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Opinions on Immersed Teammates?

When all my teammates won't let go of the crouch button it puts me in a tough spot.

I pretty much have to get chased all game and pray they do the gens. Or join them and play the bush game. 

Gets to a point where I just run Bond and sandbag.


  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,998

    They are the worst.
    Speaking of Bond, they're the reason I don't run that perk. If they are crouching behind a wall being "stealthy" when the killer is clearly busy, at least I don't have to know about it. Out of sight, out of mind.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    It's the reason I DO run bond. Wanna hide all game, YOU get to take the killers attention while I go contribute
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    The reason why playing solo survivor is painful. U run the killer for minutes, barely any gen is touched because they are scared af and "I have to be stealthy now". Sadly, they exist at red ranks 
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I usually have ######### teammates who make unsafe saves or no saves at all or feel that their Sprint Burst is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than saving me so they crouch slowly towards me, Hag or not.

    I am a stealth player and a Runner, if I get chased I will make it my duty to distract and take that Killer far away for as long as possible and no Gens will get done. When I am being stealthy I hide, do several Gens, and the moment I actively try to save I get hooked and left behind to die. I hate Survivors, it is so hard for me to care about others when they're just #########, it's rare when I find another Survivor who is actually good and knows what they're doing, even rarer when I find someone like that ISN'T toxic.

    So yeah, I find lots of terrified Survivors who are too stealthy and ruin the game for everyone, mostly me but everyone.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited February 2019
    I do gens, and my best to stay out of sight of the killer.

    Wish others would do more of the same. I get hooked, I see them panic hard.
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    Why is "immersed" used as a negative connotation for stealth players?

    There's a huge difference in someone who hides in a corner like a coward and a player who utilizes stealth to smartly avoid the Killer, which you could do yourself in the event your team is being a bunch of cowards.

    Instead of being a distraction, just play MGS style and go after the gens yourself. What my team does is irrelevant to my success.

    At the end of the day, I usually survive and escape without ever needing to engage the Killer unless he finds me having around 2 gens done or so.

    OP: Has to run Bond and sandbag because he can't stealth around the Killer and do the gens himself.
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited February 2019

    Don't care, as long as they do their part properly

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Why is "immersed" used as a negative connotation for stealth players?

    "Immersed" is used for players who use Urban Evasion (often as P3 Claudettes) and just UE around the level while doing generators. The second they hear a heartbeat, they're gone. They rarely go for saves or anything, so you often see them while on a hook UE'ing around on the other side of the level while hanging out on a hook.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I don't have anything against immersed teammates as long as they do their job. Unfortunately, these guys often only crouch around at the border of the map without doing gens, although it's even clear that they are not "in danger" (haha) at this moment.

    I tend to believe that these guys are inexperienced players and they just got to the high ranks since you pip way too easy. It's not their fault for being inexperienced and it's not their fault that they are finding themselves at rank 1.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    We call these types of players "Claudettes".

    Bring Bond, if they're doing nothing and the killer chases you then lead the killer to them. It will force them to contribute to the team by keeoing the killer busy for a while.

    Even better, Bond + Diversion.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019
    Why do you want others to play the way you deem they should is the question?

    Some like being immersed and enjoy it, some like to get chased, some want to save while others don't like taking the risk, it's all part of the game.
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    I main Nea, I use Urban Evasion and crouch a LOT, but if I know a Killer is being busy with another, then I'll run to the next Gen or if a Hex Totem is being a bother, look for it.

    However if I'm unsure where a Killer is and I hear the heartbeat and can't see em, I will crouch to a "safe" spot and try to not get caught of I can, unless it's necessary (for Chase Points and/or if the team needs a good distraction).

    But yeah, love my UE crouching xP
  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510 think stealth is bad play but it’s totally okay to sandbag someone? That is a crock of bull. 

    Newsflash: not everyone can run marathons and some people LIKE stealth and that’s okay. If you’re doing gens and finding totems etc and your strat is to keep out of the killer’s sight that’s okay. You’re the one being a bad player if you deliberately try to sandbag someone because they’re not running around with their head cut off. 
  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    JanTheMan said:
    When all my teammates won't let go of the crouch button it puts me in a tough spot.

