The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Dead by Daylight Moonrise Event Resumé

Facts so far:

Needed Points: 4500
Points per Round as surv:

  • 4 for every gen
  • 25 when escaping with a vessel


  • 2 for every hooked surv (3 after the change)
  • 3 for every destroyed vessel (4 after the change, requires a hooked surv)


  • Max Points Surv: 4-45
  • Max Points Killer: 2-45 (pre change)
  • Max Points Killer: 3-66 (After change)


  • Points for vessel holding (Alternative thing to do)


  • Lots of disconnects (more survs than killer)
  • Less used offerings (got about 4-5 rounds with 7 vessels)
  • More camping/tunnelling killer than usual
  • a frustrating feeling when none/one/two generators were done
  • memento mori used for fast rounds (less chance to collect points)
  • Points weren´t added due to a bug (caused by impaired connectivity to our services)
    -> so far no compensation

Rounds needed to collect all 9 coins

  • as surv, 225 Rounds when all generators were done
  • as surv, 100 Rounds when all gens were done and you escape with a vessel
  • worst case: 1.125 Rounds when only one generator was done

  • as killer, ~69 rounds when all 5 offerings were used and you destroyed all vessels and hooked all survs (after the change)

  • as killer, 100 rounds before the change with the above-named requirements
  • worst case: 2250 rounds with the pre-changed options (hook 1 surv, all dc)
  • worst case new change: 1500 rounds (hook 1 surv, all dc)

One person plays in 14 days let´s say 15/10/5 rounds.
As surv: gets 16/12/8 points per round
As Killer: gets 18/12/6 or 21/16/9 points per round

1. 15 rounds, Surv 16 points , Killer 18 points
-> 240 and 270 per day and chase ends after 18,75 and 16,6 days so this isn´t enough
-> also the others wouldnt be enough.

2. 20 rounds per day with the named points as both roles
-> 1620 and 1820 = 320 and 360
-> 4500/320 = 14,0625 and 4500/360 = 12,5

That means you need an average of 20 rounds per day.
Let´s say you need 20 minutes for looking for a lobby, playing the round and get back into main screen.
so you need ~6 hours and 40 minutes PER DAY to achieve all coins.

As a longtime player who has the time its absolutely achievable ( i most times played
in the evening for 2-4 hours and got 8/9
but casual players who can play maybe 5-8 rounds per day maybe less will suffer
from the high amount.

On one side it´s reasonable to give free items for a huge amount of time invested.
On the other side, casual player gets a disadvantage and need to pay money to achieve
those outfits if needed.

You have same/Other opinions about the event?
text it below.


  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I unlocked Ace and then got 1 more coin.

    I dont play Huntress so had to decide whether to buy Feng's head, body or legs.

    Decided the dress was basically useless without both pieces so went for her head.

    Stuck it on a 'red rooster' event t-shirt and it looks OK. Probably wont ever use it though.

    Peace out.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited February 2019

    To get all coins was very, very time consuming, especially due to queue times, but honestly... does it really matter? Skins are a very good treat, 9 skins!, but what is good about the event should be.. the actual event! Don't we all get a bit sick of the same game after a while?

    Let's remember what was Hallowed Blight - that to be honest I enjoyed as well, even if it was more like an April Fool game mode due to its flaws :D:

    • survivors just rushed to suck cancers, then killed themselves on hook
    • killers had to use iron grasp and agitation to have a chance to collect as much nectar as possible, and even with those, it would most likely end up to at least 2 games to fill up a vial. Countless times I filled 5/6 of a vial and had to basically "waste" a game, event wise.

    During moonrise, instead

    • doing generators was the only way to be sure to at least get some event points
    • a hooked survivor meant the killer could break a lantern → survivors were incentivized to save them, at least early in the game
    • after the change in the point system, even killers had a fair possibility to get 30+ points per game, even without red envelopes burnt

    Yes it sucked that sometimes points were not given, that the first day was bugged, and that for a week killers got too few points leading to massive queue times for survivors and a mere 10 to 20 points as killer per game, hell, I was 36 points short of my 9th coin, but this was without a doubt the most fun, rewarding and balanced event so far!

    I say gg to the devs, they are on the right path.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    The good:

    - 9 unlockables. Feedback to blight was that offering 1 was cheap, so they outdid themselves this time and gave away more cosmetics than ever before. That was nice, many other companies would have been "screw you, hand over the cash".

    - The progressive way coins were unlocked 100, 200, 300 etc. Everyone could jump on and have a full outfit within a day or two. Even casual players could walk away with something. Then for the heavy players there was still more they could grind for. It didn't punish those people who didn't play enoigh hours.

    The bad:

    - Survivors not doing gens, sandbagging each other, hatch camping etc just generally playing crappy. Really ruined solo survivor imo

    - swf genrush

    - Didn"t really change the game too much as killer. I get that was the intention which was nice but personally I'd rather have the event mix things up more. Killer felt underwhelming. Walking past a lantern and smashing it wasn't as satisfying as that SSSLURRRP you got from a blight hook.

    - Not enough offerings in the bloodweb originally. Which meant you didn't get full 5 offerings like you woukd on blight.

    - Linking with the point above, those who burnt offerings got no real reward. Sucked to spend bloodpoints on an envelope, use it, then have some Claudette take your lantern she didn't pay for, sandbag you, then hide in the basement while you''re on the hook. People who burnt event offerings should have some kind of bonus or advantage.

    Overrall as a solo survivor player I didn't like it because survivors stopped working as a team. As killer it was just kind of "meh".

    I preferred blight. Though the one advantage this has over blight is that as a survivor you could still participate even when you had all the coins. In blight once you got the vials you couldnt harvest nectar, so you do gens while your team gets nectar, which means the killer only goes for you. This event never had that problem.