ridiculous practice, I want to make sure, as I am still new, that there is no reasonable way to get these perks without buying the DLC packs. So is there a way to, or is this game truly, when it comes down to it, Battlefront all over again?

    No, gotta ching ching that creditcard

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @Lanis_ said:
    For <10$? Really?

    A paywall is a paywall. Doesn't matter if it's 5 dollars or 30 dollars.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019

    A paywall is a paywall. Doesn't matter if it's 5 dollars or 30 dollars.

    Remember this is not a full price game where it costs $60 and then pay for a season pass which only gives you some of the dlc, nothing is a must for this game, with perks it comes down to a want rather than a need.

    Only the licensed characters cost money as the others can all be bought via shards.

    So take the killers the shape (bad perks), The pig (Make your choice is good on some killers) Freddy (blood warden is ok) leatherface (best perks BBQ and Franklins) BBQ being the most used as it's a blood point farming perk, none of the above are essential.

    Survivors again apart from DS but that is one the has been on the shrine every couple of months nothing is considered meta from licensed dlc, DS is also being reworked (eventually) as it's an annoying perk and gets you camped a lot.

    The point is the perks most used to help in game can all be obtained for free by playing and with the shrine everything eventually can be it's just a waiting game.
  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @EntityDispleased said:
    It is a paywall but considering the game is pretty cheap and the DLCs are fairly priced along with going on sale lots of times, I'd give this game an exception.

    Besides, the only characters that are truly locked behind a paywall are licensed characters like Myers or Freddy, which pretty fair since the devs paid quite a bit of money to the movie owners to have them in game. Other original characters like hag or doctor can be bought with shards that you earn by simply playing the game.

    You earn a ridiculously small amount of shards and they literally cost thousands of them to get.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    It's not really a Paywall, It's DLC with perks as part of the package. It's not like you can't play the game without those perks. As well there's the shrine which has these perks in it from time to time.

    BBQ almost never showing in the shrine is a bit questionable since it's probably why a lot if not most people bought Bubba's DLC but it could just be coincidence since the shrine is random.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    When it comes to perks from licensed DLC, you have to pray that they end up in the Shrine. That's the only way you can obtain them without spending money.

    Did not know about the shrine. Sounds like it is luck based to me.

    That is pretty damn uncool to be honest. I remember when Battlefront tried to be blatantly P2W. The backlash was so bad that EA was forced to rework their entire system.

    Probably too late for something like this to happen here, but Christ, seeing this crap in more and more games is enough to make one reconsider gaming as a hobby!

    You can also get the killers through the play to pay system, and BBQ isn’t all that TBH
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    None of the perks are required for a good build. Honestly, I rarely use most of the licensed killer perks anyways. It is not a P2W situation in the least bit. You can win a match just as easily with the non licensed killer perks as you could. Also, though rarely, they do come up in the shrine.

    This is nothing like Battlefront. Not even remotely close.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Well, in theory there is no p2w because every perk can be pop up in the shrine. But when you look at how often those perks like BBQ show up in the shrine (1 single time in over 1 year) reality hits hard and just shows you it's a subtle but smart way to lock meta perks behind a paywall.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    @EntityDispleased said:
    It is a paywall but considering the game is pretty cheap and the DLCs are fairly priced along with going on sale lots of times, I'd give this game an exception.

    Besides, the only characters that are truly locked behind a paywall are licensed characters like Myers or Freddy, which pretty fair since the devs paid quite a bit of money to the movie owners to have them in game. Other original characters like hag or doctor can be bought with shards that you earn by simply playing the game.

    You earn a ridiculously small amount of shards and they literally cost thousands of them to get.

    I mean I don't expect to get locked content in a game on a silver platter. If you truly enjoy the game and spend some time on it, the shards will come flowing in. I bought all non-licensed killers except for spirit with shards and I never felt the grind being a pain in the ass anymore than other games. The amount of shards you get increase the more you level up. You get about 46,635 shards in total from level 1-100. 

    The grind needs to be hard to unlock content for free in order to incentivize purchasing with real money. Because you know, the developers have bills to pay and lives to live. 
    That's not true, you get around 21k shards from level 1-21, that's basically one whole cosmetic pack of Kate for example, or 2 characters
  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    Don't forget, two of the DLC's were put out for free, including the one that lets you get we're gonna live forever, the survivor counterpart of BBQ. You can wait for the perks to hit the shrine, or you can get the character after a small grind with shards, which will let you get the character in addition to their three perks. 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Well, in theory there is no p2w because every perk can be pop up in the shrine. But when you look at how often those perks like BBQ show up in the shrine (1 single time in over 1 year) reality hits hard and just shows you it's a subtle but smart way to lock meta perks behind a paywall.

