I’m to anxious to play sometimes

Kim Member Posts: 76
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
If it’s killer or survivor i have anxiety playing both roles and it’s a shame cause i really like this game. But my anxiety gets in the way a lot of the time because i ask questions like. “What if i die will my team hate me?” or “Will we lose if i don’t do that gen or save that guy?” Or as killer “If i don’t kill everybody am i bad killer?” Stuff like this makes me not want too play. Which is a shame because i really like this game.


  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    edited February 2019
    Just have fun whatever happens. If you are worried about messages disable it.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    It's just a damn game.
  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Didn't I post here? I thought I did... anyway, yeah this happens to me in a lot of games. You don't want to let the team down. Fortunately, this game is a little different. Many killers use such nasty tactics that it's possible to get forced out of a game early, and we all knows this. We're used to it, and most of us assume that's what happened when someone gets downed really fast. Lately, it's been worse. Invisible barriers and sticky killers (you can't leave their side, for some reason) have gotten me killed a few times. You can't vault a window you should, you can't go around the killer, you get stunned or lag, it happens. I think people in DBD expect a little of this, so it's alright.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Picture everyone in there underwear and you'll be fine

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828
    Anxiety really sucks but don’t worry it’s just a game. People won’t value your skills over a game. I used to have anxiety while playing games as well but nowadays I just play without the worry of others of how they see me as.

    Everyone will always have different opinions and ideas on what’s good and bad. Even if you’re bad, as long as you’re having fun. That’s all that matters!

    Try not to stress yourself out too much and enjoy yourself!!
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @Kim said:
    If it’s killer or survivor i have anxiety playing both roles and it’s a shame cause i really like this game. But my anxiety gets in the way a lot of the time because i ask questions like. “What if i die will my team hate me?” or “Will we lose if i don’t do that gen or save that guy?” Or as killer “If i don’t kill everybody am i bad killer?” Stuff like this makes me not want too play. Which is a shame because i really like this game.

    When I woke up this morning I couldn't help but ponder if Kim is the best in the community. No seriously, don't let me down. All eyes are on you. If you screw up it's going straight to the Inquirer. No but really nobody cares how good you are. If you are the best they talk trash and if you are the worst they do the same. If you happen to find a F to give, toss that bad boy right in the trash and carry on.

  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76
    Vietfox said:
    It's just a damn game.
    Actually it’s called anxiety 
  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287

    Hey OP! I have anxiety too. Social anxiety disorder to be exact. It got so bad at one point I couldn't play multiplayer games like DbD, let alone leave my house. Anyway besides the point. I know it doesn't help saying "just don't think about it!" because I know it isn't that easy, but it's kind of the only solution.
    Play however you want to, ignore pre/post-game chats if it helps, keep your profile private and your comments closed (assuming you're on PC.) People will get over it.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    and it really sucks I bet when toxic players rub it in post game. That's why it needs to change.

  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76
    makayla said:

    Hey OP! I have anxiety too. Social anxiety disorder to be exact. It got so bad at one point I couldn't play multiplayer games like DbD, let alone leave my house. Anyway besides the point. I know it doesn't help saying "just don't think about it!" because I know it isn't that easy, but it's kind of the only solution.
    Play however you want to, ignore pre/post-game chats if it helps, keep your profile private and your comments closed (assuming you're on PC.) People will get over it.

    Hey thanks for sharing man. Yeah the old saying “just don’t think about it” is a hard thing too do, but i do sometimes play the game and worry about nothing. Other times i can only play around 2 matches before i have to stop playing.
  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287
    edited February 2019

    @Kim said:
    Hey thanks for sharing man. Yeah the old saying “just don’t think about it” is a hard thing too do, but i do sometimes play the game and worry about nothing. Other times i can only play around 2 matches before i have to stop playing.

    I completely understand, trust me. I eventually got over most of my anxiety with multiplayer games. It just takes time. Perhaps playing with some friends could help so you don't feel as anxious about what your teammates think about you? It helps me a little bit to play with other people because friends aren't harsh or judgemental!