    I pretty much have to get chased all game and pray they do the gens. Or join them and play the bush game. 

    Gets to a point where I just run Bond and sandbag.
    I use Bond to make myself efficent. But god the amount of horror I see every single game...
  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    pemberley said: think stealth is bad play but it’s totally okay to sandbag someone? That is a crock of bull. 

    Newsflash: not everyone can run marathons and some people LIKE stealth and that’s okay. If you’re doing gens and finding totems etc and your strat is to keep out of the killer’s sight that’s okay. You’re the one being a bad player if you deliberately try to sandbag someone because they’re not running around with their head cut off. 
    I'm all down for a stealthy moment, or two, but if your UE butt is going down instantly in chase, why are you rank 1?
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Science_Guy said:
    They are the worst.
    Speaking of Bond, they're the reason I don't run that perk. If they are crouching behind a wall being "stealthy" when the killer is clearly busy, at least I don't have to know about it. Out of sight, out of mind.

    On the other end, I run bond and will run over and wave for them to come with me, especially if I know the killer isn't nearby or is preoccupied.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    If i catch someone being immersed in my game as a killer i tend to take them down first. You want to be immersed? You're not going to get it in my game.

    As a survivor it pains me to see that people are still scared in this game. I can see how using stealth to avoid LOS mid-chase is fine, but just putting on Urban Evasion and crouching through out the entire game is a boring playstyle.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    If i catch someone being immersed in my game as a killer i tend to take them down first. You want to be immersed? You're not going to get it in my game.

    As a survivor it pains me to see that people are still scared in this game. I can see how using stealth to avoid LOS mid-chase is fine, but just putting on Urban Evasion and crouching through out the entire game is a boring playstyle.

    Nah, Stretching is fine :] doing nothing isn't
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    One word: Annoying.
  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187
    edited February 2019

    @se05239 said:

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Why is "immersed" used as a negative connotation for stealth players?

    "Immersed" is used for players who use Urban Evasion (often as P3 Claudettes) and just UE around the level while doing generators. The second they hear a heartbeat, they're gone. They rarely go for saves or anything, so you often see them while on a hook UE'ing around on the other side of the level while hanging out on a hook.

    If they are doing gens, who gives a ######### if they in particular go for the save or not? If I have other teammates and I'm on a gen, most of the time I WON'T go for the save, because at least one of the other teammates SHOULD be--and that gives me time to finish a gen.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
    edited February 2019

    @Nikkiwhat said:
    Detective_Jonathan said:

    If i catch someone being immersed in my game as a killer i tend to take them down first. You want to be immersed? You're not going to get it in my game.

    As a survivor it pains me to see that people are still scared in this game. I can see how using stealth to avoid LOS mid-chase is fine, but just putting on Urban Evasion and crouching through out the entire game is a boring playstyle.

    Nah, Stretching is fine :] doing nothing isn't


    @Nikkiwhat said:
    I main Nea, I use Urban Evasion and crouch a LOT, but if I know a Killer is being busy with another, then I'll run to the next Gen or if a Hex Totem is being a bother, look for it.

    However if I'm unsure where a Killer is and I hear the heartbeat and can't see em, I will crouch to a "safe" spot and try to not get caught of I can, unless it's necessary (for Chase Points and/or if the team needs a good distraction).

    But yeah, love my UE crouching xP

    Dude, that has to be the most boring playstyle someone could describe to me, i could literally yawn while reading this.

    "Oh shoot, the killer is coming, let me crouch to a safe spot"
    "Oh someone is hooked and they have kindred. Hmmmm, doesn't look like the killer is there, let me crouch all the way over there and save them."

    raises thumb

    "What a fun playstyle"

    This is what i imagine goes on in your head.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    @Nikkiwhat said:
    Detective_Jonathan said:

    If i catch someone being immersed in my game as a killer i tend to take them down first. You want to be immersed? You're not going to get it in my game.

    As a survivor it pains me to see that people are still scared in this game. I can see how using stealth to avoid LOS mid-chase is fine, but just putting on Urban Evasion and crouching through out the entire game is a boring playstyle.

    Nah, Stretching is fine :] doing nothing isn't


    Gotta stretch them legs out