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A doubt regarding "Make your choice"

Quoting the description:

"When a Survivor rescues another from a Hook at least 32 metres away from you, Make Your Choice triggers and applies the Exposed Status Effect on the rescuer for 40/50/60 seconds.
Make Your Choice has a cool-down of 40/50/60 seconds."

If I were to abuse as much as possible this perk... I would keep it at level 1 for less cooldown, no? Since I will always march back to the hook to get the hit on the exposed survivor, meaning that those 20 seconds more of duration don't really matter that much for me.



  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I can rarely use this perk, I can never find the person who did the unhooking. The only times I can get this to work is if I am doing a Basement build so for me the cooldown has no effect.

    But for others I can imagine that if you are exceptionally good at tracking and hook people constantly then yeah just get tier 1. If you feel you can sacrifice the extra 20 seconds for a better cooldown then go for it, it all depends on how good you are at that point.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    The thing is that's 20 seconds more that you get to one shot them. While yes, if you are getting hooks left and right tier 1 might be better, but that's a rare instance. More than likely you will need that 20 seconds to hunt down the MYC guy because they will throw pallets and do everything they can to avoid a hit until Exposed goes away. Also it benefits you more if you happen to not return to the hook, because Exposed tends to make survivors play immersed, meaning that at tier 1 the MYC guy will be back on a gen 20 seconds sooner than tier 3.