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    I’ll put my hands in the air and confess. I feel the same way.
    I’m actually very ashamed, but it’s just the way it is.

    DbD is a naturally competitive environment and at least some part of us is invested in that. We want to be effective, or at least not be a drag. And it sucks if you die several games in a row (or are first to die several times in a row) or if all the survivors get away. You let yourself down and are open to (at least partially) deserved criticism.

    Not everyone feels that, but those of us who assume the worst and are a bit “rough around the edges” might see things a little differently. But do you remember how good it feels, when you escape with a purple item and lotsa BP? You got the best score of the four? Or when you slaughtered the prestige squad?

    This game is absolute gold! Far from perfect but what a riot! The lows are low, the highs are high, but it doesn’t matter. It’s only a game. It. Is. Only. A. Game. Maybe that irrational part will listen eventually.

    [off topic but slightly relevant] And I think what a lot of people forget is in order to “git gud”, you gotta practice. Practice, practice, practice. See you in the fog.

  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76
    DarkFox85 said:

    I’ll put my hands in the air and confess. I feel the same way.
    I’m actually very ashamed, but it’s just the way it is.

    DbD is a naturally competitive environment and at least some part of us is invested in that. We want to be effective, or at least not be a drag. And it sucks if you die several games in a row (or are first to die several times in a row) or if all the survivors get away. You let yourself down and are open to (at least partially) deserved criticism.

    Not everyone feels that, but those of us who assume the worst and are a bit “rough around the edges” might see things a little differently. But do you remember how good it feels, when you escape with a purple item and lotsa BP? You got the best score of the four? Or when you slaughtered the prestige squad?

    This game is absolute gold! Far from perfect but what a riot! The lows are low, the highs are high, but it doesn’t matter. It’s only a game. It. Is. Only. A. Game. Maybe that irrational part will listen eventually.

    [off topic but slightly relevant] And I think what a lot of people forget is in order to “git gud”, you gotta practice. Practice, practice, practice. See you in the fog.

    This was an overall pretty good way of putting things. When you said you feel ashamed though. Don’t be this my little advice to you whether it’s you just feeling a little anxious in the moment or you have an anxiety disorder of some kind. Never be ashamed of it, it’s just something that happens or if you have anxiety it’s a thing you have and you gotta accept that.
  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I used to be like that as well, but I finally got over it. I play how I want and I honestly don't care what anyone thinks anymore.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    Kim said:
    If it’s killer or survivor i have anxiety playing both roles and it’s a shame cause i really like this game. But my anxiety gets in the way a lot of the time because i ask questions like. “What if i die will my team hate me?” or “Will we lose if i don’t do that gen or save that guy?” Or as killer “If i don’t kill everybody am i bad killer?” Stuff like this makes me not want too play. Which is a shame because i really like this game.
    Take a deep breath and remember this is only a game. Games are played for fun. 
  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76
    fcc2014 said:
    Kim said:
    If it’s killer or survivor i have anxiety playing both roles and it’s a shame cause i really like this game. But my anxiety gets in the way a lot of the time because i ask questions like. “What if i die will my team hate me?” or “Will we lose if i don’t do that gen or save that guy?” Or as killer “If i don’t kill everybody am i bad killer?” Stuff like this makes me not want too play. Which is a shame because i really like this game.
    Take a deep breath and remember this is only a game. Games are played for fun. 
    I have to actually like sit down and breathe sometimes (not from the game most of the time) but yeah doing breathing exercises because of anxiety sucks.
  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @Kim said:
    If it’s killer or survivor i have anxiety playing both roles and it’s a shame cause i really like this game. But my anxiety gets in the way a lot of the time because i ask questions like. “What if i die will my team hate me?” or “Will we lose if i don’t do that gen or save that guy?” Or as killer “If i don’t kill everybody am i bad killer?” Stuff like this makes me not want too play. Which is a shame because i really like this game.

    Just no that every single player in this community isn't good at everything in this game, getting 0 kills as killer or dying quickly as the survivor definitely does NOT make you a bad player. People will be total douchebags to you on this game, but remember to be the stronger person and just leave them alone, people like that crave for attention and ignoring them will make them stop. I hope this somewhat helps you.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Tsulan said:
    Just play like nobody's watching. 

    Or pretend survivors are in their underwear.

    thinks of Kate and Feng

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    Smell the flower, blow out the candle.

    If you really like the concept of this game, and want to continue playing this game, I'd recommend starting with mostly Survivor's role.

    As a Killer, if you don't make sacrifices, it's easy to feel bad since you are supposed to be playing the role of a big, bad wolf in this "horror game."

    But as a survivor, even if you are sacrificed, you can tell yourself that you've just played a role of one of the many victims that are meant to be sacrificed/killed in a "horror game." And hopefully your sacrifice has helped another survivor live a bit longer for the time being in some manner or other. It's much easier to convince yourself that it's not a big deal that way.

  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76
    knell said:

    Smell the flower, blow out the candle.

    If you really like the concept of this game, and want to continue playing this game, I'd recommend starting with mostly Survivor's role.

    As a Killer, if you don't make sacrifices, it's easy to feel bad since you are supposed to be playing the role of a big, bad wolf in this "horror game."

    But as a survivor, even if you are sacrificed, you can tell yourself that you've just played a role of one of the many victims that are meant to be sacrificed/killed in a "horror game." And hopefully your sacrifice has helped another survivor live a bit longer for the time being in some manner or other. It's much easier to convince yourself that it's not a big deal that way.

    I’m not new it’s just a thing i wanted to talk about i’m P3 trapper and Meg.
  • aimeemarie
    aimeemarie Member Posts: 1

    I'm experiencing the exact same personal issue, It is a shame and I love the game too but I hate it when anxiety interferes. I'm only 42 hours into the game and I've had the game since September last year but started playing late December. I play at least an hour or two every few days, or if I'm really testing my anxiety I can play up to 4 hours in a day. Unfortunately not often and I do take long breaks... As most people say that the more you play, your anxiety will go away so I'm hoping that day will come. And just don't overthink...

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Close the endgame chat window and do as you please. It's even easier on the survivor side because if you play poorly and get knocked out early, you can just move on to the next match before anyone else gets out. If you closed the chat window, it won't matter either way. Whether they love you, or hate you, you'll never see it. I suggest you just assume that they loved you. :) You can even just pretend that you were playing with/against bots. That's how I got over my MOBA anxiety, back in the day.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Idk how you have anxiety as a survivor. I mean i stopped playing killer like a lot of people because of the bullshit but as survivor? Even if you do terrible there's still a high chance of you escaping because you have 3 other people and the only real objective is to do gens, aka hold one button and sometimes click another. It takes almost no skill at all is the most valuable thing you can contribute to the game

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Nope, I’ve been playing for 3 years and I still feel uneasy when an obvious 3-4 man SWF is in the lobby. You already know it’s going to be a really sweaty game before it even loads in. And it’s weird because I never feel anxiety in almost any other game I have played.

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    Ah I can understand the feeling OP. As long as you don’t take this game too seriously, it’ll be fine. Any kills or missed skill checks don’t transfer into life. So any mistakes you make doesn’t have any bearing on reality.

    Also, it might seem counter-intuitive but don’t be afraid to get angry. If your teammate missed a skill check and exposed you, get angry! If you accidentally led the killer to your team, get angry! If that bear trap was unfair because it was too dark to see, get angry! Get angry and then get over it. It’s natural to get angry when these things happen. What’s not natural is not getting angry, or holding onto it so it won’t pass.

    Just remember this and that all your other teammates are equally blaming you and then letting it pass and I think you’ll be ok. Haha!