The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

New killer perk idea: binding strength.

In-between trials you begin to connect more and more with the entity, and with your stregthened bond, you become obsessed with your objective and your power grows thusly.
Add-ons have a 1.5x multiplier added to them (for negative and positive effects) concerning charge times
Perk strength is increases by 1.2x multiplier. (Enduring and brutal strength, fire up etc)
Terror radius is affected 1.1 times more by effects concerning terror radius. (Distressing, Micheal/doctor add-ons)
Affects auras potentially to a small degree
Causes an obsession to be created.
Once the obsession dies, you lose the perk strength and terror radius multiplier.
This perk does not effect add-ons or perks that concern - speed, cooldowns for successful and missed attacks. 

The idea behind the perk is to act as a broader version of the old tinkerer perk, covering more areas of the killers potential build, while simply acting as a multiplier. I realise why old tinkerer was changed, however I think a perk like this could truly work. That being said all the values and what it would effect can be left up to interpretation, this is simply a guesstimate at what it would be like, acting as a minor collective buff to all aspects of a killers arsenal.


  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019
    With a perk like this you are asking for survivors to run DS as they would want to be the obssession as you don't want to kill them.

    It would also take a lot of work to implement, Insta chainsaw and hatchets are already strong and the reason they changed tinkerer seems to be it was easier than reworking every add-on needed to bring it into line so I highly doubt they would add another perk which creates even more work.

    I don't think it's a good idea for a perk, the multiplier on so many things would take so much tuning on parts of the game its not worth it imo, on top of that its a perk where everything may need to be worked around it and it could end up affecting the normal strength of killers.

    Doc on the game map for example is bad enough without going into a 3 gen strat so increasing his radious with something like this would be bad design.
  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    Well the idea of pallets and stuns is to give survivors the chance and to encourage them to lose the killer. If you make changes to that system, which is already bad right now, 'cause of scratch marks, you'll only be encouraging looping.