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Make Legion Great (Again?)

DuckApproved Member Posts: 90
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

Alright I know that the general consensus of the community when it comes to The Legion is that he isn't healthy for the game and unfun to play against. Now I personally don't mind Legion, but it can be frustrating playing against him sometimes. So I thought of some balance changes to make Legion a "healthier" killer for survivors and killers.

1.Incentive to Frenzy multiple target- First one is probably either going to make or break Legion if it was added. To encourage multiple strikes from his feral frenzy and discourage his normal tunneling style, make his damage to the deep wounds bar hit harder for each survivor not affected by the deep wounds status. Example- There are 3 survivors on a generator, Legion Feral Frenzies hitting the first one, he then chases and stabs another, that persons deep wounds bar is now shorter than the first person hit. Not only would this encourage players to play how it was intended it would provide and interesting challenges to both the killer and survivors.
2. Vaulting- Most complaints when it comes to Legion always come back to one glaring issue, Legion can't be looped or outplayed. To fix this issue it would require a nerf to Legions power. He would lose a significant portion of his power when vaulting and suffer a penalty to the recharge rate of his power. This would make it so survivors could more easily out play Legion and suffer less from his very powerful vault. This would make vaulting require more thought and skill when it comes to playing Legion.
3. Faster default movement speed- Simple change, make his speed 115% instead of 110%
4. Manually ending power- To counteract the default movement speed buff make manually ending your feral frenzy have a longer "cooldown" animation.

I would love to read some feedback, feel free to critique my post in anyway and let me know what changes you guys would want!

Post edited by DuckApproved on


  • Crackgear
    Crackgear Member Posts: 279
    Whatever mate .

    I love him/her the way he is , I have gotten many 4ks , Addonless versus SWF genrushing , toxic flashlights and you here are complaining....he /she is fun the way it is.
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,462

    @Crackgear said:
    Whatever mate .

    I love him/her the way he is , I have gotten many 4ks , Addonless versus SWF genrushing , toxic flashlights and you here are complaining....he /she is fun the way it is.

    He's not saying Legion is a bad killer, Legion is just unfun to play against, not as. When being chased, a survivor feels helpless. No matter what you do, he/her will catch you. Nurse has the same feeling but at least theres skill to Nurse, with Legion theres no skill to it..

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @Crackgear I mean thats great for you if you enjoy Playing him right now, but most don't enjoy his style of play (tunneling). Also from a survivors POV its not very fun to play against, for the majority anyways.

  • Legion DOES have counter play. They were seemingly designed to hard counter pallet looping, but the feral frenzy has almost no tracking ability until someone gets hit. Hiding in corn works wonders against Legion, and so does not running from them. To counter Legion, you’ve got to hide from them.
  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond Legion can just put on certain tracking perks in order to find the survivors. Also eventually you will have to stop hiding to do a generator and not every map has corn. Also if your only counter play to a killer is just hiding then its not the best desgined killer. Now Nurse does get countered by hiding, but you can out play a nurse through certain movements.

  • @Steamtastic_Vagabond Legion can just put on certain tracking perks in order to find the survivors. Also eventually you will have to stop hiding to do a generator and not every map has corn. Also if your only counter play to a killer is just hiding then its not the best desgined killer. Now Nurse does get countered by hiding, but you can out play a nurse through certain movements.

    This is probably why Legion’s survivor has distortion.
  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond Distortion doesn't protect you from Bloodhound or Stridor...

  • Bloodhound works if the survivor’s bleeding and you’re already on their trail. And I find strider to have a minuscule effect as slightly louder breathing is SO much more noticeable. But meta detection perks such as BBQ, and Nurses Calling are blocked. Whispers tells the killer a survivor is nearby but only if their paying attention to sound effects leaving very little ability to track survivors trying to hide, especially if they have Iron Will and Calm Spirit.
  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond See all this talk about hiding, if the only way to counter a killer is to hide than that is a poorly designed killer

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond See all this talk about hiding, if the only way to counter a killer is to hide than that is a poorly designed killer

    Lol what? How? Hiding is a huge portion of this game. Does that mean all of the killers are poorly designed? I hide from all of them haha.
  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @LegitAdventurer I understand that hiding is a part of the game, but if the only way to evade a killer it to hide than that is a poorly designed.

  • @LegitAdventurer I understand that hiding is a part of the game, but if the only way to evade a killer it to hide than that is a poorly designed.

    Cough cough Nurse cough cough
  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317
    lmao, im sorry, but here's what i do to counter the legion. when they enter frenzy, i run straight into them, and then they swing, im already in kansas.
  • Crackgear
    Crackgear Member Posts: 279
    edited February 2019

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond See all this talk about hiding, if the only way to counter a killer is to hide than that is a poorly designed killer

    Lol what? How? Hiding is a huge portion of this game. Does that mean all of the killers are poorly designed? I hide from all of them haha.
    Bruh , it's a horror survival game ...IRL if someone chases you with a knife , it makes sense to hide even if it's just a bunch of kids with box cutters.

    Sorry wrong Quote 
  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @Steamtastic_Vagabond With Nurse there is a chance to run away and counter through perks like dead hard or her missing. Not the same with Legion as if he misses he doesn't have a cooldown and can still be after you.
    @Crackgear Even though your right about the genre, your wrong about the type of gameplay. This is evident the higher you climb the ranks. Hiding works but its not as promoted as the normal chase/loop style of gameplay.