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Tournament time slot

Master Member Posts: 10,200

Why is the timeslot of the tournament so awful?
The time that has been chosen is literally the time where the LEAST DBD players are on, see here https://steamdb.info/app/381210/graphs/

Really stupid decision if you ask me


  • Ashmaniak
    Ashmaniak Member Posts: 4

    I agree to the time slot being bad. Is there any chance of a more U.K./EU friendly time next time? The thing started at 11pm BST and didn't finish until 9am on some nights, others even later.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    To be honest, I opened the vod and watched a few minutes and stopped, then I did a quick search and the various posts confirmed me that the caster is a complete pleb and that the whole tournament turned out to be a joke.
    Now I am just glad that they complete ignored other regions because this way I wasnt baited watching the crap, sorry to say that :wink: