The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Increase the points Survivors get for actions and more Survival score events

Title. The main problem with playing as Survivor is, unless you’re farming, you only get 15k points per average game. The only Survival score events available at base, without perks, are Escaped! (5k), Killer Grasp Escape (500) and Heal (500?), and Hook Escape (500?) - ‘Heal’ is only when you self-heal. You can nearly guarantee the latter three with DS and SC, and RNG or Deliverance. That’s it.

Make Survival score with;
- Escaping a Chase - reward Survival, not extra Boldness, for escaping a chase. Make a chase reward Boldness.
- Helping other Survivors - Healing, rescuing, freeing other Survivors should reward Survival since technically helping them is helping yourself as well.
- Opening Gates - Instead of rewarding Objective, make opening gates reward Survival
- Cleansing HEX totems - disabling hexes would be self-explanatory, wouldn’t it? Make cleansing hex totems count for Survival. Dull totems count for Boldness.

Make everything else reward more, and there you have it - reason to play Survivor as much as Killer for bloodpoints. This will also make it easier for Survivors to rank up, and they’ll rank up as fast as Killers do since it’s massively easier to rank up as Killer than it is as Survivor since they don’t get to max out all categories easily (looking at you, Survival!)


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Killer is already unattractive af.
    If you give survivors tons of bloodpoints your queues will explode.