The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Exposing survivors that refuse to help/do anything

What do you think about survivors that refuse to pretty much do anything in the game, eg. unhooking someone, healing someone, doing generators properly and just sit around at the corner of the map when situations get tricky?
Do you think they deserve to be exposed to the killer at the end of the game when they refuse to help you up from the ground and the killer "let's you go" because the other survivor won't help you?

I just had a situation like this and believe they do. To me that falls under the category of refusing to participate in normal gameplay behaviour, especially when they are a high-ish rank. Selfish gameplay is no excuse to me. The game is designed for survivors to help each other, not for everyone else to do the work while you sit in the corner perfectly capable of doing something.


  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    Right? I'm sick of being hooked and seeing my three teammates urban evasion'ing around, not doing crap...
  • ComelyStar
    ComelyStar Member Posts: 187

    @Spencer said:
    Best thing to do is to try and help them out, not always gonna work but at least your helping. You don’t the reason behind why they play the way they do and if you don’t win just brush it off. You know you did your best.💪☝️

    Help someone who behaves like this with over 200hrs experience, rank 8 and advertising a dbd twitch account? I don't think so. The reason is clear: They just want to have easy points, let others do the work and if it doesn't work out just hatch it.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Some people are far too immersed for their own good, but that's part of surviving for them and that's ultimately a survivor's goal. It's easier when everyone does their part and I personally find it a loss if I'm the only one able to leave, but not everyone is like that. I usually run bond to see people and beckon for them to follow if they're being too immersive and I don't usually have issues with people doing nothing, but you can't really influence what people do while you're in a chase.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    If they're stealthing, fine. I used to be like that. Today I witnessed an Ace doing laps around the map edge and nothing else. He didn't touch a gen or a totem the entire time, just evading the timer-crows and waiting for the gates to open. Surely this is not the immersion everyone is referring to?

  • ComelyStar
    ComelyStar Member Posts: 187

    Some people are far too immersed for their own good, but that's part of surviving for them and that's ultimately a survivor's goal. It's easier when everyone does their part and I personally find it a loss if I'm the only one able to leave, but not everyone is like that. I usually run bond to see people and beckon for them to follow if they're being too immersive and I don't usually have issues with people doing nothing, but you can't really influence what people do while you're in a chase.

    It's not even about being immersed. I usually don't have a problem with survivor not doing much but when they just blatantly stand behind some boxes with a survivor hooked infront of them and they don't unhook them even tho the killer is at the other end of the map and I have to come to unhook them then I have a problem. I also run Bond so I see exactly when they just stand around somewhere. They destroy the flow of the game, they don't make it enjoyable at all because it's so obvious they just want it easy. It's just like someone DCing leaving 3 survivors with 5 gens. It destroys the gameplay experience.

  • ComelyStar
    ComelyStar Member Posts: 187
    Coriander said:

    If they're stealthing, fine. I used to be like that. Today I witnessed an Ace doing laps around the map edge and nothing else. He didn't touch a gen or a totem the entire time, just evading the timer-crows and waiting for the gates to open. Surely this is not the immersion everyone is referring to?

    Almost the same situation. Just standing around when he could have unhooked survivors right next to him while the killer was at the other end of the map, just went around destroying the odd totem and helped to heal someone once before standing in a corner again until I was the last one alive and bleeding out on the ground. Eventually the killer helped me up  because he knew the survivor wasnt doing anything so I showed him where that survivor was and he got punished for it. Well deserved in my opinion.
  • e8Lattice
    e8Lattice Member Posts: 189

    Simple, survivors that don't do anything and just wait for the gates / hatch to open leave the match with zero points.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Yes, point at those useless survivors, i do that whenever i find one of them.
    I run bond + open handed, i know what they are up to.
  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    JanTheMan said:
    Right? I'm sick of being hooked and seeing my three teammates urban evasion'ing around, not doing crap...
    When this happens to me I just kms on hook and leave them do their crab things.
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I hate these kind of Survivors, I had a team that was actually crushing the Gens and it was partly because the Doc was tunneling me. Anyway, I died because while I was on both of my hooks they refused to help me until they finished their Gens, I was hooked once they didn't even try but someone else got me. My second hook they didn't even give one ######### they just finished the Gen THEN came over but uh oh Doc came back because he was suspicious that I might get saved since it was TAKING TOO LONG AND I DIED!

