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WGLF stacks for different actions

Well we all know the issue of "WGFF" so I don't even explain it and go right after my ideas (hopefully I don't regret it to jump that point):

- One stack for each FULL minute you are getting chased. Each time you get hooked the timer resets.

- Picking someone up from dying state equals unhooking someone, one stack 



  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I just want healing tokens.

    Picking somebody up from dying state is a good way to go too.

    I am not sure about the chase part though.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Delfador said:

    I just want healing tokens.

    Picking somebody up from dying state is a good way to go too.

    I am not sure about the chase part though.

    What is it you don't like about the chase stacks? The 60 seconds? Or the whole concept? 
  • DrKnockers05
    DrKnockers05 Member Posts: 137
    I don't know, man. You only need 4 stacks to get 100% double BPs at tier 3 and that's not too tricky to get. Plus it's not like it's affecting the killer in a negative manner so I don't think it needs changing drastically.
    Picking someone up from dying state, I can sort of get behind. Maybe if you heal them within the terror radius, you get a stack, but lose it if that player is immediately downed again?
    Gaining stacks by being chased, though, doesn't really fit the objective of the perk which is to save others personally by either rescuing them or putting yourself in harm's way for them. I do understand the logic mind. By keeping the killer occupied, you're effectively protecting your teammates.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:

    What is it you don't like about the chase stacks? The 60 seconds? Or the whole concept? 

    WGLF is an alturism based perk, chases have nothing to do with that. It doesn't fit the perk's soul, healing or picking somebody up from the ground does though.

    I wouldn't mind if the survivors had more bloodpoint perks and the chase mechanic you propose can be implemented to them. I don't see that happening to WGLF though. Devs are even reluctant to give healing tokens and people want it for ages.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    I've said a bunch of times that giving one token for unhooking and one for safe hook rescue would make it perfect. Or, just giving 2 tokens for a safe hook rescuse.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    No, no aaaaand no.
    They are already easy af to obtain. 
    Why make it even easier?
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    Garbage perk that ruins the game because some idiots throw the game to get their ######### stacks.

    Why isn't it safe unhooks only? I always assumed it was because that would make sense but apparantly not...
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @Tsulan said:
    No, no aaaaand no.
    They are already easy af to obtain. 
    Why make it even easier?

    To prevent farming simulator?

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @Delfador said:
    I just want healing tokens.

    Picking somebody up from dying state is a good way to go too.

    I am not sure about the chase part though.


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Tsulan said:
    No, no aaaaand no.
    They are already easy af to obtain. 
    Why make it even easier?
    Because they really aren’t easy to get, especially if you don’t want to play like an ass. Love the quality work you put in that comment, it’s super helpful. 
    Has been said different times. 
    Survivors can get them for unhooking the same survivor over and over.
    For getting hit next to an injured survivor. 
    For getting hit when the killer carries someone. 
    For flashlight saves.
    For pallet saves.

    Killer gets 1 per different survivor he hooks.

    But you want to give survivors even more ways to gain points. 
    Running in circles was proposed. 
    Completing gens was proposed. 
    Healing was proposed. 

    If the devs add more ways, the community will regret it. People would do everything but unhooks or saves. 
    Our community simply does not know how to behave. 
    That's one of the reasons the bonus points got nerfed.  Because survivors farmed each other for stacks. 

    But sure, go ahead and change it.
    I'll watch and laugh at the complaints that survivors ignore hooks.

    Does this answer please you more?
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Tsulan said:
    No, no aaaaand no.
    They are already easy af to obtain. 
    Why make it even easier?
    My idea behind this to give people not to farm their mates of the hooks and basically completely destroy the match just so they can get all 4 tokens. Furthermore, WGLF relies on your team mates beeing bad, so basically if you and your team mates outclassed/outskilled the killer, no one gets his stacks. Basically, you get punished for beeing to good, unlike BBQandC where you get your stacks if you are good and not bad. That's the idea of getting stacks while beeing chased, also a good motivation for those who get tunneled. And yes, I know it's ez pz as survivor, especially swf. But my idea was more like and QoL and also for the poor solos who are getting those random, overaltruistic team mates farming everyone for the stacks.
    Hopefully my explaination helped to clarify that.
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    edited February 2019
    • Taking hits for other survivors.
    • SAFE saves.
    • Healing a fellow survivor a health state.

