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Question about legion

Way do players say hes boring? He doesn't seem boring to me in fact I seen quite a bit of players playing as him..... I'm planning on getting him once I get to 9000 shards. Or is clown and hag the best choice? But I'm still thinking of getting legion with 9000 shards..... Also is there going to be a rework on him?


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    He's not boring for everyone, at least not me. I like his adrenaline fueled bursts of speed, the bleed out mechanic, and the constant stabs, it's fun. The only problem is when you don't use his power to down people, you need to, always use his power. Of course there are situations where you don't NEED it but then later you realize you would have been better off if you did.

    I would say choose Legion if your playstyle revolves around multitasking, Legion is great at spreading your focus and not forcing yourself to stick to one Survivor.

    Clown is the best at anti-loops, Survivors looping you like crazy, use Clown to close the distance and laugh at them when they fall to the ground <3

    I don't play Hag very much but I know @SpaceCoconut can give you the rundown and reasons why to play her :)

    I used to Main Freddy and I'm waiting for the rework, now I'm focusing on Pig and a teensy bit of Legion, but mostly Pig; also great at juggling Survivors.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Ok thanks I can't wait to get legion :) Also I can't wait for the rework of Freddy:)

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    He's boring to get play vs them. When they gonna tunnels you: It's over. As the Legion player you have a 100% guaranteed to win a chase.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Does that make him boring? Sorry i don't follow. I just don't see way while he's in a chase does that really make him boring?

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Ok I have to kinda agree with you switch on that one. But is he going to get a rework soon? And is he's perks any goods even if I don't play as him? Also is fredd worth it since he's getting a rework soon?

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    @jackkn12 said:
    Ok I have to kinda agree with you switch on that one. But is he going to get a rework soon? And is he's perks any goods even if I don't play as him? Also is fredd worth it since he's getting a rework soon?

    Rework soon? not really, they said freedy will be the next killer to get a rework and that was 6-8 months ago... so do the math and legion will get a rework sometime in 2020.
    His perks are not that good besides discordance. imo
    Just save your shards and buy the next killer in march, hopefully that killer will be decent even tho with BHVR i dont have my hopes up.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188


  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    switch said:

    @jackkn12 said:
    Ok I have to kinda agree with you switch on that one. But is he going to get a rework soon? And is he's perks any goods even if I don't play as him? Also is fredd worth it since he's getting a rework soon?

    Rework soon? not really, they said freedy will be the next killer to get a rework and that was 6-8 months ago... so do the math and legion will get a rework sometime in 2020.
    His perks are not that good besides discordance. imo
    Just save your shards and buy the next killer in march, hopefully that killer will be decent even tho with BHVR i dont have my hopes up.

    Yeah this /\ ... you dont really get the chapter 10 for legion... they are boring... is the idea good? (A killer that behaves like a survivor) yes that sounds pretty good but... it fails... when played as intended they are weak and they have what is borderline a cheese for the chase.... chapter 10 is pretty much a survivor chapter imo... Jeff's perks are quite decent 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @jackkn12 said:
    Way do players say hes boring? He doesn't seem boring to me in fact I seen quite a bit of players playing as him..... I'm planning on getting him once I get to 9000 shards. Or is clown and hag the best choice? But I'm still thinking of getting legion with 9000 shards..... Also is there going to be a rework on him?

    I recommend hag, she has ruin too. Clown is underwhelming and legion is just annoying

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    What about leather face? But yea I agree with you master I think I might get the hag:) Also what do you mean by the clown is underwhelming?

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    You cant buy leather face with shards unless you buy him from steam.
    Decent killer underrated, yeah i would say he is worth the money+ he has the best perks in the game BBQ super good, knockout good, franklins decent

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Ok thanks

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019
    jackkn12 said:

    Ok I have to kinda agree with you switch on that one. But is he going to get a rework soon? And is he's perks any goods even if I don't play as him? Also is fredd worth it since he's getting a rework soon?

    Legion is getting a rework but it could be a ways off according to a fog whisperer, Freddy is fun to play but again not so much against for some, he can't stop unhooking so once the gates are powered with competent survivors it's basically game over.

    Both killers suffer from survivors Dcing as they dont like plsying verses them making games not as fun overall.
  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Ok thanks

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Why do you say Hag? Isn't she included for free? Only killers after Huntress (from Clown onwards) require shards to buy. Do you mean Spirit? Personally I'd go for Spirit since she's awesome and plays off of mind-games, but if you already have her then that's cool. I just got Kate, and bought her a hairstyle with some shards, but I kind of want Legion just to goof around and make people not hate them as much.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    @Coriander said:
    Why do you say Hag? Isn't she included for free? Only killers after Huntress (from Clown onwards) require shards to buy. Do you mean Spirit? Personally I'd go for Spirit since she's awesome and plays off of mind-games, but if you already have her then that's cool. I just got Kate, and bought her a hairstyle with some shards, but I kind of want Legion just to goof around and make people not hate them as much.

    Hag is not a free killer. She's part of a paid DLC, though you can buy her with shards.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Yea I'm thinking of getting either the hag,clown or legion with 9000 shards I'm at 6k right now I'm getting closer. WHAT One should I pick hag,clown or legion?

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited February 2019

    It's not that he's boring

    It's just fun to play as with killer and annoying to play against as survivor, i'd rather face anything else.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @switch said:
    No counter play=boring, i talk here for both sides.
    Playing as him you need no skill to down someone (sorry you really dont need any)+ if you get a 5 min match you will probably kill only 1 at best.
    He is very weak if you get good survivors in your game, he is decent/good if you get decent/bad survivors in your game.
    I honestly dont like him.
    Here is a good video that sums up all legion clown fiest talk

    This sums it up perfectly. An absolute disaster of a design. Even better part is that based on the devs past records the rework to fix him probably won't be for another 2 years.