    Yes, all those meta perks locked behind paywalls, like Dance With Me and Surveillance. Clearly, the Shrine must be rigged; there's absolutely no explanation for the complete randomness of it all. Everyone knows the "R" in "RNG" stands for "completely pRedictable".

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @EntityDispleased said:
    SIlentCetra said:

    @EntityDispleased said:

    It is a paywall but considering the game is pretty cheap and the DLCs are fairly priced along with going on sale lots of times, I'd give this game an exception.

    Besides, the only characters that are truly locked behind a paywall are licensed characters like Myers or Freddy, which pretty fair since the devs paid quite a bit of money to the movie owners to have them in game. Other original characters like hag or doctor can be bought with shards that you earn by simply playing the game.

    You earn a ridiculously small amount of shards and they literally cost thousands of them to get.

    I mean I don't expect to get locked content in a game on a silver platter. If you truly enjoy the game and spend some time on it, the shards will come flowing in. I bought all non-licensed killers except for spirit with shards and I never felt the grind being a pain in the ass anymore than other games. The amount of shards you get increase the more you level up. You get about 46,635 shards in total from level 1-100. 

    The grind needs to be hard to unlock content for free in order to incentivize purchasing with real money. Because you know, the developers have bills to pay and lives to live. 

    I don't either. I'll give you an example on what I am okay with: For Honor.

    I love and hate this game. But one thing I feel they do RIGHT is their microtransactions. If you aren't familiar with the game, you unlock other characters with steel, and they usually cost around 15k steel. You get steel not just on leveling up, but through completing daily objectives, as well as a little bit every match depending on how well you do.

    It is perfectly possible to be able to unlock a new hero with about a week of gameplay, provided you save your steel to unlock the DLC characters and not on cosmetics. I am okay with this. You still have to work to get what you want, but it's not like you have to play the game for months on end before getting enough to unlock X character.

    So far, the only time I've seen shards is leveling up. I have about 380 and you start with 40. So in 2 days of playing several hours (time I won't have once my leave is over) I have made 340 in about 10 hours give or take.

    It costs 9,000 shards to unlock one character. So if it takes 10 hours to get roughly 340 points, to get 9,000 would take an astonishing 26 10 hour sessions or 260 hours of gameplay. To unlock ONE character.

    That is a ridiculous, almost freemium MMO level of grind. It's too much imo.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Orion said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Well, in theory there is no p2w because every perk can be pop up in the shrine. But when you look at how often those perks like BBQ show up in the shrine (1 single time in over 1 year) reality hits hard and just shows you it's a subtle but smart way to lock meta perks behind a paywall.

    Yes, all those meta perks locked behind paywalls, like Dance With Me and Surveillance. Clearly, the Shrine must be rigged; there's absolutely no explanation for the complete randomness of it all. Everyone knows the "R" in "RNG" stands for "completely pRedictable".

    Where did I say the shrine is rigged? You are attacking a strawman and not my actual point I made.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    Orion said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Well, in theory there is no p2w because every perk can be pop up in the shrine. But when you look at how often those perks like BBQ show up in the shrine (1 single time in over 1 year) reality hits hard and just shows you it's a subtle but smart way to lock meta perks behind a paywall.

    Yes, all those meta perks locked behind paywalls, like Dance With Me and Surveillance. Clearly, the Shrine must be rigged; there's absolutely no explanation for the complete randomness of it all. Everyone knows the "R" in "RNG" stands for "completely pRedictable".

    Lol i like surveillance especially on Billy.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I don't either. I'll give you an example on what I am okay with: For Honor.

    I love and hate this game. But one thing I feel they do RIGHT is their microtransactions. If you aren't familiar with the game, you unlock other characters with steel, and they usually cost around 15k steel. You get steel not just on leveling up, but through completing daily objectives, as well as a little bit every match depending on how well you do.

    It is perfectly possible to be able to unlock a new hero with about a week of gameplay, provided you save your steel to unlock the DLC characters and not on cosmetics. I am okay with this. You still have to work to get what you want, but it's not like you have to play the game for months on end before getting enough to unlock X character.

    So far, the only time I've seen shards is leveling up. I have about 380 and you start with 40. So in 2 days of playing several hours (time I won't have once my leave is over) I have made 340 in about 10 hours give or take.

    It costs 9,000 shards to unlock one character. So if it takes 10 hours to get roughly 340 points, to get 9,000 would take an astonishing 26 10 hour sessions or 260 hours of gameplay. To unlock ONE character.