    These three actions should reward a WGLF stack.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    se05239 said:
    • Taking hits for other survivors.
    • SAFE saves.
    • Healing a fellow survivor a health state.

    These three actions should reward a WGLF stack.

    This could help to prevent farming, but how do you get your stacks if you and your team outskilled the killer and noone gets hooked? 
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    WGLF needs buffed. That much is obvious. They could add more options to earn tokens such as each time you pallet stun the killer, sabotage a hook when the killer is carrying a survivor within a certain radius, etc. But what I think they really should do is make it so at rank 3 you get a token for each generator completed and gain 20% bonus for each token. Just like the killer gets tokens when working toward his/her main objective (killing survivors), survivors should get tokens when working towards their main objective (finishing generators). Besides, no one lives at all if generators aren't finished.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Adding healing I can agree with, but if you want chase, pallet stuns, or etc. Request some new general perks and stop asking to make a good perk a golden meta. Extra bp should be spread over multiple perks so you need to make a choice in how you earn them. Yeah I Killers have a single perk but they can't Farm/abuse a single victim the way survivors can.
  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    2 stacks for safe unhook rescues would be a nice.
  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    Tsulan said:
    Tsulan said:
    No, no aaaaand no.
    They are already easy af to obtain. 
    Why make it even easier?
    Because they really aren’t easy to get, especially if you don’t want to play like an ass. Love the quality work you put in that comment, it’s super helpful. 
    Has been said different times. 
    Survivors can get them for unhooking the same survivor over and over.
    For getting hit next to an injured survivor. 
    For getting hit when the killer carries someone. 
    For flashlight saves.
    For pallet saves.

    Killer gets 1 per different survivor he hooks.

    But you want to give survivors even more ways to gain points. 
    Running in circles was proposed. 
    Completing gens was proposed. 
    Healing was proposed. 

    If the devs add more ways, the community will regret it. People would do everything but unhooks or saves. 
    Our community simply does not know how to behave. 
    That's one of the reasons the bonus points got nerfed.  Because survivors farmed each other for stacks. 

    But sure, go ahead and change it.
    I'll watch and laugh at the complaints that survivors ignore hooks.

    Does this answer please you more?
    pure speculation, and an awfully bad one too. unhooks still reward a ######### ton of points and I doubt people would throw the game just for stacks by letting someone die on first hook. 

    taking hit not always a good idea, and you won't always be healthy.

    yeah idk about everyone else but I rarely get killers that'll go for the healthy survivor over the injured

    flashlight and pallet saves should never happen. you have to ######### up rly hard as killer to let it happen.

    it is definitely much easier for killer to get their stacks because hooking people is their natural objective while survivors have gens, or getting chased. not to mention the 3 others might also be wanting that unhook as well.

    but no, for me that answer did not please me. this is a buff to survivor points we're talking about which has always been lacking

    also if you're really worried about people getting left on hook safe unhooks should reward 2 tokens.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Tsulan said:

    Has been said different times. 
    Survivors can get them for unhooking the same survivor over and over.
    For getting hit next to an injured survivor. 
    For getting hit when the killer carries someone. 
    For flashlight saves.
    For pallet saves.

    Killer gets 1 per different survivor he hooks.

    But you want to give survivors even more ways to gain points. 
    Running in circles was proposed. 
    Completing gens was proposed. 
    Healing was proposed. 

    If the devs add more ways, the community will regret it. People would do everything but unhooks or saves. 
    Our community simply does not know how to behave. 
    That's one of the reasons the bonus points got nerfed. Because survivors farmed each other for stacks.

    But sure, go ahead and change it.
    I'll watch and laugh at the complaints that survivors ignore hooks.

    Does this answer please you more?

    It doesn't please me at all.

    'People would do everything but unhooks or saves'
    No, even when people don't use WGLF, they still save people, it has nothing to do with this. Saving alone gives you 1.5k. I don't even understand what you mean by there. Just lately, survivors don't go to saves when the gates are powered but it has still nothing to do with WGLF. That's because of event.

    'Because survivors farmed each other for stacks.'
    That's the whole point, people farm each other for stacks because there is not enough ways to get the tokens whether you believe it or not. If you want to get all tokens by unhooking, 2 people need to reach death hook and the killer needs to get 4 hooks. With more ways, people will not farm each other because there will be, well, more ways.

    People will not regret it in the slightest, I can assure you. You talk like all the unhookers are WGLF users.

