The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Killer Mains Opinions on Secondary Objectives

I was wondering on how unified or divisive killer mains and/or player were on the topic of secondary objectives, and since after one particular dev stream brought it to light as an issue they are working on, I wanted to see what people think.

Do you think...

- Early/Late/Mid game secondary objectives should be added, and if so anything in particular?

- Gens should simply be slower?

- More Perks/Killers/Add-ons should be added with a deeper inclination on slowing the game down or halting survivor progress?

- Nothing Should be done?

- Or some combination of what is said above?

I am happy to see any and/or all responses to this as I am trying to form a better opinion on what killers think is better for the game objectivity wise.


  • CaptainXym
    CaptainXym Member Posts: 86

    Gens have already been slowed since launch, and many perks have been added to slow gens. Hell, we used to not be able to kick gens.

    As far as secondary objectives go, they don't really do a whole lot. Chests and totems don't really do anything to slow gameplay other than when they're directly effected by something else. What we need is not more optional objectives, but alternate objectives. For example, generators are easy to repair, but take a long time (or at least they do for the sake of this example). An alternate objective could be something that's relatively fast to do, but much harder, or something easy, but much slower. Making survivors evaluate a risk/reward for each objective in game, all while not being able to really communicate (if they aren't SWF), will help increase gametime.

    For example, perhaps in a game there are 3 choices: do gens, run around the entire course of the map 15 times uninterrupted, or get everyone to the basement to do a ritual that requires all players, a bunch of perfect skillchecks, and trick the killer into coming down there. Each has its upsides and downsides, and each has its own strenghts and weaknesses, but the addition of choice is what adds time.

  • Zachzodia
    Zachzodia Member Posts: 9

    IMO i love the secondary objective thing... its a MUCH needed breath of fresh air for me as i get bored really fast of the stale kick gen, chase survivor, hook survivor, rinse and repeat... i quit days at a time and then come back when im in the mood so i'd love the secondary objectives to add more stuff to do in the game, it would make me stick around and play a lot more. And if they don't add secondary objectives i'd like for them to slow down gen progression cuz right now at rank 1 you either run ruin or get gen rushed, unless you play nurse. I feel at this point ruin is what balances out the game instead of actually hindering the survivors as its supposed to.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    For it to work it has to be engaging and not simply hold M1 for x seconds or play Merry Go Round simulator with the killer.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    We need a main Objective other than Gens, as Survivor.

    As for Killers I really don't know what kind of secondary Objectives we COULD have. We got something recently with destroying the lanterns but that was connected to the Survivors so it was complete ######### since we had under 4 seconds to break it if the Survivor was unhooked/killed. Do I want a secondary Objective as Killer? Not really but it would be cool to see what kind of ideas people could come up with.

  • BayBounty
    BayBounty Member Posts: 29

    This is an amazing idea, literally amazing I would only hope a dev read's that thread and get's a "eurika!" moment, that would just about eliminate 3-4 gens being done in under 3 minutes type of thing.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    @powerbats said:
    For it to work it has to be engaging and not simply hold M1 for x seconds or play Merry Go Round simulator with the killer.

    It's merry go round, or go down.

  • NuclearBurrito2
    NuclearBurrito2 Member Posts: 262

    Additional objectives are probably the best way to make this game better. If we get enough of them we could even SPEED UP gen repair time to compensate (less time holding M1 while sitting still. More time searching, making interesting decisions ect).

    More objectives means more for the survivors to do and more for the Killer to contest (which makes Killer more fun too)

    And what about giving the Killer things to find besides survivors? What if there was something he could find and transport to get buffs? Trading time for power, right now that is a bad trade but with some changes maybe not.

    And if we have multiple ways to power the gates then we can start having them all compensate for each other.

    Ex: There is a key in the basement that can open a partially powered door (5 gens). A fully powered door can be opened with nothing (7 gens)

    OoooOOO I have so many idea's now I just want to make a thread about it BRB!

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited February 2019

    Well for both sides i'd posted last year about totems but the tall kind that you could burn offerings at by collecting things from around the map.

    For survivors you could have different offering types to give different possible buffs and you'd have to channel for say 15 seconds to find out what type of totem it is. However the killer could come along and destroy your offering and make the effects reverse.

    No one will know what effect the totem will have until they get affected by it so the totem could be bad for the survivors to use but it could also be good. The killer only has to perform the damage function to reverse the effect but they could end up giving the survivors a good effect.

    1. Speed up healing, speed up gens or decrease it similar to a Ruin effect. (yes I know but this is covered later)
    2. Increased luck at both finding better items and kobe.
    3. Decreased or increased darkness, brightness.
    4. Scratch marks or less visible for shorter periods or longer periods same for blood drops or groans of pain.
    5. Opening of chests/lockers is either quieter and reduced distance or opposite.

    Basically everything in the game could be in here as a possibility may'be more than just 2-3 possibilities but to make it even more interesting the totem can be reused.

    So once it's been destroyed you can re offer at that same totem but the effect is now random once again so you might get the same thing and you might not.

    Now once a killer destroys said offering they can clearly see what offering is now in effect on that totem but can't destroy it again for x time if they don't like it.

    Edit: forgot this is what I was referring to for the offering part but perhaps not this exact one and it'd have an aura shining up like a searchlight showing it's active.

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