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Constant dcs and Gens

raquelambersantiago Member Posts: 373
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

Last couple of days has been a NIGHTMARE, constant dcs in matches, every match we start off with 3 minimum sometimes four. within 2 minutes in match we are down to 2 people and either 5 or four gens, several killers told me at end you guys just should have dcd too this is ridiculous. YES IT IS. You need to fix these issues cause some of us are tired of the crap honestly. RARELY will we get a fairly decent killer who decides to farm with us when this happens most don't want to lose their pips and bps but survivors are losing a lot more than that when it happens every single match. out of 22 matches tonight only 2 of them had a full team. It has gotten beyond ridiculous and its just not on the survivors end its also killers dcing before we can fully get into match. AN easy way to do this is for every survivor who dcs one gen gets autocompleted, or start awarding more bps to those still around and have to endure this. Devs cannot expect players to remain in matches that are not full


  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    DCs need to be punished way harder imo.

    Im fine with letting them suicide on hook but DCs are honestly pathetic. If I was a dev I would allow 3 DCs per month (which still feels like too much) if they cross that line ban them for a week.

    The only way some people understand some things is by punishment.
  • Posting another thread shortly but this has been my games just about all night. Im about done with these devs.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    1st DC => 5 mins
    2nd => 15 mins
    3rd => 30 mins
    4th => 1h
    5th => 4h


    I dont understand why we dont have such a system, every other competitvie game has it

  • Waited thirty minutes in queue lobby just to get that crap for the 10th time tonight

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    I agree with fact that surv DC is ruining other players gameplay (and what i will write later is small % of cases) BUT you have to remember killer can dodge swf, killer can dodge flashlights, killer can dodge 3 P3 claudettes but surv doesnt have that possibility. And at current state of game i admit i DC vs every single franx mixtape legion or prayer beads + thrill(with ruin or dev hope) spirit im just done with that kind of playstyle, and as well as killer can dodge immerse P3 claudettes because he doesnt want to play where is waldo instead of DBD but there isnt same option for surv.
    Im playing both roles 60/40 so i see problems on both sides but 1 side can chose vs who he plays when 2nd have to pray "dont be legion" xd so i see it this way killer lose possibility to look at survs (even nicknames) but he can look at their pings (to dodge 300ping survs) or survs at some point can look at killer (maybe in last 10 sec lobby when they couldnt change anything)

  • e8Lattice
    e8Lattice Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2019

    Simple, less Killer hand-holding with more fairly and consistently balanced game mechanics all round for the long term health, well being and future of the game = less dc's.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Probably rank reset. Green ranks tend to disconnect more.
  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Spawn as Nurse
    Hover around nearby gens, then Blink to distant gen
    Survivor DCs upon hearing shriek

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304
    Did anyone actually read the OP's post? He's talking about loading screen bug and all 4 players not loading in, not in game DC's.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,047

    It is Rank Reset.

    I am playing Killer on a low rank (because I do not play it much) and had tons of DCs right after Rank Reset, probably De-Rankers.
    Loaded into a match--->Instantly 2 People DC.
    Next match-->3v1 started, all 3 DCed.
    Next match-->1 person instant DC.

    And that was it for Killer for me.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Free_Hugs said:
    Did anyone actually read the OP's post? He's talking about loading screen bug and all 4 players not loading in, not in game DC's.

    He made it sound as if he meant acual disconnects too.

    The loading screen issues...nothing we can do. As much as I love to rip on DS, the loading issues are hands down the biggest problem the game has right now.

    Its been going on for so long that I'm surprised they haven't figured out the issue yet. Every update I pray it's going to be in the patch notes but nothing.

    I do believe though that is it probably at the very top of their priority list.