    I am trying something new. I take screen shots of the score page and save them for stats. I have done that in the last 47 matches and now counted it for you. There were 17 WGLF users. Some games had 3 WGLF users, some games had 1 but I will go with 1 per game. Red ranks, rank 1-2.


    Who performed those unhooks in those 30 games when there were no WGLF users if nobody cares for unhooks?

    It is not even 30 games, it is more than that, around 35 I believe. You claim is just baseless.

    I would answer your other points like there are more ways to get WGLF stacks but I have already done it in other posts so I really don't want to repeat myself.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Delfador said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Has been said different times. 
    Survivors can get them for unhooking the same survivor over and over.
    For getting hit next to an injured survivor. 
    For getting hit when the killer carries someone. 
    For flashlight saves.
    For pallet saves.

    Killer gets 1 per different survivor he hooks.

    But you want to give survivors even more ways to gain points. 
    Running in circles was proposed. 
    Completing gens was proposed. 
    Healing was proposed. 

    If the devs add more ways, the community will regret it. People would do everything but unhooks or saves. 
    Our community simply does not know how to behave. 
    That's one of the reasons the bonus points got nerfed. Because survivors farmed each other for stacks.

    But sure, go ahead and change it.
    I'll watch and laugh at the complaints that survivors ignore hooks.

    Does this answer please you more?

    It doesn't please me at all.

    'People would do everything but unhooks or saves'
    No, even when people don't use WGLF, they still save people, it has nothing to do with this. Saving alone gives you 1.5k. I don't even understand what you mean by there. Just lately, survivors don't go to saves when the gates are powered but it has still nothing to do with WGLF. That's because of event.

    'Because survivors farmed each other for stacks.'
    That's the whole point, people farm each other for stacks because there is not enough ways to get the tokens whether you believe it or not. If you want to get all tokens by unhooking, 2 people need to reach death hook and the killer needs to get 4 hooks. With more ways, people will not farm each other because there will be, well, more ways.

    People will not regret it in the slightest, I can assure you. You talk like all the unhookers are WGLF users.

    I am trying something new. I take screen shots of the score page and save them for stats. I have done that in the last 47 matches and now counted it for you. There were 17 WGLF users. Some games had 3 WGLF users, some games had 1 but I will go with 1 per game. Red ranks, rank 1-2.


    Who performed those unhooks in those 30 games when there were no WGLF users if nobody cares for unhooks?

    It is not even 30 games, it is more than that, around 35 I believe. You claim is just baseless.

    I would answer your other points like there are more ways to get WGLF stacks but I have already done it in other posts so I really don't want to repeat myself.

    Good, you already see how the behavior of survivors is affected when they get extra rewards for completing gens. Now Imagine that they could get 4 stacks by repairing gens alone or from being chased.
    They would focus on gen rush like they do now and ignore hooks. 

    After all, it would be double bloodpoints for 5 minute matches. 
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Tsulan said:

    Good, you already see how the behavior of survivors is affected when they get extra rewards for completing gens. Now Imagine that they could get 4 stacks by repairing gens alone or from being chased.
    They would focus on gen rush like they do now and ignore hooks. 

    After all, it would be double bloodpoints for 5 minute matches. 

    I don't think I have said anything about gens or chases, my posts are the second and the fifth one, and if you read them you will see that I am against chase part.

    OP didn't bring generator part up so I didn't say anything about it. I am against it too.

    Healing tokens or picking people up from the ground would not hurt anybody. It would actually improve the perk because people would want to save survivors when the killer leaves just so that they can heal somebody and get another token for that.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Delfador said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Good, you already see how the behavior of survivors is affected when they get extra rewards for completing gens. Now Imagine that they could get 4 stacks by repairing gens alone or from being chased.
    They would focus on gen rush like they do now and ignore hooks. 

    After all, it would be double bloodpoints for 5 minute matches. 

    I don't think I have said anything about gens or chases, my posts are the second and the fifth one, and if you read them you will see that I am against chase part.

    OP didn't bring generator part up so I didn't say anything about it. I am against it too.

    Healing tokens or picking people up from the ground would not hurt anybody. It would actually improve the perk because people would want to save survivors when the killer leaves just so that they can heal somebody and get another token for that.

    No to more ways to get stacks. 
    But I'm not opposed to new perks that specifically give bonus points for certain activities.

    I posted a proposal for additional BP perks months ago. But not many people clicked it.