Killers stop getting salty


I just played my first game of the day and was hoping to pip (going for rank 1 this season) but to my horror we're against a prestige 3 billy with ruin, the second best thing after a good nurse. I ran him around for a bit at the start of the game (not that i wanted to he just went for me) but he then decided he was gonna camp and tunnel the entire game because of that. He was a terrible billy and couldn't hit his chainsaws and by amazing luck, 3 of us managed to escape. Afterwards in the chat he started ranting at me i would have been dead if he wanted and that i shouldn't use crutch perks ( i'm using bond, iron will, borrowed time and sprint burst not exactly crutch). I said you shouldn't need to camp with the best killer perks in the game and the second best killer in the game. His reaction is in the Jpeg below - "There's no way to win as useless killers like billy". Sometimes camping and tunnelling a bit is a fair play. Especially when you're using a low tier killer like trapper or Freddy, or when survivors all have D-strike and flashlights. But too many killers think they're entitled to 4 kills every match when they should be satisfied with 2 as that's both teams winning. People all complain this game is survivor sided and i agree to an extent but i've always enjoyed playing killer even if i don't get many kills and i think people have got too used to being spoon-fed a 4 kill and that in reality you should have to work for your kills and enjoy it. People saying this game is ruined as killers can't have any fun are wrong, you just need to start seeing a 2 kill as a win and not only 4 kills. That's what the billy today said: i'd always get 4 kills with nurse so i have to camp with other kills.


  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Cetren said:
    You havent played very much killer if you think they get spoon fed 4ks.

    But I will agree that that Billy is overreacting way too much. 

    I've got 600 hours of gameplay and most of that was killer. What i mean by spoon-fed is when people first start playing and they're at the low ranks, kills are easy to get and you can often get a 4 kill. Then the surprise that survivors actually know how to play when you get to rank 10 and beyond can make killers act like that billy did.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Survivors aren't entitled to survive.

    That is a huge problem and logic failure in them.

    The game isn't called "Survive by Daylight".

    ANother very poor concept with survivors thinking.

    The idea is intense, scary... gameplay that makes it difficult to get out. Getting out should be fairly rare and not easy.

    So when you get out it is like 'man... that was crazy, I'm lucky to have gotten out".

    That isn't the case so much.

    I get where you're coming from i really do, and the way i'm thinking is that it should be like that but its not, as the game isn't really balanced. However, we know that and it's pretty obvious now that a 2K is standard and that's what you'll often get at the high ranks. so my point is don't get salty when you don't think you're gonna get 3 or 4 kills as 2 is standard, the game just is that way even if it shouldn't be. Don't take out your anger at the game have problems on the survivors who are just playing the game. You get me?

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Survivors aren't entitled to survive.

    That is a huge problem and logic failure in them.

    The game isn't called "Survive by Daylight".

    ANother very poor concept with survivors thinking.

    The idea is intense, scary... gameplay that makes it difficult to get out. Getting out should be fairly rare and not easy.

    So when you get out it is like 'man... that was crazy, I'm lucky to have gotten out".

    That isn't the case so much.

    He knows he’s not entitled to live, he’s saying the hillbilly got bent out of shape due to acting entitled to 4 kills, and failing horribly, due to his own mistakes no less.

    Thank you for understanding me

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093
    edited June 2018

    @Mc_Harty Exactly my reaction

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    This 1 isolated incident doesn't make the whole.

    THe killer was being a baby sure, but so many other times do I see survivors with a poor attitude over killer.

    4v1 or not. Its too often.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    I honestly just dont want the words entity displeased or disgraceful defeat on my screen. I'll be proud to get 1 kill if the survivors are extremely good. Personally a 2k is a win for me and a 4 man is just awesome to get but yeah I think this guy was a little too entitled 
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    This 1 isolated incident doesn't make the whole.

    THe killer was being a baby sure, but so many other times do I see survivors with a poor attitude over killer.

    4v1 or not. Its too often.

    Again i get where you're coming from but i play a lot of killer so i'm in the high ranks. Most games i get 2 or 3 kills except when im against SWF, flashlights, DS, ect. But i would never camp as a strategy to get more kills. Firstly it doesn't really get you anymore kills, it just secures the kill on that particular survivor and secondly, if you were outplayed, you were outplayed so you deserve to depip and go down to a rank with players at your skill level. I'm never gonna camp because im used to getting 3 kills so when i get 1 i feel entitled to get the other 2. I'd only ever camp a survivor who teabags as they're an ignorant prick who deserves it. We should be able to get 3 or 4 kills in all games but the games not perfect and we can't take that out the survivors who just wanted to escape. If your gonna take it out on someone, do what i do and camp someone who teabagged you at every pallet. We are never entitled to more than our skill can get us and (sorry to break it to the many baby killers out there) but camping isn't a skill.

  • RogueGoddess
    RogueGoddess Member Posts: 50

    As soon as I hear the Nurse, all of my fear melts away...

    ...Until they gave her the ability to stop mid-blink.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Goobz said:
    How is the hillbilly a useless killer he's practically the best. The Nurse is only viable because she breaks all the game mechanics.
