New Map Idea

Steafanmc Member Posts: 34

Think it would be a brilliant idea to have an actual maze map in the game, a good example of this idea would be the hedge maze from the Shinning.

You could use large floodlights that overlook the hedges so survivors know where gens are, you could also have some small hedges that act as windows and shortcuts to get on different paths. Also, there would be no dead ends each path to the gens will have three different paths to get to that gen to allow survivors a chance to run away but also have to guess which path to take as the killer would be coming up one of those paths.

The middle of the maze will be more open and have pillar hedges surrounding an angel of mercy statue all paths will lead back to the center of the maze.

But the main point of this map is to have high hedges that survivors and killers cant see over but can see floodlights to know the direction to move to for gens. I think this kind of map will create a great intense fear factor by never knowing where the killer is coming from.

Also, this map would help create fun builds for both killers and survivors to get the most enjoyment from an example: small to very large terror radius, using hex third seal and knock out so survivors know even less on what's going on where things are, Survivors could do different auras builds to help them navigate the map better and motivate them to be quiet and sneaky to survive and to avoid the killer.