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Make Jeff Quieter!

So I have been playing Jeff for a bit now and I really like him very much!!

One issue is that he may be the loudest players in the game and is easily able to be found unless you get the iron will perk but even then, he is still super loud.

It would be nice in a later update to make him a quieter so he isn't so easily found by killers. If not, I will still play him cause I enjoy him a lot!


  • e8Lattice
    e8Lattice Member Posts: 189

    @rangerdanger0 said:
    So I have been playing Jeff for a bit now and I really like him very much!!

    One issue is that he may be the loudest players in the game and is easily able to be found unless you get the iron will perk but even then, he is still super loud.

    It would be nice in a later update to make him a quieter so he isn't so easily found by killers. If not, I will still play him cause I enjoy him a lot!

    He does look kinda cool but if it's just his perks you like? if so I'd recommend putting them on a much quieter, shorter, smaller and generally harder to see survivor with much smaller hit box such as Claudette.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    Really? I feel like David is by far the loudest. I can hear him a mile away even with an ear infection blocking some hearing. 
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,046

    Jeff is louder than David, he is the loudest character when not injured. David and Bill are also quite loud, but the difference is that Jeff is even loud when on Full Health.

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Funny, as the other day I actually lost Jeff because he was being quieter than the Meg and Claudette i was also facing. I had my audio high enough to hear footsteps too, but Jeff's breathing was almost non existent. Doubt it was Iron Will.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Jeff is loud when he isn’t injured but when he is injured he isn’t any louder than any of the rest of them. Honestly Feng is the loudest when injured. I’ve been working on prestiging her and I’ve been playing her a lot and she gives her position away easily because she is SO LOUD. Feng, Meg, and Kate are the louder ones when injured. Dwight, Nea, and Jake are pretty quiet when injured.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @rangerdanger0 said:
    So I have been playing Jeff for a bit now and I really like him very much!!

    One issue is that he may be the loudest players in the game and is easily able to be found unless you get the iron will perk but even then, he is still super loud.

    It would be nice in a later update to make him a quieter so he isn't so easily found by killers. If not, I will still play him cause I enjoy him a lot!

    BHVR has a room where they can test a wide variety of in-game weapons on your own flesh. Depending on the recording quality they can add in your own screams for you to enjoy. Maybe you can apply to be the new Jeff?

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Run Iron Will.
    That might help.

  • rangerdanger0
    rangerdanger0 Member Posts: 41

    @Milo said:
    Run Iron Will.
    That might help.

    Iron will only helps when you are injured. He is SUPER loud injured but I have been running iron will and that has helped with that part.

    When full health, his running, cleansing, even picking people up off the hook is super loud. It would be nice to make him a little quieter while on both full health and injured but I can still work with how loud he is.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I love his sounds while he's on a hook lmao