    That is a ridiculous, almost freemium MMO level of grind. It's too much imo.

    Check the above for information on how you earn shards, you get bonuses towards yoir level for how well you do in around not to mention the 300xp toward a it for the first game of a new day bonus.

    This game is a grinding game, just look at all the characters you can use and how long it takes to lvl each one up to get all the available perks or even just the ones you want.

    Those who wish to keep playing are rewarded with free characters, it seems your issue has changed from p2w and not understanding you could earn things to now it takes too long, well that's the game, you can earn a few chars on the grind to lvl 100 or spend it on cosmetics the choice is yours.

    If you don't like grinding games maybe this one isn't for you but they aren't going to hand everything out for free instantly as it's a business afterall and nothing is ever needed they are all optimal extras.

    For honor only changed as the game was losing players and they had a boycott and some still complain it's not enough, you can also buy steel pretty much like the dlc in this game, you will never kerp everyone happy but it has been an age since I saw a post like this so the vast majority are happy.
  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @twistedmonkey said:
    SIlentCetra said:

    I don't either. I'll give you an example on what I am okay with: For Honor.

    I love and hate this game. But one thing I feel they do RIGHT is their microtransactions. If you aren't familiar with the game, you unlock other characters with steel, and they usually cost around 15k steel. You get steel not just on leveling up, but through completing daily objectives, as well as a little bit every match depending on how well you do.

    It is perfectly possible to be able to unlock a new hero with about a week of gameplay, provided you save your steel to unlock the DLC characters and not on cosmetics. I am okay with this. You still have to work to get what you want, but it's not like you have to play the game for months on end before getting enough to unlock X character.

    So far, the only time I've seen shards is leveling up. I have about 380 and you start with 40. So in 2 days of playing several hours (time I won't have once my leave is over) I have made 340 in about 10 hours give or take.

    It costs 9,000 shards to unlock one character. So if it takes 10 hours to get roughly 340 points, to get 9,000 would take an astonishing 26 10 hour sessions or 260 hours of gameplay. To unlock ONE character.

    That is a ridiculous, almost freemium MMO level of grind. It's too much imo.

    Check the above for information on how you earn shards, you get bonuses towards yoir level for how well you do in around not to mention the 300xp toward a it for the first game of a new day bonus.

    This game is a grinding game, just look at all the characters you can use and how long it takes to lvl each one up to get all the available perks or even just the ones you want.

    Those who wish to keep playing are rewarded with free characters, it seems your issue has changed from p2w and not understanding you could earn things to now it takes too long, well that's the game, you can earn a few chars on the grind to lvl 100 or spend it on cosmetics the choice is yours.

    If you don't like grinding games maybe this one isn't for you but they aren't going to hand everything out for free instantly as it's a business afterall and nothing is ever needed they are all optimal extras.

    For honor only changed as the game was losing players and they had a boycott and some still complain it's not enough, you can also buy steel pretty much like the dlc in this game, you will never kerp everyone happy but it has been an age since I saw a post like this so the vast majority are happy.

    As I said, I didn't realize there was a shrine where you can POTENTIALLY get those perks. Still, apparently it is complete RNG and you may never see one of them at all.

    I don't mind a grind, I play ATLAS FFS. What I don't like is over 200 hours of grind for one character.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    I dun care if I'm biased...but DBD's Killer/Survivor dlc is worth buying imo.  They are not expensive in the slightest.
  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @Nikkiwhat said:
    I dun care if I'm biased...but DBD's Killer/Survivor dlc is worth buying imo.  They are not expensive in the slightest.

    Again, it's not the price I am against, it is the general practice of locking things that give such a blatant advantage behind paywalls. I don't get why people were so outraged with EA and their lootboxes which had cards that literally were the definition of "pay to win" yet everyone is okay with something not quite but almost as bad.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,046

    To be honest, this is just whining. Nothing more.

    If we look at all of the DLCs where People have to pay money, except for DS and BBQ, no Perk is really needed for the game (DS also not, but dont want to start a discussion here).

    And when I look at BBQ... The DLC cost even less than all of the other DLCs. Who does not want to pay those few bucks for one of the best Perks in the game should at least stop whining about not having it.

    Other Perks can be bought via Shards. E.g. Ruin is in the Shrine right now, and even if not, the Hag is buyable via Shards.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019

    As I said, I didn't realize there was a shrine where you can POTENTIALLY get those perks. Still, apparently it is complete RNG and you may never see one of them at all.

    I don't mind a grind, I play ATLAS FFS. What I don't like is over 200 hours of grind for one character.