    I'm a solo player but I care about my team, when my team abandons me I become an ######### and get myself killed trying to save them because I enjoy helping people. I always run WGLF and I usually bring BT because I don't want to be an ######### who makes bad saves. I really hate Survivors who don't do anything but there is no way to punish them and be fair about it because in the end everyone plays differently and the lore doesn't support this type of punishment.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Oh you mean Claudettes.

    Well the devs will say it's fine, it's about taking care of yourself etc

    I tend to force them to work. I use Bond and if I know Claudette is hiding and not contributing then I lead the killer to them. Sadly though sometimes the killer doesn't seen them despite being right next to them.

    In fact I've considered taking Diversion as well just for these kind of people.
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,047

    Usually I am not a fan of exposing someones Location, but I have witnessed a perfect example where it was 100% justified.

    Spectated one game, 2 Survivors left vs Nurse. 2 Gens to go. Kate is being chased by the Nurse, Meg is stealthing around one area of the Map. BUT did not do a Gen or anything, even though it was clearly visible that Kate was being chased (got injured, this is usually a good sign that the Killer is also nearby that person). Kate downed, Nurse wanted the 4Ks so slugs. And searches for Meg.

    Meg was pretty far away, in a locker. Sometimes she came out of the locker, moved a circle around that tile of wall where the locker was located and went back into the locker. Kate almoost bleeds out, Nurse got her and let her wiggle free. Kate then goes to the Locker where Meg is hiding and points on it, Meg gets hooked and killed herself on the Hook, because the Nurse was facecamping. Kate got the Hatch, because the Nurse gave it to her.

    For me quite a good example where it is justified to do something like this. Of course it is not nice, but someone being completely useless the whole time should not get the Hatch.
    Also very cool from the Killer to actually react to this kind of behavior.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    I hate them when playing both surv and killers

  • captainlongshlong
    captainlongshlong Member Posts: 87

    If you buy the game you can do whatever you want with it as long as it doesn't break the developer's rules.

    If you want to want to walk around the map scaring pigeons, cleansing the occasional totem and touching the odd generator then that's fine. You're not going to rank up very much. The players playing the game as it's intended will rank up and will be put in lobbies with other survivors that play objectives, rescue survivors off the hook, engage in chases etc...

    There are a lot of salty and sweaty people complaining about what other people do in DBD, whether it be face camping, tunnelling, pallet looping, tea bagging or flashlighting. Yes it can be annoying, but it's only a game and what they're doing isn't against the rules. So complaining about it isn't going to do anything except waste your time.

    Complaining about SWF however is a whole other ball game though!

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    If you buy the game you can do whatever you want with it as long as it doesn't break the developer's rules.

    If you want to want to walk around the map scaring pigeons, cleansing the occasional totem and touching the odd generator then that's fine. You're not going to rank up very much. The players playing the game as it's intended will rank up and will be put in lobbies with other survivors that play objectives, rescue survivors off the hook, engage in chases etc...

    There are a lot of salty and sweaty people complaining about what other people do in DBD, whether it be face camping, tunnelling, pallet looping, tea bagging or flashlighting. Yes it can be annoying, but it's only a game and what they're doing isn't against the rules. So complaining about it isn't going to do anything except waste your time.

    Complaining about SWF however is a whole other ball game though!

    Complaining about swf doesn't do anything either but make the person complaining look like a salty mess who just lost a match
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,047

    @captainlongshlong said:
    If you buy the game you can do whatever you want with it as long as it doesn't break the developer's rules.

    While it is in theory correct that you can do what you want, as a Survivor, you are playing a Multiplayer Game with a Team of 4 people. This means that you should actually contribute to the team.

    Of course this sometimes is not possible, maybe you are simply not good at the game or have a bad day/bad match. But, when you decide to be not helpful and not support your Team Members, you should play Singleplayer Games instead.