    Read the link I sent you it should take roughly 96 hours to get almost 26k shards what's a char every 34 hours or so far off the 200 you claim.

    It's always better to read up on things before making assumptions.

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @Aven_Fallen said:
    To be honest, this is just whining. Nothing more.

    If we look at all of the DLCs where People have to pay money, except for DS and BBQ, no Perk is really needed for the game (DS also not, but dont want to start a discussion here).

    And when I look at BBQ... The DLC cost even less than all of the other DLCs. Who does not want to pay those few bucks for one of the best Perks in the game should at least stop whining about not having it.

    Other Perks can be bought via Shards. E.g. Ruin is in the Shrine right now, and even if not, the Hag is buyable via Shards.

    The point seems to be going over your head.

    Not one guide have I watched on youtube that has not named an entire perk loadout that is exclusively DLC perks. Which means you have to pay to get them--or grind for around 260 hours to unlock one single killer to get them. Or, I suppose, hope RNGesus is with you in the shrine. That is not okay, for any game.

    Since you CAN get most of these perks via grinding shards, I will concede it's not quite as bad as I thought it was, but it is still quite the pay for STRONG advantage, and you cannot deny that one.

  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @twistedmonkey said:
    SIlentCetra said:

    As I said, I didn't realize there was a shrine where you can POTENTIALLY get those perks. Still, apparently it is complete RNG and you may never see one of them at all.

    I don't mind a grind, I play ATLAS FFS. What I don't like is over 200 hours of grind for one character.

    Read the link I sent you it should take roughly 96 hours to get almost 26k shards what's a char every 34 hours or so.

    I'll check it out, I am no doubt not playing optimally--like I said, took me over 10 hours just to make a couple hundred shards.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,046

    260 Hours to unlock one single Killer? Where do you have this number from? This is WAY too much.

    Regarding the paid DLCs: It seems like people do not understand WHY some DLCs (or better: The Content of those DLCs) can only be paid with real money. There is a licence holder behind it. The Killers are not owned by the DBD Publishers or Creators. Therefore, no cosmetics etc. are possible for them (except for Leatherfaces Faces and the Prestige-cosmetics).
    The licence holder would not be happy to give away their content for free, so it is quite logical why they are not available for the ingame currency.

    But again, only Leatherface should be really relevant.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    They add new Killers and Survivors on a routine basis..besides the Killer's toolset with their ability they have unique perks which adds more depth to the game, which is needed to keep the game fresh and giving us more options....

    You're REALLY gonna pitch a fit about spending a few dollars for added content that can also be gained for free via shards or getting the perks from the shrine?  Your loss Homeskillet 
  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @SIlentCetra said:

    @twistedmonkey said:
    SIlentCetra said:

    As I said, I didn't realize there was a shrine where you can POTENTIALLY get those perks. Still, apparently it is complete RNG and you may never see one of them at all.

    I don't mind a grind, I play ATLAS FFS. What I don't like is over 200 hours of grind for one character.

    Read the link I sent you it should take roughly 96 hours to get almost 26k shards what's a char every 34 hours or so.

    I'll check it out, I am no doubt not playing optimally--like I said, took me over 10 hours just to make a couple hundred shards.

    I was going by the rate at which I got the couple hundred shards I have. Doing the math, it would take me 26 10 hour sessions to get just under 9,000 shards--hence the 260 mark.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356
    edited February 2019

    It's a $20 multi-player PvP game that isn't just a play through once and done, but an ongoing experience, meaning adding new content regularly is part of the deal. They would not be able to sustain this game if they added all of this new content for free, so they make reasonably priced DLCs, all of which are completely optional. You can't expect the devs to continue putting time, effort and money into this game for free. That's not reality.

    There is nothing about BBQ that is going to make you win more than any other free perk. Just because the loadouts you see on YouTube mention some perks that are in DLCs that doesn't mean those are the only good perks or that you can't win with other things. You could play perkless and win. So, if you really want BBQ, then pay for it like everyone else. If it's not that important to you, then don't get it and use another perk. And as everyone else mentioned, that is exactly why the Shrine exists. This week, Ruin is up there, which is from the Hag's DLC and is a meta killer perk.

  • Lonefox64
    Lonefox64 Member Posts: 132
    If you want the equation for shards= chars its 9000 shards ÷300 per player level aproximatly 30 levels at full shards that are 4200 apeice so a total of 126000 xp needed for 30 levels and you get about 550 a match and so it would take 230 matches to get 9k at 10 min a match so roughly 38 hours of playtime not counting extra xp from daily games which evey day would remove 10 minutes.